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Poster Title – Should include your study subject, independent variable, dependent variable, and outcome. Your names, class hour, school, and date.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster Title – Should include your study subject, independent variable, dependent variable, and outcome. Your names, class hour, school, and date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster Title – Should include your study subject, independent variable, dependent variable, and outcome. Your names, class hour, school, and date.

2 Introduction – Background Info Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov,.edu only; – check with instructor) Summarize the information from this source in your own words – DO NOT copy and paste! This fact should be related to your experiment (how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your treatment might affect plants, etc.) It should help the reader understand your work better by clarifying a concept with solid facts. Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last name, Year).

3 Introduction – Background Info Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov,.edu only; – check with instructor) Summarize the information from this source in your own words – DO NOT copy and paste! This fact should be related to your experiment (how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your treatment might affect plants, etc.) It should help the reader understand your work better by clarifying a concept with solid facts. Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last name, Year).

4 Introduction – Background Info Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov,.edu only; – check with instructor) Summarize the information from this source in your own words – DO NOT copy and paste! This fact should be related to your experiment (how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your treatment might affect plants, etc.) It should help the reader understand your work better by clarifying a concept with solid facts. Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last name, Year).

5 Introduction – Question, Hypothesis, Rationale What was your research question? – We wondered if… What was your hypothesis? – We predicted that… What was your rationale? – We thought this because…

6 Intro – Summary Of Methods Briefly summarize your methods on this slide – To test this, we…

7 Materials Provide a specific list of all materials used on this slide. – “This experiment required the following: … “

8 Methods Give a detailed step-by-step overview of all of your steps on this slide. – It should be as detailed as a recipe in a cookbook.

9 Methods Give a detailed step-by-step overview of all of your steps on this slide. – It should be as detailed as a recipe in a cookbook.

10 Results Describe the outcome of your experiment here. – Include all data, observations, and important information collected from your experiment.

11 Results - Graph Include a graph of your experiment here. Your graph MUST include: – Labeled X and Y axes – Your control and treated averages – A caption that explains your graph in enough detail that a blindfolded person could picture it exactly as it is if they were read the caption.

12 Conclusion Restate your hypothesis. – We hypothesized that… Next, explain why you think your this occurred – i.e. how does your data support/reject/not impact your hypothesis? Third, describe why you think the data supports/refutes/does not affect your hypothesis – What general trends have you noticed that have led you to make this conclusion.

13 Conclusion Fourth, describe if you think your results are consistent or if there is a possibility that the results could be different if the experiment were run again or if it were done by other people. Follow up with a discussion about the relevance of your experiment – who will this help? – Why is this work beneficial? – What is the value of this experiment and why was it necessary?

14 Bibliography/Works Cited Cite all sources used in this using APA citation: – Author Last Name, First Name. Year. Title. Publisher or website.

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