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Connect communicate collaborate Intercontinental Multi-Domain Monitoring for the LHC Community Domenico Vicinanza perfSONAR MDM Product Manager DANTE –

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Presentation on theme: "Connect communicate collaborate Intercontinental Multi-Domain Monitoring for the LHC Community Domenico Vicinanza perfSONAR MDM Product Manager DANTE –"— Presentation transcript:

1 connect communicate collaborate Intercontinental Multi-Domain Monitoring for the LHC Community Domenico Vicinanza perfSONAR MDM Product Manager DANTE – Cambridge (UK) CHEP2012 – New York – May 21 st 2012

2 connect communicate collaborate The need of LHCOPN The situation: CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has really special networking and computing needs Computing Model is organised in tiers – CERN is the Tier0 (data producer) – 11 Tier1s (international big laboratories) – ~120 Tier2s (university research centres and labs) Data generated: 15 Petabytes/year (22 Petabytes last year) The solution: A special network have been built for CERN to connect it to the 11 Tier1s around the world:  The LHC Optical Private Network (LHCOPN)

3 connect communicate collaborate LHCOPN Network

4 connect communicate collaborate LHCONE The situation: Tier2 are and will be playing a crucial role – Most of the analysis will be done in Tier2 research centres and labs Network is becoming an increasingly reliable resource  Since beginning 2011 a new network started to be designed Network is becoming an increasingly reliable resource From the new requirements ( “Data should be able to be pulled […] from any Tier-2 or even, if possible, from several Tier-2s simultaneously in order to minimize the time to have the data locally to run the analysis task.” The answer: LHC Open Network Environment – L3VPN based multipoint network architecture

5 connect communicate collaborate The monitoring challenge Robust and reliable operation requires an effective monitoring of LHCOPN and LHCONE Monitoring solution needs to be: Scalable Interoperable at international level Easy to deploy and manage Easy to use for network engineers The solution chosen is based on perfSONAR for both LHCOPN and LHCONE

6 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR Performance focused Service Oriented Network monitoring Architecture International collaboration for network monitoring Contributors are GÉANT, Internet2, ESnet, and RNP Two main implementations committed to interoperate: perfSONAR MDM within GÉANT: perfSONAR PS within I2/ESnet: Open OGF protocol to exchange data Web-service based Design goals: flexibility, extensibility, openness, and decentralization.

7 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM / perfSONAR PS Similarities: both perfSONAR PS and MDM use the perfSONAR protocol to exchange data both share the same overall design goals But they have different Software development process, product life cycles, interaction with the users implementation and deployment models Summarising: perfSONAR MDM is designed to provide a service, with federated deployment, centrally monitored and coordinated, and full support. perfSONAR PS has a distributed support model with the goal of proliferating the number of performance nodes deployed across the community.

8 connect communicate collaborate Used worldwide to display network performances Easy to integrate into other visualisation tools Increasing number of organisations/events using perfSONAR to display network topology, utilisation, performances (from the NICT booth at Supercomputing 2011, Seattle – Collaboration between GEANT and NICT)

9 connect communicate collaborate Growing number of EU networks adopting perfSONAR MDM

10 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT Multi-Domain Service Desk perfSONAR MDM now officially supported by the GÉANT MDSD MDSD is operational from 08:00 to 17:00 UK time, Monday to Friday. Reachable by email or telephone +44 1480 484697

11 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR deployment at LHC LHCOPN sites are all using perfSONAR since the beginning. Initially only perfSONAR MDM Currently both perfSONAR MDM and perfSONAR PS LHCONE sites are gradually installing either perfSONAR MDM or perfSONAR PS perfSONAR MDM deployment at LHC enables: Tier1-Tier0 monitoring Tier1-Tier1 monitoring Tier1-Tier2 monitoring Tier2-Tier2 monitoring  From the same user interface

12 connect communicate collaborate New perfSONAR User Interface Comprehensive monitoring perfSONAR MDM has a new web interface: Comprehensive: Link utilisation, with possibility to compare two links One-way delay One-way delay variation Packet loss Hopcount (traceroute monitoring) with route comparison Regularly scheduled bandwidth measurement On-demand bandwidth measurement  All accessible from one URL

13 connect communicate collaborate New perfSONAR UI: User-driven design Built according to real user needs: Used by Network Operation Centre (NOC) engineers Gradually adopted by European NOCs Professionally reviewed Hosted as an independent website which accesses perfSONAR data – Customisable (in terms of security, access, …) – Easy to manage Debian and Redhat packages are being prepared

14 connect communicate collaborate Metrics at a glance: the new web- based weathermap Weather map reading live perfSONAR MDM data Customisable coloured map 19 metrics implemented The actual availability depends on what it is deployed on each site Colour-coded according to the metric chosen Wide variety of metrics to choose, including OWD Jitter Packet Loss Bandwidth Link Utilisation / Input errors / Discarded packets

15 connect communicate collaborate What’s new about the weathermap (cont.) New updated topology being implemented. Username and password created for the LHC community: – User: webcnm_lhcopn – Password: Txc5,Mb5 Please contact the perfSONAR MDM team if you would like your site to be included in the map!

16 connect communicate collaborate Screenshots from the LHCOPN/LHCONE perfSONAR MDM web interface

17 connect communicate collaborate Link utilisation, input errors, output drops (RRD-MA)

18 connect communicate collaborate RRD-MA Comparing two interfaces

19 connect communicate collaborate 1Way Delay, Jitter, Packet Loss and Traceroute

20 connect communicate collaborate As usual you can select and magnify

21 connect communicate collaborate 1Way Delay, Jitter, Packet Loss and Traceroute Clicking on the hop counts graph you can get the traceroutes and compare them Traceroute

22 connect communicate collaborate Accessing BWCTL Historic Measurements Each dot is a measurement run. Clicking on the dot a window displays the details

23 connect communicate collaborate Making an on-demand BWCTL measurement…

24 connect communicate collaborate …and getting the results in two clicks from the web interface

25 connect communicate collaborate T1-T1, T1-T2 and T2-T2 monitoring from the same interface Tier 1s Tier 2s

26 connect communicate collaborate T1-T2 Measurements

27 connect communicate collaborate T2-T2 Measurements

28 connect communicate collaborate New developments: Interface accessible from mobile devices

29 connect communicate collaborate Interface accessible from mobile devices (with on-demand capabilities) The interface on a smartphone (Apple iPhone)

30 connect communicate collaborate Interface accessible from mobile devices (iPad) The interface on an Apple iPad

31 connect communicate collaborate Troubleshooting on the move The result of an on-demand Bandwidth test run from an iPhone

32 connect communicate collaborate New developments: Integration of the new weather map

33 connect communicate collaborate New weather map integration 19 perfSONAR parameters available

34 connect communicate collaborate Weather map examples (Packet loss)

35 connect communicate collaborate Weather map examples (One-way delay)

36 connect communicate collaborate Another example: access to interface statistics

37 connect communicate collaborate Another example: Interface input errors

38 connect communicate collaborate Example: Selecting one-way delay metric and clilcking on a link

39 connect communicate collaborate It is possible to select an area to magnify for further inspection

40 connect communicate collaborate The OWD results after having magnified the area

41 connect communicate collaborate Site-specific star display shown when clicking on each site

42 connect communicate collaborate To know more about perfSONAR MDM

43 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM website: 1400 visits since April, from 58 countries Goals: -Single point of access for perfSONAR -Contact points, FAQs, resources & downloads, and support -Host news and success stories from Users

44 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR Twitter: @perfSONARMDM Weekly tweets Messages re- tweeted by other sister networks and organisations Growing community of followers around the world @perfSONAR MDM

45 connect communicate collaborate Question? Follow perfSONAR at:!/perfSONARMDM Website: http://perfsonar.geant.net Twitter: @perfSONARMDM Info:

46 connect communicate collaborate Questions?

47 connect communicate collaborate

48 Deployment (NRENs and Tier2s) A growing community of NRENs is joining perfSONAR MDM service A growing community of Tier2s are deploying perfSONAR MDM Some of them are already listed in the new interface Others will come soon (Turkey, Taiwan, Denmark, France, …) Tests have been enabled from Tier1s to Tier2 and between Tier2s (see next slides)

49 connect communicate collaborate Deployment (Tier2 and NRENs) As a consequence:  Possible integration of NREN and Tier2 monitoring infrastructures  Aggregation of network measurements across the T2-T2 path  (demo next LHCOPN meeting)

50 connect communicate collaborate Interoperability with perfSONAR-PS

51 connect communicate collaborate Four OWAMP metrics implemented up to now

52 connect communicate collaborate An example about OWAMP data retrieved by the interface

53 connect communicate collaborate Details of the interoperability: perfSONAR MDM and PS connected GÉANT Node with MDM I2 Node with PS

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