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Midterm Review of Agriculture and Food Security Sector 22 - 23 June 2009, Baghdad.

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1 Midterm Review of Agriculture and Food Security Sector 22 - 23 June 2009, Baghdad

2 UN Agencies FAO, WFP, UNIDO, UNESCO, IOM NGOs (National/ International) ACTED, IRD Chaired by FAO Line Ministries Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Water Resources Partnerships and Coordination

3 National priority or goals (NDS 2007- 2010) Mitigate Poverty and Hunger Enhancing gender equity and strengthening women issues Full access to water and health services UN Assistance Strategy To contribute to the achievement of the goals defined in the National Development Strategy (NDS), International Compact with Iraq (ICI) benchmarks, and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Agriculture and Food Security Sector:

4 ICI Benchmarks To support the development of the agriculture sector to achieve food security, generate employment, diversify the economy and preserve the countryside. Create an enabling environment for a market oriented agricultural sector. Millennium Development Goals Goal 1: Eradicate extreme Poverty and Hunger Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development UN Assistance Strategy (cont.)

5 Sectoral Achievements & Contributions 1)Improved institutional capacity of line ministries (MoA, MoWR and MoI) 9 new farm technologies introduced to improve agriculture productivity Established an information system on Livestock sector at the MoA. 27 technical staff from the line ministries were trained as Training of Trainers (ToTs) on database design, integrated Pest management and biotechnology. 2)Improved Agricultural Policy Contributed to National Livestock Strategy by undertaking a comprehensive baseline National livestock Survey. Technical guidance provided in drafting the Iraqi National Seed Policy Document. Conducted Industrial Survey of Small and Medium Enterprises involved in the agro-industrial sector to promote investment opportunities. The survey will be used as a baseline data and a tool to assess the gaps in the agro- industry and as a guide for investors to find new investment opportunities.

6 3)Reduced poverty and sustained employment for vulnerable groups Rehabilitation and training of trainers of vocational training institutes targeting the most vulnerable population including 28% of women in selected areas (Diwaniyah, Erbil). Establishment of 15 model Production Groups in Erbil and Sulaimaniyah, from unemployed vulnerable persons which will work as an income generating tool for the group member. Sectoral Achievements & Contributions

7 4)Rehabilitation and enhancement of production systems (Irrigation infrastructure, small enterprises, date production, fishery sector) Increase in irrigated area by 60,900 hectares; water delivery increased by 6.9 million m3/day, through the rehabilitation of 67 stream intake structures, 53 spring water collectors, 9 pumping stations, cleaning 28 km of canals, building 2 culverts and constructing one water basin. Rehabilitation of date processing and packaging company, and introduction of Integrated Pest Management and tissue Culture technology to increase the production and productivity, the job creation and establish new local and international markets. Rehabilitation of the fisheries sector: new technologies for the inland fisheries practices (trainings on application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in inland fisheries and aquaculture development). Construction of hatchery system in Wassit governorate. Sectoral Achievements & Contributions

8 Lessons Learned 1)Need to enhance M&E practices and reporting against outputs and outcomes. 2) Timely cooperation and coordination with national counterparts to accelerate the accomplishment of development activities. 3)Partnership with local and international NGOs has facilitated access and outreach in the country. 4)Persisting drought conditions undermine agricultural production and productivity. 5)Low participation of women in cottage industries projects due to social barriers.

9 Key Recommendations 1)Increase the Government’s financial contribution for civil construction, infrastructures and equipment. 2) Include sustainability focus in all programmes and projects in order to help the Government sustain development interventions beyond their funding life. 3)Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices to be strengthened both for UN agencies as well as partners. 4)Put emphasis on technical innovation along with capacity development in the sector. 5)Focus on sustainable agriculture practices through capacity development, technical innovation and technical guidance.


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