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+ Superintendent Update May 5, 2014 Dr. Barry Williams, Superintendent GATES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

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1 + Superintendent Update May 5, 2014 Dr. Barry Williams, Superintendent GATES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS

2 + Never say Never 25% Senator Berger is in charge of this piece of legislation; we need an alternative to save face; Suggestion to delay and put a study together for next year; lots of interest in rank and file; The majority of districts are submitting teacher names for final approval in June, which may help with the General Assembly. There is no guarantee any legislative action will occur but we will continue working with leadership to find a reasonable alternative to this law; probably not going to change wishful thinking (April 16, 2014 comment).

3 + 2 nd and correct is better than 1 st and wrong The Honorable Richard Doughton (April 23 rd ) granted a preliminary injunction staying the provisions of the 25% Mandate in the lawsuit filed by Guilford and Durham Boards of Education. The Judge ruled that the Boards had standing to challenge the constitutionality of the 25% Mandate, that they have shown likelihood of success on the merits (including the unconstitutionality of the retroactive taking of tenure, the void for vagueness argument of the language of the Mandate, and other arguments contained in our complaint) and that there will be irreparable harm if a preliminary injunction is not entered staying the Mandate and preserving the status quo.

4 + A-F & RtA A-F accountability is another law that is being addressed (68% of schools will be D’s and F’s). This is not good. Berger has to be convinced; Superintendents are planning to meet for further discussions with Senator Berger Read to Achieve needs another look; interpret laws with common sense; Gates County Schools is set for alternative assessment (giving students more opportunities), summer reading camps with instruction, teacher selection, meals and transportation

5 + Other Hot Topics Teacher compensation is another emerging issue with keeping the commitment 0-10 year teachers salary elevated; something needs to be changed for veteran teachers (bands of incremental pay increases); I suggested this strategy we incorporated in Colorado to retain teachers (it works) Public i.e. parents can be prosecuted for publicizing false information; Social media is ahead of the campaign; important to speak highly of public education and the great strides we are making in Gates County Vouchers is still in the court system Virtual Charter School is working on pilots nevertheless moving cautiously and slowly; state board understands on what it can do to a district financially

6 + Common Core State Standards Following the news of the proposed legislation concerning the Common Core State Standards, teachers are worried about what they will be teaching in the fall and whether they need to re-tool their lesson plans and curriculum decisions between now and August. Please share with your everyone the proposed bill has not been introduced yet and that the content of the bill focuses on studying the content standards that should be in place in North Carolina. That means that our current Standard Course of Study will be used until a new one is developed and approved.

7 + Thank you

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