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Role of parties’ lawyers (1)  Before mediation/court mediation Prepare the client for the process. Discuss possible questions with the client. Make sure.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of parties’ lawyers (1)  Before mediation/court mediation Prepare the client for the process. Discuss possible questions with the client. Make sure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of parties’ lawyers (1)  Before mediation/court mediation Prepare the client for the process. Discuss possible questions with the client. Make sure that all relevant persons are participating. Contact the mediator to get information on how the process is planned.

2  During mediation/court mediation Help the client to remember important interests and needs. Responsibility for clarifying matters of doubt and advise the client in connection with legal questions. Guidance concerning the drafting of an agreement – or not. Assistance during the preparation of an agreed solution to the conflict. Role of parties’ lawyers (2)

3  After having reached an agreement Implementation of the agreement Closure of previous legal steps Role of parties’ lawyers (2)

4 Costs of conflict solving MediationArbitrationCourt case Potential costs for Costs for lawyers for Tax to the government own lawyer for helplegal documents Costs for lawyers for legal before and duringand process material documents and process mediation+ oral negotiation material + litigation Costs for Cost for arbitration Potential costs in relation mediator(s)judge(s) to an appeal Potential cost for court case/arbitration

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