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➲ Congressional Terms ➲ Filibuster, cloture ➲ Rider, poison pill, Christmas tree legislation ➲ Quorum; Committee of the Whole ➲ Joint Resolution; Concurrent.

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Presentation on theme: "➲ Congressional Terms ➲ Filibuster, cloture ➲ Rider, poison pill, Christmas tree legislation ➲ Quorum; Committee of the Whole ➲ Joint Resolution; Concurrent."— Presentation transcript:

1 ➲ Congressional Terms ➲ Filibuster, cloture ➲ Rider, poison pill, Christmas tree legislation ➲ Quorum; Committee of the Whole ➲ Joint Resolution; Concurrent Resolution ➲ Pork / pork barrel politics ➲ Earmarks ➲ Cozy/iron triangle

2 A: Committee; B: Subcommittee; C: Rules Committee; D: Senate Floor; E: Conference Committee; AB: Committee of the Whole; BC: House Floor; AC: President Senate House A C B E AC AB (On approval of Senate Majority leader) D BC

3 Comparative Legislatures

4 Liberal Democracies ➲ Upper Houses: ➲ US: Senate (100, 2/State, 6 yrs); millionaires' club ➲ Britain: House of Lords [700 members (600 Life, 75 Hereditary, 25 Bishops)]; Symbolic power; Lords may participate in Cabinet; Scrutinizes, delays legislation (cannot veto: Parliamentary supremacy); was Final Court of Appeal (new Supreme Court) ➲ Nigeria: Senate (109 members, 4 year terms); increased number of States-->guarantee representation smaller ethnic groups; reflects tensions central government + States ➲ Mexico: Senate (128-members, 6 year term); 96 seats FTPT, 32 nationally by PR

5 European Union ➲ Council of the EU ➲ represents national governments; representation scheduled by COREPER ➲ rotating presidency ➲ initiates all legislation (directives)‏ ➲ qualified majority voting: population and wealth  “Democratic deficit” (not enough rep people of Europe) ➲ unanimous vote to overturn rejection by Parliament

6 Illiberal Democracies ➲ Russia: Federation Council; 178 members, 4 year terms; indirect appointment: governors of regions and speakers of regional legislatures; approves legislation; Confirms state of emergency ➲ China: Structure: National People's Congress (3000 representatives from regional and local congresses); Function: General-Secretary, Standing Committee of the Politburo, Central Committee of CCP ➲ Iran: Assembly of Experts, 86 members, 8 year terms, national list, all candidates must be approved by the Guardian Council, appoints and reconfirms Rahbar (Supreme Leader), reviews, amends, approves, vetoes legislation from Majlis

7 Lower Houses ➲ US: House of Representatives, 435, 2 years ➲ Britain: House of Commons, 659 members, term at discretion of Prime Minister (5 year maximum); Vote of No Confidence; elect PM ➲ Nigeria: House of Representatives, 360 members, 4 year terms; Tradition of inefficiency and corruption (patron-client relations; regional interests prevail over national priorities)‏ ➲ Mexico: Chamber of Deputies, 500-members, 3 year term, 300 seats are elected on a first-past-the-post basis and 200 by proportional representation ➲ EU: European Parliament, 732 members, directly elected to 5 year terms

8 ➲ Russia: Duma: 450 members, term at discretion of Prime Minister, President (5 year maximum), Initiates and approves legislation; overrules upper house with simple majority; Vote of Censure ➲ Iran: Majlis, 290 members, reviews, amends, votes on legislation proposed by the President which must then be approved by the Upper House, the Council of Guardians, and the Rahbar; guaranteed seats for ethnic/religious minorities

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