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Napoleon’s Rise to Power  Earlier military career  the Italian Campaigns:  1796-1797  he conquered most of northern Italy  Earlier military career.

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3 Napoleon’s Rise to Power  Earlier military career  the Italian Campaigns:  1796-1797  he conquered most of northern Italy  Earlier military career  the Egyptian Campaign:  1798  he was defeated by a British navy under Admiral Horatio Nelson, who destroyed the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile.  Abandoning his troops in Egypt, Napoleon returned to France and received a hero’s welcome!  Earlier military career  the Italian Campaigns:  1796-1797  he conquered most of northern Italy  Earlier military career  the Egyptian Campaign:  1798  he was defeated by a British navy under Admiral Horatio Nelson, who destroyed the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile.  Abandoning his troops in Egypt, Napoleon returned to France and received a hero’s welcome!

4 The Rosetta Stone

5 Europe in 1800

6 Napoleon’s Empire in 1810

7 Napoleon as “First Consul” aWith the government in disarray, Napoleon launched a successful coup d’ etat on November 9, 1799. aHe proclaimed himself “First Consul” and did away with the elected Assembly (appointing a Senate instead).  In 1802, he made himself sole “Consul for Life.”  Two years later he proclaimed himself “Emperor.” aWith the government in disarray, Napoleon launched a successful coup d’ etat on November 9, 1799. aHe proclaimed himself “First Consul” and did away with the elected Assembly (appointing a Senate instead).  In 1802, he made himself sole “Consul for Life.”  Two years later he proclaimed himself “Emperor.”

8 Napoleon Established the Banque de France, 1800

9 Concordat of 1801  Wanted to heal the divisions within the Catholic Church.  Wanted to use the clergy to prop up his regime.  Catholicism was declared the religion of the majority.  Some Church lands given back while bishops subservient to the regime.  Eventually, Pope Pius VII renounced the Concordat, and Napoleon had him brought to France and placed under house arrest.  Wanted to heal the divisions within the Catholic Church.  Wanted to use the clergy to prop up his regime.  Catholicism was declared the religion of the majority.  Some Church lands given back while bishops subservient to the regime.  Eventually, Pope Pius VII renounced the Concordat, and Napoleon had him brought to France and placed under house arrest.

10 Lycee System of Education  Established, in 1801, as an educational reform.  Lycees initially enrolled the nation’s most talented students [they had to pay tuition, although there was some financial help available for poorer student].  Lycees trained the nation’s future bureaucrats.  Careers open to talent  Established, in 1801, as an educational reform.  Lycees initially enrolled the nation’s most talented students [they had to pay tuition, although there was some financial help available for poorer student].  Lycees trained the nation’s future bureaucrats.  Careers open to talent

11 Legion of Honor, 1802 Palace of the Legion of Honor, Paris

12 Code Napoleon, 1804 aIt divides civil law into:  Personal status.  Property.  The acquisition of property. aIt divides civil law into:  Personal status.  Property.  The acquisition of property. aIts purpose was to reflect the principles of the Fr. Revolution. aCreate one law code for France. aExcludes them only limited rights aIts purpose was to reflect the principles of the Fr. Revolution. aCreate one law code for France. aExcludes them only limited rights

13 Napoleon and His Code

14 The Influence of the Napoleonic Code Wherever it was implemented [in the conquered territories], the Code Napoleon swept away feudal property relations.

15 Louisiana Purchase, 1803 $15,000,000


17 The Empress Josephine

18 Josephine’s Bedroom

19 “Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon & the Empress Josephine,” 1806 by David December 2, 1804

20 “Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon & the Empress Josephine,” 1806 by David “Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon & the Empress Josephine,” 1806 by David

21 Napoleon’s Throne

22 Napoleon’s Bed Chamber

23 The Imperial Image

24 Marie Louise (of Austria) married Napoleon on March 12, 1810 in Vienna

25 Marie Louise (of Austria) with Napoleon’s Son (Napoleon Francis Joseph Charles: 1811-1832) Marie Louise (of Austria) with Napoleon’s Son (Napoleon Francis Joseph Charles: 1811-1832)

26 Foreign Policies Goals: gain territory, increase French influence and ideals to the conquered land Eliminate Old Regime, intellectuals liked him until... Ego will hurt him mostly! Promote rational government based on the Enlightenment Creation of a new diplomatic system Abolish HRE and create a 35 state Confederation of the Rhine

27 Napoleonic Europe

28 Napoleon’s Family Rules! eJerome Bonaparte  King of Westphalia. eJoseph Bonaparte  King of Spain eLouise Bonaparte  King of Holland ePauline Bonaparte  Princess of Italy eNapoleon Francis Joseph Charles (son)  King of Rome eElisa Bonaparte  Grand Duchess of Tuscany eCaroline Bonaparte  Queen of Naples

29 Napoleon’s Major Military Campaigns Trafalgar (Lord Nelson: Fr. Navy lost!)  BritainFrance  1805: Sea Power

30 Battle of Trafalgar

31 Napoleon’s Major Military Campaigns  Prussia Austria Russia (3 rd Coalition) France  1805: -Danube -Italy Crowned “King of Italy” on May 6, 1805 1806 France  Confed. of the Rhine Prussia French Troops in Berlin! Treaty of Tilsit- crowned Napoleon as master of Continent

32 “Crossing the Alps,” 1805 Paul Delaroche “Crossing the Alps,” 1805 Paul Delaroche

33 The Continental System aGOAL  to isolate Britain and promote Napoleon’s mastery over Europe. aVery Unpopular…Russia withdraws from embargo, Germany will grow nationalistic and Portugal will ignore it. aThe effects will eventually led to the United States declaring war on Britain  WAR OF 1812. aEPIC FAILURE!!!!! Started opposition movement against France aGOAL  to isolate Britain and promote Napoleon’s mastery over Europe. aVery Unpopular…Russia withdraws from embargo, Germany will grow nationalistic and Portugal will ignore it. aThe effects will eventually led to the United States declaring war on Britain  WAR OF 1812. aEPIC FAILURE!!!!! Started opposition movement against France

34 The Continental System

35 British Cartoon

36 “Napoleon on His Imperial Throne” 1806 By Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres “Napoleon on His Imperial Throne” 1806 By Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

37 Peninsular Campaign: 1807- 1810  Portugal did not comply with the Continental System.  France wanted Spain’s support to invade Portugal.  Spain refused, so Napoleon invaded Spain as well!  Spain Portugal France  1806: Continental System

38 “The Spanish Ulcer” aNapoleon imprisons Spanish king and prince and places brother on throne. aOn May 2, 1808 [Dos de Mayo] the Spanish rose up in rebellion. aFr troops fired on the crowd in Madrid the next day [Tres de Mayo]. aNapoleon poured 500,000 troops into Spain but still had trouble with the Spanish. aThe British viewed this opportunity to weaken Napoleon and moved an army into Portugal. aAfter 5 years of savage fighting, Fr troops retreated. aNapoleon imprisons Spanish king and prince and places brother on throne. aOn May 2, 1808 [Dos de Mayo] the Spanish rose up in rebellion. aFr troops fired on the crowd in Madrid the next day [Tres de Mayo]. aNapoleon poured 500,000 troops into Spain but still had trouble with the Spanish. aThe British viewed this opportunity to weaken Napoleon and moved an army into Portugal. aAfter 5 years of savage fighting, Fr troops retreated.

39 “Third of May, 1808” by Goya (1810)

40 “Napoleon in His Study” 1812 by David “Napoleon in His Study” 1812 by David

41 Napoleon’s Empire in 1810

42 The “Big Blunder” -- Russia aThe retreat from Spain came on the heels of Napoleon’s disastrous Russian Campaign (1812-1813). aIn July, 1812 Napoleon led his Grand Armee of 614,000 men eastward across central Europe and into Russia.  The Russians avoided a direct confrontation with Napoleon. aSeptember 14, 1812  Napoleon reached Moscow, but the city had largely been abandoned and already set on fire by the Russians. aThe retreat from Spain came on the heels of Napoleon’s disastrous Russian Campaign (1812-1813). aIn July, 1812 Napoleon led his Grand Armee of 614,000 men eastward across central Europe and into Russia.  The Russians avoided a direct confrontation with Napoleon. aSeptember 14, 1812  Napoleon reached Moscow, but the city had largely been abandoned and already set on fire by the Russians.

43 Moscow Is On Fire!

44 Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow (Early 1813) 100,000 French troops retreat—40,000 survive!

45 The 6 th Coalition  Britain, Russia. Spain, Portugal, Prussia, Austria, Sweden, smaller German states France  1813-1814: Napoleon's Defeat

46 Napoleon’s Defeat at Leipzig (October 16-17, 1813) “Battle of the Nations” Memorial

47 Napoleon Abdicates!  Napoleon abdicated on April 6 in favor of his son, but the Allies insisted on unconditional surrender.  Napoleon abdicated again on April 11.  Treaty of Fontainebleau  exiles Napoleon to Elba with an annual income of 2,000,000 francs.  The royalists took control and restored Louis XVIII to the throne.  Napoleon abdicated on April 6 in favor of his son, but the Allies insisted on unconditional surrender.  Napoleon abdicated again on April 11.  Treaty of Fontainebleau  exiles Napoleon to Elba with an annual income of 2,000,000 francs.  The royalists took control and restored Louis XVIII to the throne.

48 Napoleon’s Abdication

49 Napoleon in Exile on Elba

50 Louis XVIII (r. 1814-1824)


52 “The War of the 7 th Coalition”  Britain, Russia. Prussia, Austria, Sweden, smaller German states France  1815: Napoleon’s “100 Days” eNapoleon escaped Elba and landed in France on March 1, 1815  the beginning of his 100 Days. eMarie Louise & his son were in the hands of the Austrians. eNapoleon escaped Elba and landed in France on March 1, 1815  the beginning of his 100 Days. eMarie Louise & his son were in the hands of the Austrians.

53 Napoleon’s Defeat at Waterloo (June 18, 1815) Duke of Wellington Prussian General Blücher

54 Napoleon on His Way to His Final Exile on St. Helena

55 Napoleon’s Residence on St. Helena

56 Napoleon’s Tomb

57 Neo-Classical Architecture Napoleon’s Tomb ‘ Helmet for a giant’s head!’ Napoleon’s Tomb ‘ Helmet for a giant’s head!’

58 Hitler Visits Napoleon’s Tomb June 28, 1940

59 What is Napoleon’s Legacy?

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