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N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 HOM-couplers (pick-ups) 10.5.1 HOMBPM - Overview Purpose: on-line measuring device for 1. beam.

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Presentation on theme: "N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 HOM-couplers (pick-ups) 10.5.1 HOMBPM - Overview Purpose: on-line measuring device for 1. beam."— Presentation transcript:

1 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 HOM-couplers (pick-ups) 10.5.1 HOMBPM - Overview Purpose: on-line measuring device for 1. beam alignment on the axes of the 3.9GHz cavities (& 1.3 GHz cavities) in FLASH (&XFEL&ILC) 2. measurement of beam position at the cavity locations Task: develop, build, test electronics for 3.9 GHz cavities interpret signals and integrate in control system measure cavity alignment HOM-couplers one at each cavity end enable monitoring the HOMs excited by beam

2 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 10.5.1 HOMBPM - Motivation Beam alignment: wakefields/HOMs: excited by the beam  can lead to worse beam quality measure to reduce WF: beam alignment on the axes of the accelerating cavities particularly critical in the 3.9 GHz cavities Beam position measurement: cavities & HOM couplers exist  comes for free (no new vacuum component needed) dipole modes ~ beam offset

3 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 10.5.1 HOM-BPMs at the TESLA Cavities in FLASH HOM-BPMs at 1.3GHz cav. use dipole mode at 1.7 GHz installed in 5 accelerating modules (40 cavities) calibration: with SVD technique −problem: unstable in time Beam alignment in modules routinely used in FLASH XFEL: plan to install in some 1.3 GHz and in all 3.9 GHz cavities Other studies cavity alignment in cryo-module beam phase measurement with monopole modes at ~2.4GHz

4 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 10.5.1 Milestones and Deliverables DeliverablesDescription/titleNature 1 Delivery month 2 Prototype of HOMBPM electronics and code to probe beam centering on 3.9 GHz cavitiesP40 on experimental method and codeR48 MilestonesDescription/titleNature 1 Delivery month 2 alignment for 3.9 GHz cavity electronics verification D40 reportR48 1=prototype; R=report

5 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 10.5.1 Costs YearFTEs person-months Direct costsIndirect costs Total costs Reque sted EC Personnel Durable equipment Consumab le and prototype Travel Total direct Personnel Material and travel Total indirect (€) EU post- doc F DESY PDCT D=P+ IT= D+IR < D/3 FD+C+T 10.500.309.605952001500025007702035712105004621212323238000 20.500.309.605952001500025007702035712105004621212323238000 30.500.309.605952001500025007702035712105004621212323238000 40.000.526.203846505000250045965230794500275797354410600 Total2.9235.002170000500001000027700013020036000166200443200124600

6 N. Baboi, DESY EuCARD WP10 Kick-off Meeting, 24 Mar. 2009 10.5.1 Initial Planning YearDeadline (approx) Work 12009-06-01Employ post-doc (0.5 FTE) 2009-07-31Meeting at DESY 2009-12-31Define requirements for HOMBPMs for 3.9GHz cavities 22010-06-30Study HOMs in the 3.9GHz cavities at FLASH 2010-12-31Design electronics & LO 2010-12-31Meeting (where?) 2010-06-30Test electronics 32011-03-31Measurement alignment 2011-09-30 2012-03-31HOMBPM Calibration 42012-03-31Milestone: Prototype HOMBPM-electronics Further tests of HOMBPMs and cavity alignment measurements 2013-03-31Milestone: Final report

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