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Jackson Pollock November 7,2005 By: Mary Lou Anderson.

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2 Jackson Pollock November 7,2005 By: Mary Lou Anderson

3 Childhood Jackson was born on January 28, 1912. He was born in Cody, Wyoming. Jackson comes form a family of 8 including him he has 4 brother and a mom and a dad.

4 Jackson went to Monroe Elementary School. He went to Riverside High School. He also went to Manual Arts High School. He went to John Sloan’s Life Drawing Class. Jackson studied under the famous American scene painter Thomas Hart Benton. His brother Charles inspired him when he left for drawing school Jackson started to draw. A lot of other Famous artist inspired him also.

5 Blue Poles 1952

6 Lavender Mist 1950



9 Conclusion Jackson died August 11 th 1956 in a car accident. One of Jackson famous quotes are “My painting does not come from an easel.... On the floor, I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around in it, work from the four sides and be literally `in' the painting.” I thought Pollock was a very good awesome artist. I love the way he paints and I am just amazed at all the artwork he has done.

10 However Jackson lives on through his art!!.

11 He will always be remembered for his famous works.


13 The End The End

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