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AP Art History PowerPoint Project by Joey McGinn

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1 AP Art History PowerPoint Project by Joey McGinn
e_picasso_guernica_mcginn e = 5

2 Interpreted Using The Feldman Model of Formal Analysis
100 WELL KNOWN WORKS OF ART #5 Picasso, Guernica Interpreted Using The Feldman Model of Formal Analysis

3 Pablo Picasso Guernica, 1937,
Surrealism Movement, Oil on Canvas Madrid, Spain cm x 776cm (format for a horizontal image)

4 1.DESCRIPTION a. Painting b. Oil on canvas c. 349cm x 776cm
d. Collage of pieces of people and flames e. Horizontal f. Planar – respects the picture plane g. Organic shapes-regular/repeated h. Same shapes- much variety i. Gray white black blue color scheme j. No apparent real texture/ no illusory texture k. Spain- 1930s

5 2.ANALYSIS Symbolic representations of the city of Guernica
b. Human faces, lots of gray and black c. Jumbled, unstable d. Stacked and flat structural system e. Low contrast and dull f. Wide, with some back space– some depth, It is contained in a room g. Much movement all occurring at once– done by shading i. Denser in the middle of the piece.

6 3. Interpretation Demonstrates how cold and inhuman killing is
b. Emphasizes war is a whole different breed of evil c. Add additional commentary by the artist or critics to support the interpretation (quotes and sources or a link to your essay)

7 4. Judgment What sets this work apart and makes
it worth studying? Guernica’s Historical Context b. How does this work fit into the context of what came before and after it? Development and influence of Cubism c. How have critics, historians, and the public reacted to this work? (Picasso Metropolitan) d. How has this work changed the way art is viewed? (How Picasso Changed the World)

8 Summary Cubism A style of painting in the early 20th century; Mainly developed by Pablo Picasso and George Braque. Geometric shapes are used heavily, along with many straight, linear angles.

9 Interesting Facts About Artist
Picasso was so poor at one point, he burned many of his early works for warmth While displaying anti-war themes in Guernica, Picasso himself actually endorsed Joseph Stalin. He was the first extremely famous artist and sculptor to actually be extremely famous in his own life time. His full name contains 23 words. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso is his full name. Picasso was actually accused of stealing the Mona lisa, but was released after questioning.

10 (Picasso and cubsim - Quizlet Notes-definition)
References (Picasso and cubsim - Quizlet Notes-definition)

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