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Renal physiology Lifeng Wang.

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Presentation on theme: "Renal physiology Lifeng Wang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renal physiology Lifeng Wang

2 OBJECTIVE To learn the technique of bladder intubation;
To observe the factors that influence urine formation; To analyze the mechanisms of how these factors act.

3 Principles

4 Kidney -- nephron nephron Renal cortex Renal pyramid Renal medulla
Renal pelvis Renal pyramid Ureter

5 Structure of kidney Nephron

6 Processes of Urine formation
Glomerular filtration Tubular reabsorption Tubular secretion

7 Factors affecting the three processes of unrine formation
The regulation of glomerular filtration rate(GFR) EFP glomerular capillary blood pressure glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure bowman’s capsule hydrostatic pressure renal plasma flow The position of filtration equilibrium glomerular capillary filtration coefficient The condition of filtration membrane

8 Factors affecting the three processes of unrine formation
The regulation of tubular reabsorption and secretion Effect of solute concentration in the tubular fluid and osmotic diuresis Osmotic diuresis Glomerulotubular balance

9 Factors affecting the three processes of unrine formation
Nervous regulation Sympathetic nerve fibers(+) →urine formation↓ Renal blood flow↓ Na+ reabsorption ↑ Rennin releasing↑ Hormonal regulation ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)→urine formation↓ Water reabsorption↑ RAAS(Renin-angiotensin-aldsterone system) →urine formation↓

10 EQUIPMENTS AND DRUGS BL-420 biological functional experimental system
blood pressure transducer arterial cannula double concave clip iron-stand three-way tap stimulating electrode …… Jungular anatomy of rabbit

SAMPLE: rabbit METHODS AND PROCEDURES Weigh, anaesthesia and fixing rabbit Dosage,Speed and position of injection Operation Cut open the skin, separate the subcutaneous tissue and muscle to expose the trachea Endotracheal intubation: “⊥”shape Separate the nerves and the left common carotid artery: Separate the nerves: vagus nerve, Intubation in the left common carotid artery: Connect the arterial cannula with BL-420 biological functional experimental system Intubation in the urinary bladder or urethra

12 ITEMS FOR OBSERVATION Observes the normal blood pressure and urine volume Injection of Normal saline(15~20ml, 38℃) stimulate the peripheral side of vagus nerve, and make the blood pressure fluctuate around 50mmHg for 15~20 seconds Injection of 25% glucose solution(5ml, 38℃ Injection of 1/10000 noradrenalin (0.3~0.5ml) Injection of furosemide (0.5ml) Injection of pituitrin(3~5 Iu)

Analyze the mechanisms of each result PRECAUTIONS Injection should be slow during anaesthesia Protect the the marginal vein in the ear Avoid injury of nerve and artery Observe the next item until the effect of previous one die away.

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