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Unit Three Centuries of Amazing Growth A.D. 30 - 313.

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2 Unit Three Centuries of Amazing Growth A.D. 30 - 313

3 Unit 3: Lesson 1 The Beginning of the Church

4 The Gospels: Part Two St. Luke wanted to do more than write about Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection. St. Luke wanted to do more than write about Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection. He wanted to finish the story by telling what happened on earth when Jesus returned to his home in Heaven. He wanted to finish the story by telling what happened on earth when Jesus returned to his home in Heaven. The story of the time after the Resurrection of Jesus is called the Acts of the Apostles. The story of the time after the Resurrection of Jesus is called the Acts of the Apostles.

5 You Are to Be My Witness Jesus spent 40 days with His disciples after his death and Resurrection. Jesus spent 40 days with His disciples after his death and Resurrection. Eventually Jesus had to return to Heaven. Ascension Eventually Jesus had to return to Heaven. Ascension Read Acts 1:1-10 Read Acts 1:1-10 Whom did Jesus promise to send to the Apostles? Whom did Jesus promise to send to the Apostles? What instructions did Jesus give the Apostles? What instructions did Jesus give the Apostles?

6 You Are to Be My Witness List as many of the twelve Apostles as you can: List as many of the twelve Apostles as you can: Simon, Andrew, John, Thomas, James the Greater, James the Less, Bartholomew, Jude, Peter, Philip, Matthew, Judas Simon, Andrew, John, Thomas, James the Greater, James the Less, Bartholomew, Jude, Peter, Philip, Matthew, Judas Read Acts 1:21-26 Read Acts 1:21-26 Who was chosen as the new Apostle? Who was chosen as the new Apostle? What requirements did the new Apostle have to fulfill? What requirements did the new Apostle have to fulfill?

7 Pentecost – The Church is Born On Pentecost the Holy Spirit transformed the frightened group of followers into enthusiastic believers. On Pentecost the Holy Spirit transformed the frightened group of followers into enthusiastic believers. Read Acts 2:1-12 Read Acts 2:1-12 How would the “gift of tongues” help the Apostles to spread the word of God? How would the “gift of tongues” help the Apostles to spread the word of God?


9 Unit 3: Lesson 2 Two Great Servants of Christ: St. Stephen and St. Paul

10 Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years DVD Chapters 3 & 4 Controversy and Paul of Tarius

11 First Deacons of the Church Early days of the Church were not always easy. Early days of the Church were not always easy. Read Acts 6:1-2 Read Acts 6:1-2 How did the prejudice shown toward the Greek- speaking Christians hurt them? How did the prejudice shown toward the Greek- speaking Christians hurt them? How did this prejudice cause problems for the Apostles? How did this prejudice cause problems for the Apostles? How did this prejudice hurt the Christian community as a whole? How did this prejudice hurt the Christian community as a whole?

12 First Deacons of the Church To remedy the evil of prejudice seven Holy Men were chosen to be deacons To remedy the evil of prejudice seven Holy Men were chosen to be deacons Read Acts 6:5 and list the names of the seven deacons chosen by the early Christian community. Read Acts 6:5 and list the names of the seven deacons chosen by the early Christian community.

13 The First Christian Martyr Stephen was an early follower of Jesus. Stephen was an early follower of Jesus. After Jesus' death and resurrection he became a deacon of the early Church. After Jesus' death and resurrection he became a deacon of the early Church. He preached the Good News of Jesus and stood up to the leaders of the Jewish Church. He preached the Good News of Jesus and stood up to the leaders of the Jewish Church. He was stoned to death because of his strong belief in Jesus. He was stoned to death because of his strong belief in Jesus. One of the people present during his stoning was Saul who would later become Paul. One of the people present during his stoning was Saul who would later become Paul.

14 St. Paul Complete Activity on Paul, from Persecutor of Christians to Great Christian Saint. Complete Activity on Paul, from Persecutor of Christians to Great Christian Saint.

15 Saint Paul Did not know Jesus during his time on earth Did not know Jesus during his time on earth Conversion on the road to Damascus Conversion on the road to Damascus Paul was a great missionary Paul was a great missionary Traveled to Turkey, Greece, Rome Traveled to Turkey, Greece, Rome


17 Paul’s First Journey

18 Paul’s Second Journey

19 Unit 3: Lesson 3 Reasons for the Spread of Christianity

20 Growth of Christianity Following Jesus’ Ascension into heaven conditions were ideal for the growth of Christianity. Following Jesus’ Ascension into heaven conditions were ideal for the growth of Christianity. The Roman Peace The Roman Peace Cultural Unity Cultural Unity Spiritual Hunger Spiritual Hunger The Christian Example The Christian Example

21 The Roman Peace During early Christian period all lands and people of the Mediterranean were united under the control of Rome. During early Christian period all lands and people of the Mediterranean were united under the control of Rome. The unity of the Roman Empire helped Christianity to spread. The unity of the Roman Empire helped Christianity to spread. Peace and security Peace and security Marvelous system of roads, bridges and harbors to make travel easy. Marvelous system of roads, bridges and harbors to make travel easy.


23 Cultural Unity Mediterranean was united culturally as well. Mediterranean was united culturally as well. Due in part of King Alexander the Great (356- 323 B.C.) Due in part of King Alexander the Great (356- 323 B.C.) His conquests spread the Greek culture throughout the eastern Mediterranean His conquests spread the Greek culture throughout the eastern Mediterranean Even after Rome took over the Greek culture was still a unifying force Even after Rome took over the Greek culture was still a unifying force Common language - Greek Common language - Greek


25 Spiritual Hunger Despite relative peace, people felt that something was missing from their lives. Despite relative peace, people felt that something was missing from their lives. People were rejecting the life style of the Romans and searched for something more. People were rejecting the life style of the Romans and searched for something more.

26 The Christian Example The way Christians treated each other and the poor set an example that others wanted to follow. The way Christians treated each other and the poor set an example that others wanted to follow. Jesus’ message of love was appealing to people. Jesus’ message of love was appealing to people.

27 Unit 3: Lesson 4 First Council of the Church

28 The Beginnings Church history began in Jerusalem on the feast of Pentecost. Church history began in Jerusalem on the feast of Pentecost. This event sparked the beginning of Jesus’ followers preaching the Good News. This event sparked the beginning of Jesus’ followers preaching the Good News. These early disciples were mostly Palestinian Jews who spoke Aramaic and had little contact with the outside world. These early disciples were mostly Palestinian Jews who spoke Aramaic and had little contact with the outside world.

29 The Beginnings Some Greek-speaking Jews were attracted to the Christian community in Jerusalem. Some Greek-speaking Jews were attracted to the Christian community in Jerusalem. These Jews were different from the Palestinian Jews. These Jews were different from the Palestinian Jews. They grew up outside Palestine They grew up outside Palestine They were influenced by Greek culture They were influenced by Greek culture Practiced their Jewish faith differently Practiced their Jewish faith differently Called Hellenists Called Hellenists

30 The Beginnings Hellenists’ beliefs caused tension with the early Christian-Jews. Hellenists’ beliefs caused tension with the early Christian-Jews. Fighting broke out and the Hellenists were forced out of Palestine to Antioch in Syria. Fighting broke out and the Hellenists were forced out of Palestine to Antioch in Syria. Greek speaking Jewish-Christians began spreading the Good News outside of Palestine. Greek speaking Jewish-Christians began spreading the Good News outside of Palestine. They began to preach to non-Jews. They began to preach to non-Jews.

31 The Beginnings In 40 A.D. in Antioch the followers of Jesus were first called Christians. In 40 A.D. in Antioch the followers of Jesus were first called Christians. As Gentiles entered the Christian community new tensions arose. As Gentiles entered the Christian community new tensions arose. Did these gentiles have to become Jews before they could become Christian? Did these gentiles have to become Jews before they could become Christian?

32 Council of Jerusalem In 48 A.D. Church leaders came together in Jerusalem for the first Council. In 48 A.D. Church leaders came together in Jerusalem for the first Council. Guided by the Holy Spirit the Council decided that Gentiles did not have to become Jewish before they became Christian. Guided by the Holy Spirit the Council decided that Gentiles did not have to become Jewish before they became Christian. Good News not reserved only for Jews Good News not reserved only for Jews Christianity is not a new form of Judaism but a distinct religion Christianity is not a new form of Judaism but a distinct religion

33 The Spread of Christianity As a result of the missionary activity Christian communities existed through out the Roman Empire. As a result of the missionary activity Christian communities existed through out the Roman Empire. Called themselves the Catholic Church because “Catholic” means universal Called themselves the Catholic Church because “Catholic” means universal

34 Churches in 100 A.D.

35 Churches in 200 A.D.

36 Churches in 300 A.D.

37 Unit 3: Lesson 5 The Church Persecuted

38 Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years DVD Chapters 5 Seeds of Faith

39 Persecution The Roman Government viewed Christianity with suspicion. The Roman Government viewed Christianity with suspicion. They were thought to be bad citizens They were thought to be bad citizens Did not worship pagan gods who were thought to protect Rome Did not worship pagan gods who were thought to protect Rome Did not worship the emperor as a god which was considered treason Did not worship the emperor as a god which was considered treason Roman’s were suspicious of the night meetings held by the Christians Roman’s were suspicious of the night meetings held by the Christians

40 Persecution Practice of the Eucharist was viewed as cannibalism Practice of the Eucharist was viewed as cannibalism Christians believed that everyone was equal in God’s eyes Christians believed that everyone was equal in God’s eyes


42 Persecution Persecution was not continuous during the first 300 years of the Church Persecution was not continuous during the first 300 years of the Church First persecution came about by accident First persecution came about by accident Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for a fire that he had started Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for a fire that he had started This period of persecution was brief This period of persecution was brief Peter and Paul were martyred during this period Peter and Paul were martyred during this period

43 Later Persecution In 250 A.D. things became worse for the Christians In 250 A.D. things became worse for the Christians Rome was in danger of collapse due to Rome was in danger of collapse due to Civil War Civil War Barbarian Invasion Barbarian Invasion Bad harvests Bad harvests Plague Plague Inflation Inflation

44 Later Persecution Emperor Decius insisted that everyone worship him Emperor Decius insisted that everyone worship him When the Christians refused he passed the first anti-Christian laws When the Christians refused he passed the first anti-Christian laws Persecution was focused on the leaders of the Church Persecution was focused on the leaders of the Church Leaders were tortured until they renounced their faith Leaders were tortured until they renounced their faith

45 Later Persecution In 261 the emperor Gallienus passed a law tolerating Christians In 261 the emperor Gallienus passed a law tolerating Christians This followed 30 years of peace This followed 30 years of peace In 303 the emperor Diocletian began the worst persecution that the Church has ever seen In 303 the emperor Diocletian began the worst persecution that the Church has ever seen Thousands of Christians were killed Thousands of Christians were killed

46 Later Persecution Constantius and his son Constantine were protectors of the Christians Constantius and his son Constantine were protectors of the Christians In 312 Constantine became sole ruler of the Roman Empire in the West In 312 Constantine became sole ruler of the Roman Empire in the West In the following year he and his co-emperor in Rome issued a proclamation granting tolerance to all Christians In the following year he and his co-emperor in Rome issued a proclamation granting tolerance to all Christians Proclamation was called the Edict of Milan and ended the Christian persecution Proclamation was called the Edict of Milan and ended the Christian persecution

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