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Topic 1 – Biological Diversity and Survival

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1 Topic 1 – Biological Diversity and Survival

2 A couple questions… Why do we need diversity?
What is the ultimate goal of every living thing on the planet? What have we done to the diversity of the planet?

3 Look around the classroom...
How do you recognize one person from another? Variations: differences in characteristics of organisms caused by genetic and environmental factors Variations are found not only in humans, but in ALL populations or groups! Remember: Biological Diversity (biodiversity): the number and variety of organisms in an area

4 Why might biological diversity by important?
Imagine a world without mosquitoes... Would it be a good thing to completely wipe out an organism? Why not? It is thought that some species actually need interactions with other species to help them survive!!! Biological diversity is important for the health and survival of natural communities!

5 Variation within Species
Species: group of organisms that have similar structures and can reproduce Note: There is still variation within a species! Look at dandelion picture – pg. 8


7 Variation Among Species
Many different species share many common characteristics How did so much variety come about? To answer this question, scientists have looked to areas rich in variation – islands!!! Much biological diversity has occurred due to speciation. Speciation: the evolution of different species from a single ancestor

8 The Galapagos Finches – pg. 11

9 Variations for Survival
Every organism has adaptations that enable it to survive in its environment Behavioural Adaptations: how an organism behaves Ex: migration of birds Structural Adaptations: how an organism looks Ex: eyelashes

10 The Value of Variation Areas/species with greater biological diversity can better tolerate changes in the environment Ex: mountain pine beetle If disease destroys only one species, others species may survive

11 Measuring Biological Diversity
Biologists use a measurement called diversity index to determine biological diversity and health of an ecosystem Diversity Index: compares the diversity of species in an area with the total number of organisms in the same area # of runs/# of specimens = diversity index The higher the # - the more diverse/healthy the ecosystem!!! Calculate the diversity index of:

12 To do: Diversity Index WS Topic 1 Review #1-3, 5,6 (pg. 15)

13 Calculate the diversity index for the 2 parks:

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