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Get More Done with Delegation Dr. Adam Shisler, 2011-12 ASDA president University of Texas School of Dentistry Nancy R. Honeycutt, CAE,

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Presentation on theme: "Get More Done with Delegation Dr. Adam Shisler, 2011-12 ASDA president University of Texas School of Dentistry Nancy R. Honeycutt, CAE,"— Presentation transcript:

1 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Get More Done with Delegation Dr. Adam Shisler, 2011-12 ASDA president University of Texas School of Dentistry Nancy R. Honeycutt, CAE, executive director

2 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Objectives Understand the benefits of delegation in a group setting where you are the leader. Know when and where you need to delegate. Be familiar with current research on the power of delegating in a competitive marketplace (organized dentistry, private practice, academics).

3 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What the Experts Say “Your most important task as a leader is to teach people how to think and ask the right questions so that the world doesn’t go to hell if you take a day off.” Prof. Jeffrey Pfeffer Stanford Business School

4 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Survey Says 2007 Study on Time Management -½ of 332 companies surveyed showed concern about employees’ delegation skills -But, only 28% of those same companies offer any training on the topic Why aren’t leaders doing anything about this?

5 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet What are we “doing” wrong? Overmanaging or Micromanaging -taking on tasks that should not be on the plate of leaders

6 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Consequences of “doing” Over-managing can undermine the confidence and autonomy of the members of a team. When leaders are doing, they are not leading.

7 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Goals of a Leader 1)Empower people 2)Focus on results

8 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Creating Culture Creating environment that encourages, supports and is built on the expectation of superior performance is what leads to superior results.

9 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Creating Culture The Leadership Law “Think of the reaction that you want first, then determine the actions you can take to maximize the chances that those reactions will actually happen.”

10 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Leadership Law: Challenges 1)Egocentric o Focus on them not you 2)Lack of empathy o Understand the other point of view 3)Leaders focus on their own actions o Listen actively 4)The belief that others understand them o Walk the floor, but step up to the balcony

11 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Walk the Floor

12 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Get on the Balcony

13 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Right the Ship

14 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Action Plan -Are there areas where I need to ‘let go’ or delegate more? -Are there areas where I need to get more involved or provide more help?

15 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Do Less of the Doing and More of the Leading -What will you stop doing? -What will you start doing? -What will you continue doing?

16 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Scenario #1

17 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Scenario #2

18 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Scenario #3

19 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Closing Quote to add

20 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Email:

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