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Post modernism.

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Presentation on theme: "Post modernism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post modernism

2 A reaction to Modernism
Experimenting with representations of reality Early part of 20th century Value judgments (good/bad) Norms/Stereotypes People capable of original thought Universal truth or meaning

3 Modernism in Practice Architecture:
Simplicity of form & elimination of ornamentation Art: Experimenting with representation of people Good design will lead to good living “machine for living” Form follows function

4 Time frame authenticity
Modernism in Practice Film Nuclear Family Time frame authenticity Liner plot Genre based

5 Breaking of Modernism Thought
Modernists… What happened? Believed lives would improve through science and logic Carried over optimistic views of the Victorian Era Science created weapons of mass destruction in WWI Pessimism swept across Europe Suspicion of science and logic in main events of WWII Holocaust Atomic Bombs in Japan

6 “Postmodernism questions those grand meta-narratives imagined by modernism. Perhaps no one person can know "the truth" about anything, if only because no truth may be experienced directly. According to postmodern authors and artists, the "presence" of truth is inevitably mediated through a range of filters, most notably fallible language.” - Dr. Andrew Wood

7 Subject of Postmodern Texts
Psychological control of the human mind Fantastic elements of the real world Denial of order Only can truly know oneself Skepticism of ideas of the modern era, especially… Progress Objectivity Reason certainty Personal identity Grand narratives

8 Styles of Postmodernism
Takes pleasure in playing with convention Points a out nature of how everything is a construction Questions previously held truths, structures, forms, and conventions Creates new truths from old forms: pastiche Treats very serious subjects with irony or humor

9 Postmodernism in Architecture
Playing with idea of conventions & construction

10 Postmodernism in Art What is art?
Art is open to many different interpretations

11 New Definition of Family
Breaking Conventions Family Genre Society New Definition of Family Paris 1899 Musical 21st sensibilities

12 Hyperreality World bases its views on what is presented to them through the media Inability to distinguish reality from simulation of reality

13 Intertextuality Acknowledges works from the past
Introduces an outside text to comment upon or play with the current text Without the original text, the current one would lose its meaning

14 Comparison Universal standards Message transmission Authentic self
Modernism Postmodernism Universal standards Message transmission Authentic self Linear narrative Homogeneity Partial truths Discourse Fragmented self Hypertext Heterogeneity

15 Images Cited Early modernist art Tokoyo parallellt Full, colorful, irregular postmodern Finding God in Abstract, Absurd, and Postmodern Art Postmodernism and pop culture Seagram building Art Movements Postmodern Advantages of a nuclear family Gay Family Values Big Data The Amazing Spiderman poster Casablance movie poster Moulin Rouge Modernism Disneyland Resort Vacations Scary Movie Poster Intertextuatliy

16 Works Cited Quintus. “Introduction to Postmodernism.” 12 Sep Jan 2013 < Moore, Andrew. “Postmodernism Unpacked.” 7 Nov St. Stithians College. 24 Jan 2013 < Matvei, Tanya. “Postmodernism Feature.” 8 Dec Jan 2013 < Wood, Andrew. Dr. “Modernism and Postmodernism” San Jose University 24 Jan 2013 <

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