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Today: Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis and Respiration Lunch Lunch Quiz 5 Quiz 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Today: Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis and Respiration Lunch Lunch Quiz 5 Quiz 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today: Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis and Respiration Lunch Lunch Quiz 5 Quiz 5

2 Step 1: Capture your thoughts and questions… Capture your thoughts and questions…

3 Let’s start with Photosynthesis

4 An Overview of Photosynthesis

5 LIGHT used in Photosynthesis

6 So What is this Plant Doing?

7 LIGHT used in Photosynthesis

8 When PHOTONS hit a Chlorophyll Molecule they EXCITE ELECTRONS

9 Redox Reactions

10 The Gain and Loss of Electrons through REDOX reactions allows for ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAINS

11 Noncyclic electron flow generates ATP and NADPH

12 What is NADPH? I carry electrons!

13 What is ATP?


15 More on Making ATP…

16 Something More Familiar?

17 What Should We Do With the ATP and Electrons (NADPH)??

18 The Light- Independent Reactions The Calvin Cycle

19 What Might a Plant Do With These Sugars? Grow new leaves? Grow new leaves? Store it for winter? Store it for winter? Build a fruit? Build a fruit? Use it to generate the energy to support life! Use it to generate the energy to support life!

20 Onto Respiration! Note that Energy Flow is Directional, but Matter is Cycled

21 Cellular RESPIRATION: An Overview

22 Step 1: Glycolysis

23 Step 2: The Citric Acid Cycle

24 The Citric Acid (Kreb’s) Cycle: A Friendly View

25 Step 3: The Electron Transport Chain So far, only 4 molecules of ATP from each Glucose Where’s the rest of the energy?? How can we capture it?? It’s in the electrons!! So we need an electron transport chain!!

26 The ETC pumps H+ into the intermembrane space, creating a concentration gradient

27 ATP Synthase is a Molecular Turbine!

28 Energetic Summary of Cellular Respiration: Efficiency = ~40%

29 Can we generate ATP under anaerobic conditions?? How?? Aerobic = oxygen present Anaerobic = without oxygen

30 Glycolysis! Can this proceed indefinitely? Why or why not?

31 Anaerobic Respiration: Alcohol Fermentation

32 Anaerobic Respiration: Lactic Acid Fermentation

33 Applying Your Understanding of Photosynthesis and Respiration What does it mean to be a carbon source? What does it mean to be a carbon source? What does it mean to be a carbon sink? What does it mean to be a carbon sink?

34 What IS the Carbon Cycle?

35 Applying Your Understanding of Photosynthesis and Respiration Is the Amazon Basin a carbon source, or a carbon sink? How could you find out?

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