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Crossing Closures & Quiet Zones National Association of Counties Rail Conference Naperville, Illinois April 2011.

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1 Crossing Closures & Quiet Zones National Association of Counties Rail Conference Naperville, Illinois April 2011

2 1 Canadian Pacific’s Network  Track miles:14,800  Total employees:15,500  Annual carloads:2.7 Million Vision: To be the safest, most fluid railway in North America

3 2 Diversified portfolio provides platform for growth Mix of business (2010 freight revenues) BulkMerchandiseIntermodal Bulk Merchandise Intermodal Grain Coal Sulphur &Fertilizer Forest Products Industrial Products Automotive International Domestic Book of business

4 3 Quiet Zones  Federal Railroad Administration requires that locomotive horns be sounded as a warning to highway users at public highway-rail crossings.  Information to establish a quiet zone is at  Use of locomotive horns is an essential component to highway-rail crossing safety. In addition to highway warning devices such as crossbucks, lights and gates, use of the whistle alerts motorists and pedestrians of oncoming trains. Whistle Bans Governed by Federal Regulators

5 4 Process Overview 1.Open process by proving other party general objectives of proposal. 2.Hold preliminary meeting to discuss each party's process objectives. Establish basis for objects and credibility of negotiating parties. 3.Make proper personnel available for all discussions. 4.Identify: process, understandings of parties, sources for fact-based decisions, barriers, potential solutions. 5.Avoid drawing lines in the sand, issuing ultimatums or burning bridges. 6.Identify areas of agreement. 7.Repeat 3-6 until all areas resolved. Agreement Process

6 5  Original Proposal April 2009: CP suggests 9 crossing closures and train speed increase to 30 mph.  City countered with 5 closures, 15 mph speed.  Final Agreement Oct. 2010: 7 closures, 20 mph speed. At CP expense, renew 4 crossings with concrete and one with timber. Bellevue Proposals

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