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 Verses 2:12-18…  Continue to obey God’s law for Christians.  Christ accepted a role of great responsibility in heaven’s plan, and He fulfilled His.

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Presentation on theme: " Verses 2:12-18…  Continue to obey God’s law for Christians.  Christ accepted a role of great responsibility in heaven’s plan, and He fulfilled His."— Presentation transcript:

1  Verses 2:12-18…  Continue to obey God’s law for Christians.  Christ accepted a role of great responsibility in heaven’s plan, and He fulfilled His obligations without exception.  The salvation to be worked out is not the initial remission of sins upon obedience to the gospel.  God is pleased when His people are diligent in their work. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

2  Verses 2:12-18…  Attitude is as important in serving God as performance.  Contrariwise, willing and cheerful obedience will make Christians blameless and harmless in their service.  The world in which Christians serve their Lord is a world filled with wickedness.  Good works often provide an entree to teach the gospel. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

3  Verses 2:12-18…  The obligation of Christians to “hold forth” the word to a lost world is often neglected in spite of its great importance in God’s scheme of redemption.  Careful attention to their responsibilities would bring about their own salvation and the salvation of many other people.  Even if his present confinement ended in his death, the reward of souls would be worth the price. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

4  Verses 2:12-18…  Paul’s imagery relates to the practice both under the Law and under pagan ritualism of pouring out a drink offering on a sacrifice before it was burned on the altar.  These references to “JOY” and “rejoicing” in connection with Paul’s death call attention to the numerous times those and similar terms appear in this epistle. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

5  Verses 2:19-24…  Timothy had accompanied Paul to Rome and had remained there during the time of the apostle’s imprisonment.  Paul planned to send Timothy from Rome to Philippi to gather information about the welfare of the church there.  This would not be the first time that Paul would use Timothy as his messenger. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

6  Verses 2:19-24…  There was no other companion qualified for this task, in Paul’s opinion.  During Paul’s confinement in Rome, numerous companions were with him and provided assistance to him in various ways.  Timothy’s character had been “proven” to the Philippians, and they could have as much confidence in him as Paul did. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

7  Verses 2:19-24…  Timothy’s heart was certainly well-known to Paul.  Timothy’s mission to the church at Philippi would be undertaken just as soon as Paul could determine what the outcome of his impending trial before Caesar would be. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

8  Verses 2:19-24…  Paul’s “best scenario” would make two things possible:  He would be able to send Timothy to Philippi “at once.”  He would also be able to make a personal visit to Philippi. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

9  Verses 2:25-30…  We know something about Epaphroditus as a Christian...  Epaphroditus had come to Rome from Philippi to “minister to” Paul’s need.  While in Rome, Epaphroditus had fallen ill with some undisclosed but very serious sickness. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

10  Verses 2:25-30…  As soon as Epaphroditus was well enough, Paul had sent him home to relieve the anxiety of the Christians who were waiting for news about his health...  Epaphroditus’ return to Philippi would be the source of great happiness…  Men such as Epaphroditus were to be highly regarded in the church because of their faithful service in the Lord. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

11  Verses 2:25-30…  It is significant that Paul had not employed his power of healing [e.g., Acts 28:8,9] to intervene in the case of Epaphroditus. Philippians – Christ In The Church Lesson 5

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