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Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 1B.

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Presentation on theme: "Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 1B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 1B

2 Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 1 :: B In-class Presentation :: in-class example  Inspiration Interiors 

3 Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 1 :: B In-class Presentation :: in-class lesson  Discussion of Chapter 1  Target audience of the book  The Design Process (visual)  Requirements Analysis  Visuals  Schedule – pg. 19 & pg. 28  Staffing – pg. 27  Table on pg. 32-33

4 Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 1 :: B In-class Presentation :: in-class lesson  The Applied Real World Design Process (in brief)  RFP (Request for Proposal) – RFP document from company  Internal Requirements Analysis  Brief research – creative brief drafted  Internal Brainstorming Meeting – meeting notes taken  Client Presentation drafted (overview of recommendations, schedule, budget)  Initial Client Meeting  The Client Pitch  Meeting notes with Action Items  Pre-production Documentation  More thorough usability research (interviews, scenarios, checklists)  Standard Client production documentation (schedule, budget, site maps, page maps, feature spec document, tech spec document)  Production Documentation  Feedback on the design (focus group results, user flow charts)  Post-production documentation  Details for how to end the project (maintenance plans, style guide, server reports)

5 Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 1 :: B In-class Presentation :: homework  Pick a web site to study for the first half of the semester  Small company (not too big)  Come to class prepared to share the URL and discuss why you chose this company/site  Read Chapter 2  Pg. 38-61  To note: User Scenarios  Heads up:  Next week we will be drafting a RFP document/creative brief for your company. We will then have a brainstorming session and prepare a client pitch presentation for a client meeting. due next class :: 01.18.06

6 Art 155 :: Information Architecture :: Week 1 :: B In-class Presentation :: post mortem  How smoothly did today’s class run?  What slowed us down?  What did we skip over?  How can we be more efficient in the future?


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