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Energetic Forms and Changes Kinetic Energy = Motion energy = “Work in Progress” Potential Energy = stored energy = Stored Work Capability.

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Presentation on theme: "Energetic Forms and Changes Kinetic Energy = Motion energy = “Work in Progress” Potential Energy = stored energy = Stored Work Capability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energetic Forms and Changes Kinetic Energy = Motion energy = “Work in Progress” Potential Energy = stored energy = Stored Work Capability

2 Kinetic Energy KE = ½ mv 2 Kinetic Energy = ½ mass x (velocity) 2 (Joules) (kg) (m/s) 2

3 Gravitational Potential Energy PE g = m g h Potential Energy = mass x gravitational x height acceleration (Joules) (kg) (m/s 2 ) (m)

4 Potential Energy What is the potential energy at the base of each step of the stairway?

5 Energy here PE g = mgh Energy here KE=½ mv 2 PE g (initial) = KE (final) mgh = ½ mv 2

6 Potential Energy “Types” Gravitational Elastic Chemical Electrical Nuclear

7 Gravitational Potential Energy Energy stored due to an object’s position above the Earth’s surface; depends upon mass, height from earth’s surface

8 Elastic Potential Energy Energy stored by extension or compression

9 Chemical Potential Energy Energy stored in the form of a substance’s chemical bonds

10 Electrical Potential Energy Energy stored as the result of electrical charges (i.e., electrons)

11 Nuclear Potential Energy Energy stored in the nuclei of atoms

12 Light Energy An energy form defined as electromagnetic, having wave-like characteristics

13 Sound Energy An energy form considered to be transferred as a mechanical (compression) wave

14 Thermal Energy Represents the sum of the kinetic and potential Energy of all the particles in an object/system Q = m ∆ T C Thermal energy = mass x temp ◦ change x specific change heat Joules kg ◦ C J/kg ◦ C Temperature is the term that describes the total kinetic energy that results from the random motion of a system’s atoms and molecules

15 Heating Curve / Phase Changes Note thermal energy use in changing kinetic energy of atoms/molecules, and in changing the nature of the attractions between these same particles (potential energy)

16 What might you hypothesize from the heating curve for the mixture shown above?

17 Lab / Industrial Uses of Fractional Distillation

18 ENERGY TRANSFER BY 1) Radiation 2) Conduction 3) Convection

19 1)Radiation – Energy transfer through space by visible light, ultraviolet light, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation


21 2) Conduction – Energy transfer that occurs when mollecules collide; conduction takes place only when substances are in contact


23 3)Convection – energy transfer by the flow of a heated / warmer substance (meterology – the upward movement of an air mass warmed by land or sea)


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