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April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong1 Deriving IP Traffic Demands for an ISP Backbone Network Prepared for EECE565 – Data Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong1 Deriving IP Traffic Demands for an ISP Backbone Network Prepared for EECE565 – Data Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong1 Deriving IP Traffic Demands for an ISP Backbone Network Prepared for EECE565 – Data Communications

2 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong2 Difficulties in configuring a large IP backbone network  Engineering a large IP backbone network without an accurate view of the traffic demand is difficult  Significant and sudden fluctuation in load can be caused by –Shift in user behavior –Changes in routing polices –Failure of network elements

3 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong3 Difficulties in configuring a large IP backbone network (cont.)  IP network engineers do not have end-to- end control of the path from source to destination  The majority of traffic in an ISP network travels across multiple administrative domain

4 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong4 Point-to-multipoint IP traffic demand  A given destination network address is typically reachable from multiple edge routers

5 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong5 Point-to-multipoint IP traffic demand (cont.)  IP traffic demands are naturally modeled as point-to-multipoint volumes  Connection-oriented networks, such as Frame Relay, are modeled as point-to-point volumes

6 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong6 Traffic flows in an ISP backbone

7 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong7 Peering links in BC Obtained from

8 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong8 Tracing the route on Monday 12:32am March 18, 2002 ug15{georgew}104: traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ugrad-route ( 6.171 ms 2.244 ms 2.240 ms 2 turing ( 0.355 ms 0.361 ms 0.334 ms 3 ee-gw ( 20.087 ms 33.088 ms 33.379 ms 4 ( 3.297 ms 29.817 ms 33.154 ms 5 ( 0.665 ms 0.653 ms 0.533 ms 6 ( 2.952 ms 2.669 ms 3.019 ms 7 ATM9-0-101.PEERB-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 4.066 ms 3.058 ms 3.296 ms 8 GE3-0.WANB-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 4.027 ms 3.707 ms 3.775 ms 9 GE4-0.PEERA-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 3.903 ms 3.991 ms 3.618 ms 10 300.ATM3-0.GW3.VAN1.ALTER.NET ( 3.897 ms 4.422 ms 4.005 ms 11 103.ATM2-0.XR1.VAN1.ALTER.NET ( 3.215 ms 3.443 ms 4.358 ms 12 ( 4.371 ms 3.457 ms 4.244 ms 13 ( 4.657 ms 3.905 ms 4.754 ms 14 ( 26.107 ms 27.551 ms 26.434 ms 15 ( 29.844 ms 30.562 ms 30.478 ms 16 POS1-0.XR1.PAO1.ALTER.NET ( 30.616 ms 32.291 ms 30.690 ms

9 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong9 Tracing the route on Monday 12:32am March 18, 2002 (cont.) 17 189.ATM6-0.GW10.PAO1.ALTER.NET ( 29.963 ms 38.238 ms 31.828 ms 18 opentransit2-gw.customer.ALTER.NET ( 37.560 ms 28.455 ms 28.250 ms 19 ( 144.375 ms 145.050 ms 143.684 ms 20 ( 145.109 ms 144.514 ms 144.840 ms 21 ( 193.580 ms 193.375 ms 193.330 ms 22 ( 195.168 ms 195.596 ms 194.291 ms 23 ( 195.619 ms 195.109 ms 197.044 ms 24 ( 197.480 ms 199.032 ms 196.964 ms 25 ( 252.414 ms 234.571 ms 244.382 ms 26 ( 242.594 ms 256.155 ms 241.645 ms 27 ( 231.184 ms ( 219.269 ms * 28 ( 271.172 ms 252.399 ms 290.202 ms 29 ( 201.058 ms 199.361 ms 256.002 ms 30 ( 270.098 ms 287.309 ms 233.531 ms

10 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong10 Tracing the route on Monday 2:36am March 18, 2002 ug15{georgew}105: traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ugrad-route ( 2.410 ms 2.245 ms 2.313 ms 2 turing ( 0.346 ms 0.363 ms 0.339 ms 3 ee-gw ( 12.882 ms 33.443 ms 33.013 ms 4 ( 1.458 ms 26.628 ms 1.717 ms 5 ( 0.560 ms 0.648 ms 0.490 ms 6 ( 2.336 ms 3.641 ms 2.635 ms 7 ATM9-0-101.PEERB-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 3.583 ms 3.613 ms 4.118 ms 8 GE3-0.WANB-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 3.148 ms 3.055 ms 3.762 ms 9 GE4-0.PEERA-VANCBC.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET ( 2.747 ms 3.625 ms 2.677 ms 10 300.ATM3-0.GW3.VAN1.ALTER.NET ( 3.966 ms 4.187 ms 3.539 ms 11 103.ATM2-0.XR1.VAN1.ALTER.NET ( 2.769 ms 3.281 ms 3.695 ms 12 ( 3.436 ms 4.477 ms 3.452 ms 13 ( 2.762 ms 3.804 ms 4.127 ms 14 ( 27.003 ms 36.187 ms 25.512 ms 15 ( 31.086 ms 30.262 ms 31.233 ms 16 POS1-0.XR1.PAO1.ALTER.NET ( 30.319 ms 31.317 ms 29.795 ms

11 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong11 Tracing the route on Monday 2:36am March 18, 2002 (cont.) 17 189.ATM6-0.GW10.PAO1.ALTER.NET ( 29.648 ms 30.832 ms 30.059 ms 18 opentransit2-gw.customer.ALTER.NET ( 27.518 ms 27.803 ms 28.989 ms 19 ( 143.800 ms 144.467 ms 144.476 ms 20 ( 144.234 ms 143.530 ms 142.893 ms 21 ( 194.279 ms 193.948 ms 194.374 ms 22 ( 195.428 ms 194.704 ms 195.365 ms 23 ( 194.290 ms 193.906 ms 195.206 ms 24 ( 195.671 ms 196.055 ms 195.359 ms 25 ( 202.629 ms 205.343 ms 202.853 ms 26 ( 205.853 ms 203.016 ms 197.664 ms 27 ( 200.551 ms ( 199.614 ms * 28 ( 227.871 ms 204.711 ms 205.238 ms 29 ( 218.286 ms 215.393 ms 218.853 ms 30 ( 201.211 ms 199.635 ms 198.119 ms Conclusion: Internet is so unpredictable !!!

12 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong12 Measurement Methodology  To compute the traffic demand –Fine-grain traffic measurements are collected at ALL ingress links (too expensive, impractical) –Flow-level statistics should be collected at each ingress link. The measurement can be collected directly by the incident router using Netflow (Cisco traffic measurement tool)

13 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong13 Netflow Data Record Source IP Address Destination IP Address Source IP Address Destination IP Address Next Hop Address Source AS Number Dest. AS Number Source Prefix Mask Dest. Prefix Mask Next Hop Address Source AS Number Dest. AS Number Source Prefix Mask Dest. Prefix Mask Input Interface Port Output Interface Port Input Interface Port Output Interface Port Type of Service TCP Flags Protocol Type of Service TCP Flags Protocol Packet Count Byte Count Packet Count Byte Count Start Timestamp End Timestamp Start Timestamp End Timestamp Source TCP/UDP Port Destination TCP/UDP Port Source TCP/UDP Port Destination TCP/UDP Port Usage QoS Time of Day Application Routing and Peering Port Utilization From/To The who, what, where, when and how much IP traffic questions are answered

14 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong14 Set of egress links  The flow record collected at the ingress link has sufficient information for computing a set of egress links: –IP destination address –routing table (next-hop link(s) for a particular prefix)

15 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong15 Problems with this methodology  The routers that terminate these ingress links often vary in functionality and must perform computationally intensive access control functions such as filtering  Hence, collecting flow-level statistics at every ingress link is not always feasible in practice

16 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong16 Measuring at peering links  We shall extend our methodology to measurements collected at a much smaller number of peering links.  A small number of high-end routers are used to connect to a neighboring provider

17 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong17 Measuring at peering links (cont.)  Monitoring both ingress and egress links at the peering links can capture a large fraction of the traffic –Ingress links for inbound and transit traffic –Egress links for outbound traffic Problems:  Internal traffic is missing  Ambiguous ingress point for outbound traffic  Duplicate measurement of transit traffic

18 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong18 Measuring at peering links (cont.)  Fortunately, an ISP typically knows the IP address of its directly connected customers.  However, for customers that connect to two or more service providers, the first methodology is more appropriate.

19 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong19 Experimental results  Flow-level measurements are collected at the peering links of the AT&T IP backbones  The flow-level measurement were collected by enabling Netflow on each router that terminate peering links

20 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong20 Traffic Analysis  ~80% of the total traffic is shown  Note that plots are nearly linear on the log-log scale  Rank traffic demands from largest to smallest and plot the percentage of the total traffic attributable to each

21 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong21 Traffic Analysis (cont.)  The small number of heavy hitters has important implication for traffic engineering  Since leading heavy hitters account for so much traffic, care in routing just these demands should provide most of the benefit  Significant variation in demand sizes at the highest ranks

22 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong22 Conclusion  A model of traffic demands that capture 1. the volume of data 2. the entry point into the ISP network 3. destination reachability information is proposed  A methodology for populating the demand model from flow-level measurement is presented  The measured demands reveals significant variations in demand sizes and popularities by time-of-day

23 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong23 References  Anjia Feldmann, Albert Greenberg, Carsten Lund, Nick Reingold, and Jennifer Rexford, “Deriving Traffic Demands for Operation IP Networks: Methodology and Experience,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol 3, no. 3, pp. 265-280, June 2001  Cisco Netfow (2001). [Online]. Available:

24 April 4th, 2002George Wai Wong24 Questions?

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