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Katiba Sasa! Campaign- KCSSP breakfast meet.  Katiba Sasa! Campaign is a Civil Society initiative aimed at ensuring Kenya gets a new constitution. 

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Presentation on theme: "Katiba Sasa! Campaign- KCSSP breakfast meet.  Katiba Sasa! Campaign is a Civil Society initiative aimed at ensuring Kenya gets a new constitution. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Katiba Sasa! Campaign- KCSSP breakfast meet

2  Katiba Sasa! Campaign is a Civil Society initiative aimed at ensuring Kenya gets a new constitution.  The campaign began last year November 2009 before the release of the harmonized draft constitution  It is national campaign and has the character of a people’s movement

3  Country-wide constitutional campaigns focused on all drafts & feedback to CoE.  Implemented the Katiba Tents strategy  Implemented a media engagement strategy  Disseminated copies of PSC recommendations in eight regions  Organized a National CSOs convention & presented its memorandum to CoE  Continues to hold weekly media briefing sessions informing the process so far.

4 A Technical Team - spearheads the campaign & made of eight persons from the Civil Society fraternity.  CRECO Secretariat – coordinates the campaigns’ activities  Executive Council of NCSC provides political leadership  It is also an open space for CSOs, CBOs and other organized groups to interact with the process and to conduct advocacy.

5  Support Kenyans to regain their decision making powers  Ensure full participation of all in the constitution making process in a meaningful way  A New Constitutional dispensation and culture for Kenya realized

6  Citizens are well-informed to monitor & inform the constitutional reform process  A new constitution reflecting the wishes of Kenyans.  To strengthen CSOs ability to effectively and efficiently engage in the constitutional process

7  To help continuously engage the constitutional making process with the view to reflect the wishes of the majority  Safeguarding gains made and reversing losses.

8  Enhanced Katiba Sasa! Campaign- media relationship influencing the constitutional process positively  The Katiba Sasa! Campaign network expanded

9  Being part of the Katiba Sasa! Campaign.  Carrying out activities in furtherance of Katiba Sasa! Campaign.  Mobilizing Kenyans/Networks to support the Campaign.

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