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Unit 4 Amazing things Main task Taught by Chen Hongjun.

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2 Unit 4 Amazing things Main task Taught by Chen Hongjun


4 An elephant walks _______________ on tiptoe 大象踮着脚走路。

5 Ants can smell things ________________. 蚂蚁嗅觉和狗一样好。 as well as dogs can A tortoise can live ________________. 乌龟能活长达 150 岁。 up to 150 years old

6 Each of camels ’eyes has__________. 3 eyelids A giraffe has only __________ in its long neck. 7 bones 骆驼的每只眼睛有三层眼皮。 长颈鹿的长脖子里只有七块骨头。

7 Part Two Presentation 1Where can we get information about amazing things? First, we should make notes about the information. Then, we should organize the information well. 2.How can we write about amazing things? We can get information from books, the Internet, TV programs, radio programs and so on. 1.Where can we get information about amazing things?

8 How can we make notes about amazing things ? Part Three Making notes The tallest man ● a man in the USA ● born on 22nd February 1918 ● died on 15th July 1940 ● 2.72 m tall ● weighed 222.71 kg when he was 21 and 199 kg when he died ● hands 32.4 cm long nationality birthday the time of death height weight the length of hands general information amazing facts

9 1.Do Exercise B on page 74 with some notes. Part four Activities 2. Check the answers together.

10 The tallest man Do you know the tallest man in the world? The tallest man in history was from ___________. He _____________on 22nd February 1918 and __________on 15th July 1940. He _______________tall. Even his hands _____________long. At the age of 21, he ________________kg. When he died, he __________________kg. the USA was born died was 2.72 m were 32.4 cm weighed 222.71 weighed 199

11 Sandwiches Most people like eating sandwiches but few of them know the history of them. I read in a book that once there was a _______called Sandwich. He _________________with his friends all day and he ________________________________. Then he _______________________________ and ate it as dinner so he could keep on playing. Soon many people learnt to make this kind of food and loved it. They named the food after _______. man loved playing cards did not want to stop to have dinner put meat between two pieces of bread the man name…after… 以 …… 命名 …… keep on doing sth. 持续 / 一直做某事

12 Amazing TV Do you know anything about the first TV star? It was ______________. It appeared on TV in _________. In 1936,the world’s first TV station—BBC, was set up in___________. By 1966, there were more than _________ colour TV sets in the USA. Today most families have at least one TV. However, people are not sure________________. Isn’t that amazing? Felix the Cat 1928 London 10 million who invented TV

13 Part Five Writing tips through reading beginning ( 开始 ) …general statements or a question 总述或问题 explanation ending ( 结尾 ) … conclusion or stress 结论或强调 ( facts) interesting amazing Isn’t that amazing?

14 请阅读以下材料,先列出提纲,然后写 一篇题为 “The strange man” 的文章。 大多数人喜欢吃美味的食物,但河南 一个奇怪的男人却喜欢吃玻璃。他小时候 很健康,但他在十岁时生了病后,他开始 喜欢把玻璃当做零食吃。他去看过医生, 但医生也不确定他为什么喜欢吃玻璃。他 一直吃玻璃吃了很多年直到他 75 岁时去世。

15 A strange man a man from Henan was healthy when he was very young was ill at ten loved eating glass as snacks saw the doctor not sure why he liked eating glass kept on doing that for many years died at 75 Sample making notes

16 Sample writing Most people like eating delicious food, but one strange man liked eating glass. He was from Henan. He was healthy when he was very young. But after he was ill at ten, he began to love eating glass as snacks. He went to see the doctors,but the doctors were not sure why he liked eating glass.He kept on doing that for many years till he died at the age of 75. Isn’t it amazing?

17 Homework Collect some information about amazing things and then write an article about them.


19 The tallest man ● a man in the USA ● born on 22nd February 1918 ● died on 15th July 1940 ● 2.72 m tall ● weighed 222.71 kg when he was 21 and 199 kg when he died ● hands 32.4 cm long Sandwiches ● a man’s name ● loved playing cards ● did not want to stop to have dinner ● put meat between two pieces of bread ● people learnt to make this kind of food and loved to eat it very much ● people named the food after the man Amazing TV ● not sure who invented TV ● in 1928, the first TV star --Felix the Cat ● in 1936, the first TV station in the world ● By 1966, more than 10 million colour TV sets in the USA Amazing things

20 The tallest man Do you know the tallest man in the world? The tallest man in history was from ___________. He _____________on 22nd February 1918 and __________on 15th July 1940. He _______________tall. Even his hands _____________long. At the age of 21, he ________________kg. When he died, he __________________kg. the USA was born died was 2.72 m were 32.4 cm weighed 222.71 weighed 199

21 Sandwiches Most people like eating sandwiches but few of them know the history of them. I read in a book that once there was a _______called Sandwich. He _________________with his friends all day and he ________________________________. Then he _______________________________ and ate it as dinner so he could keep on playing. Soon many people learnt to make this kind of food and loved it. They named the food after _______. man loved playing cards did not want to stop to have dinner put meat between two pieces of bread the man

22 Amazing TV Do you know anything about the first TV star? It was ______________. It appeared on TV in _________. In 1936,the world’s first TV station—BBC, was set up in___________. By 1966, there were more than _________ colour TV sets in the USA. Today most families have at least one TV. However, people are not sure________________. Isn’t that amazing? Felix the Cat 1928 London 10 million who invented TV

23 Beginning( 开头 ) The tallest man: Do you know the tallest man in the world? Sandwiches: Most people like eating sandwiches, but few of them know the history of them. Amazing TV: Do you know anything about the first TV star?

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