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Clipart Hannah Fischer Period 8 Computer 7. Once upon a time there was a first born child of 7 sisters. Her name was Taylor. I like to call her the Not-So.

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Presentation on theme: "Clipart Hannah Fischer Period 8 Computer 7. Once upon a time there was a first born child of 7 sisters. Her name was Taylor. I like to call her the Not-So."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clipart Hannah Fischer Period 8 Computer 7

2 Once upon a time there was a first born child of 7 sisters. Her name was Taylor. I like to call her the Not-So Fairytale Princess. Oh my goodness was she ugly. Funny thing is that all other 6 of her sisters were beautiful!

3 She lived in a huge castle with her family. They were royalty and Taylor was next up for the throne. She thought she cannot be the queen if she cant find herself a king.

4 Although Taylor was the oldest girl, all her sisters, Tammie, Terry,Tillie, Tessa, Tyley, and Tixi, were either engaged or married. Poor Taylor, she felt very lonely. I am so lonely..

5 Until one day when she met Joe. Joe was not the most attractive person either. He also had 7 brothers, Jimmy, Joseph, Jake, Jack, Jonah, and James who were all getting married or already were. Which I can see why, these brothers were all very handsome. It was as destiny put them together. How do ya do?

6 Joe and Taylor fell in love from the very moment they layed eyes on each other. A little bit later, they got married and lived happily ever after.

7 Bibliography, World’s coolest castles, 3/13/12 &bih=533&tbm=isch&tbnid=oMVp4qVZ3eSwmM:&imgrefurl= Rants/castle-pictures-edinburgh-castle-ashford-castle-neuschwanstein- castle.htm&docid=8JLquuO44soaWM&imgurl= stle-neuschwanstein- castle.jpg&w=370&h=370&ei=lY9fT_vXCKqKsAKR3rCFCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=7 52&vpy=145&dur=921&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=147&ty=100&sig=1005013834414 46942702&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 &bih=533&tbm=isch&tbnid=oMVp4qVZ3eSwmM:&imgrefurl= Rants/castle-pictures-edinburgh-castle-ashford-castle-neuschwanstein- castle.htm&docid=8JLquuO44soaWM&imgurl= stle-neuschwanstein- castle.jpg&w=370&h=370&ei=lY9fT_vXCKqKsAKR3rCFCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=7 52&vpy=145&dur=921&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=147&ty=100&sig=1005013834414 46942702&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0, Pretty Princess, 3/13/12 _holding_a_handkerchief _holding_a_handkerchief, Ugly Prince, 2/13/12, Cartoon Married Couples, 3/13/12!- (vector)-cartoon-illustration-of-a-wedding-couple-in-fair-skin-tone!- (vector)-cartoon-illustration-of-a-wedding-couple-in-fair-skin-tone, Lonely Girl, Images, 3/21/12, girl/ girl/ Music: Free Play Music, Fairytale, 4/5/12,

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