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Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject.

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1 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

2 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

3 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  The believing spouse is “not under bondage” in such a case v. 15b  This is not the same idea as “bond” in vv. 27, 39 and Rom 7:2-3 …it’s not even the same word  The idea is one of servitude, slavery…serving another’s needs [Thayer]

4 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  The believing spouse has never been under such a “bondage” whether divorce occurs or not  An argument can be made & substantiated from the Greek…the phrase is in the perfect tense  This denotes past action with ongoing present results  The disciple has never been “enslaved” to a mate to save the marriage cp. Mt 6:33 10:37

5 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  God has “called us to peace”  Obviously, not discussing “marital” peace  If so, that would have been sought with the unbeliever who has threatened to leave the marriage  “Peace with God” is never to be subjugated to “peace” in our earthly relationships…no matter what happens Rom 5:1-5

6 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  Important to remember…  Disciples are “not under bondage” when an unbelieving spouse wants to “depart” (divorce) for an unscriptural cause v. 15  Disciples are “still bound” to that mate because of the unscriptural divorce Rom 7:1-2

7 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  The contrast between vv. 12-13 & v. 15  The unbelieving spouse is content to stay married to the believer  The unbelieving spouse is not content to stay married to the believer  The difference between the two situations is the disposition of the unbeliever The RULE Ù Do Not Divorce The RULE Ù Let Him Depart

8 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16  What does Paul teach about the ability of the believing spouse left behind to remarry?  NOTHING cp. Heb 7:14  If the “Pauline Exception” was lawful, wouldn’t he have discussed re-marital rights?  Jesus did in His exception Mt 19:9

9 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  A widow is “at liberty” to remarry whomever she wishes… “only in the Lord”  This phrase has been debated as to its meaning  The widow (widower) may remarry because of principles set forth in this passage & Rom 7:1-3

10 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  Some interpret this to mean she can remarry, but she can only remarry a Christian  The N.T. never commands a disciple to marry a fellow believer  Paul had just previously spoken re: marriages comprised of believers & unbelievers vv. 12-14

11 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  Some interpret this to mean she can remarry, but she can only remarry a Christian  The N.T. never commands a disciple to marry a fellow believer  If sinful to marry an unbeliever, would it not also be sinful to remain married to an unbeliever?

12 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  Others interpret this to mean she may remarry “according to the Lord’s will”  “In the Lord” is adverbial, modifying the action (the marrying) and not the object (one married)  Disciples must always act with consciousness of the Lord’s revealed will Col 3:17

13 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  If “in the Lord” means a Christian, then what are we to do with other passages having this phrase?  Are children only to obey parents when they are Christians? Eph 6:1  Are wives only to submit to husbands when they are disciples? Col 3:18  What about slaves who obey the gospel? 1 Cor 7:22

14 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:39  Once again, Paul gives his opinion re: a widow remarrying v. 40  However, no sin is committed if the widow does remarry  The only stipulation is that her marital actions need to be consistent with the Lord’s will

15 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject A Brief Review…  Marriage = a life-long relationship; a blessing  Meant to solve man’s problem of loneliness, his lack of “suitable” companionship Gen 2  Others for whom we’ve “left” & to whom we “cleave”  An “honorable” institution that deserves our respect Heb 13:4  A view that is no longer the societal “norm”

16 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject A Brief Review…  Marriage = a life-long relationship; a blessing  Something that requires thought and prayerful preparation cp. Gen 24 Song of Sol 8  Its God-given roles must be respected and observed for it to be successful Eph 5  The highest display of love on earth 1 Cor 13

17 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject A Brief Review…  Divorce = a heartbreaking, tragic failure  An “option” God did not originally plan for when He designed marriage Deut 24 Mt 19  Activity God “hates” Mal 2  It “testifies” that some have not been serious enough about what they vowed to others, God  It is to “put asunder” what God joins Mt 19:6

18 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject A Brief Review…  Divorce = a heartbreaking, tragic failure  It is a “stumbling block” Mt 5:32  It leads to adultery Mt 19:9 Mk 10:11-12 Lk 16:18a  Yet, there is an exception Mt 5:32 19:9  It also might be necessary to show repentance, gain forgiveness Ezra 9-10 Mt 19:12

19 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject A Brief Review…  Remarriage = a limited “option”  Those who put away for fornication may remarry without committing adultery Mt 19:9  Those are put away cannot remarry Mt 5:32b Lk 16:18b  Those who marry a put away person commit adultery Mt. 5:32b Lk 16:18b

20 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

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