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Section 5: A Return to Peace

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1 Section 5: A Return to Peace
CHAPTER 12 The French Revolution and Napoléon Section 1: The Roots of Revolution Section 2: The French Revolution Section 3: The French Republic Section 4: The Napoléonic Era Section 5: A Return to Peace

2 A Return to Peace SECTION 5 Bell Ringer 12.5:
Why did politicians in Europe want to form alliances? Alliance? Main purpose Members Was it effective? Quadruple/ Quintuple Alliance Holy Alliance Concert of Europe

3 A Return to Peace SECTION 5
The major European powers wanted to STAMP out the ideas of the French Revolution. Nevertheless, the words from the Declaration of the Rights of Man –”men are born and remain free and equal in rights”– still echoed in people’s minds throughout Europe.

4 With Napoleon defeated, now what?
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace With Napoleon defeated, now what? Restore order Keep the peace SUPPRESS the ideas of the Revolution

5 SECTION 5 A Return to Peace

6 Congress of Vienna A Return to Peace SECTION 5 Metternich
I’m your lovely host. Metternich

7 Oh yeah … and France was represented by Talleyrand.
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Europe has to be repaired Who is going to do it? G Great Britain R Russia Oh yeah … and France was represented by Talleyrand. a Austria P Prussia

8 A Return to Peace SECTION 5 Guiding Principles
Pay Back! (compensations) Balance of Power Legitimacy What do YOU think concerned them the most?

9 Threaten the peace of Europe again.
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Territory was shuffled … The balance of power was restored … and a LARGE indemnity would be paid. France would be surrounded by a ring of strong states It would never Threaten the peace of Europe again.

10 SECTION 5 A Return to Peace

11 Political Cartoon A Return to Peace

12 A Return to Peace Political Cartoon
Talleyrand receiving advice during the Congress.

13 A Return to Peace SECTION 5
The decisions of the Congress of Vienna were a REACTION against the principals of the French Revolution. Reactionaries want to undo everything about Napoleon; they wanted the world as it was BEFORE the French Revolution.

14 A Return to Peace Reactionary Alliances SECTION 5
…spread of new political ideas and the rise of nationalism … MUST BE STOPPED! Constitutions were thrown out … Old monarchies were put back into power.

15 And that is just how they liked it!! TURN THAT CLOCK BACK!!
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Europe was once again owned by an elite club, mainly six ruling families: the Hapsburgs (Austria and eastward), Hanovers (Britain), Romanovs (Russia), Ottomans (Turkey), Hohenzollerns (Prussia & German states), and Bourbons (France, Spain, etc.). Europe was once again owned by an elite club, mainly six ruling families: the Hapsburgs (Austria and eastward), Hanovers (Britain), Romanovs (Russia), Ottomans (Turkey), Hohenzollerns (Germany), and Bourbons (France). And that is just how they liked it!! TURN THAT CLOCK BACK!!

16 A Return to Peace SECTION 5 Quadruple Alliance gb, r, a, p
Alliances to prevent spread of nationalism Quadruple Alliance gb, r, a, p Quintuple Alliance (now includes france) Holy Alliance These would lead to . . .

17 The first international organization in the modern world
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Concert of Europe The first international organization in the modern world European powers would regularly meet to discuss and agree on policies The Concert of Europe, also known as the "Congress System", was the result of a custom, following the era of Napoleon and the French Revolution, adopted by the old great powers of Europe of meeting from time to time in an International Conference, or Congress, in order to plan a solution by mutual agreement (hence "concert"), whenever some problem arose that threatened peace between European nations. It lasted between 1814 and 1914 and in time assumed an official status of the type of the League of Nations which, while not in itself an entity, was an informal organization of the nations of Europe ruled nevertheless by the will of the majority. Armed intervention against threats

18 Movement to extend the ideas of the american & french revolutions
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace The Age of Metternich Believed in absolute monarchy Feared Liberalism Aimed to prevent war Return to Old Regime How would he do this? Extensive spy network Strict censorship of education, the press, and speech Movement to extend the ideas of the american & french revolutions

19 See?? Metternich was RIGHT! Chaos is rampant!
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace the Wartburg Festival of 1817 German students demonstrated for a national state and a liberal Constitution and condemned reactionary forces in the newly recreated German states. Result? See?? Metternich was RIGHT! Chaos is rampant!

20 A Return to Peace SECTION 5
Murder of a conservative playwright by a radical liberal student gave Metternich the perfect opportunity… He and his reactionary friends act swiftly - These liberal movements MUST BE stopped the Carlsbad Decrees

21 A Return to Peace SECTION 5
Carlsbad Decrees 1819 The decrees limited both student activity and the press; it kept the teachers from speaking out and set down harsh punishment on anyone who might even dare to question the monarch’s authority. Resistance will have to go underground . . .

22 A Return to Peace Visual Sources
In the face of repressive measures, the Janus-faced journalist has been forced into a delicate dance around the hot issues of the day, since any treatment thereof could land him in jail.

23 A Return to Peace Britain was sympathetic to liberal movements… Why?
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Britain was sympathetic to liberal movements… Why? What will result from this?

24 A Return to Peace SECTION 5
Metternich’s system of suppression worked quite well For the most part. But ideals don’t die . . . It will begin to unravel when the Greeks revolt against their Ottoman Turk rulers fighting for their independence …

25 Now . . . Close your books . . . Time for your QUIZ!
SECTION 5 A Return to Peace Any questions?? Now Close your books Time for your QUIZ!

26 A Return to Peace SECTION 5 Main purpose Members Organization
Quadruple/ Quintuple Alliance discuss common interests, keep peace Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, France Members met at conferences. Holy Alliance monarchs rule as Christians all European rulers except British king, Turkish sultan, and the pope Members met at conferences. Concert of Europe keep peace and status quo nations of Europe Members signed pledges.

27 Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 12
1. Was the National Convention truly a representative form of government? 2. How did the Constitution of 1791 change the status of the French monarchy? 3. Compare and contrast the attitude of the Jacobins, Napoléon, and Prince Metternich toward freedom of speech.

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