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9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 The first step in the Scientific Method.

11 What is Observation?

12 Information gathered from observing the changes in your heart rate during the day is called this.

13 What is data?

14 The requirement of a hypothesis in science.

15 What is it must be testable?

16 The type of observation that deals with numerical values.

17 What is quantitative?

18 A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.

19 What is an inference?

20 The number of variables you should change at one time in an experiment.

21 What is One?

22 The part of the experiment that remains the same.

23 What is the controlled variables?

24 The name of the variable that is graphed on the x-axis.

25 What is the independent (or manipulated) variable?

26 Redi conducted an experiment that investigated what 2 types of organisms?

27 What are flies and maggots?

28 The dependent (responding) variable in Redi’s experiment.

29 What is whether or not the maggots appear?

30 The metric system is based on units of this number.

31 What is 10?

32 This is the base unit for length in the metric system.

33 What is the meter?

34 This is the type of microscope that allows light to pass through the specimens.

35 What is a compound light microscope?

36 This is the type of microscope that can only view dead specimens.

37 What is the Electron Microscope?

38 If this process did not occur, every cell in your body would be the same type.

39 What is cell specialization?

40 The first common characteristic of living things.

41 What is living things are made of cells?

42 The type of reproduction in which cells are produced by a single parent.

43 What is asexual reproduction?

44 The characteristic of living things that explains why offspring resemble their parents.

45 What is living things are based on a genetic code?

46 The characteristic of living things that best explains why snakes hide under rocks in hot temperatures.

47 What is living things respond to their environment?

48 If this process is disrupted in a major way, an organism cannot survive.

49 What is homeostasis?

50 What is the highest level of organization which includes all other levels?

51 What is the Biosphere?

52 What is the smallest level of organization?

53 What is molecules?

54 What is the difference between an ecosystem and and community?

55 What is an ecosystem contains living and non-living things but a community contains only living things.

56 What would be an example of something your could study at the level of population ?

57 A herd of Bison


59 Name the levels of organization from largest to smallest.

60 1.Biosphere 2. Ecosystem 3. Community 4. Population 5. Organism 6.Groups of Cells 7. Cell 8.Molecule

61 The smallest units of an organism that can be considered alive.

62 What is a cell?

63 The most logical explanation for an event in nature.

64 What is a theory?

65 The word used in science to describe an organism changing over time.

66 What is to evolve?

67 The process by which organisms keep their internal environment stable.

68 What is homeostasis?

69 The combination of chemical reactions through which organisms build up or break down materials required for life processes.

70 What is metabolism?


72 Name 5 of the 8 Characteristics of Living Things.

73 1. Are made up of CELLS 2. REPRODUCE 3. Based on a universal GENETIC CODE 4. GROW AND DEVELOP 5. OBTAIN and USE materials and ENERGY 6. RESPOND to their environment 7. MAINTAIN stable living ENVIRONMENT 8. As a group, CHANGE OVER TIME

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