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JEOPARDY 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 ABCDEFGH

2 What is the name of the current president of Iran A100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

3 Who was the first shah of Iran after WWI A 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Shah Reza Khan

4 Why was the first Shah removed from power and replaced by his son? A 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. He sided with the Axis powers of WWII (Germany, Italy, Japan)

5 A 400 What was “Black Friday” Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The mass shootings of demonstrators supporting the removal of the Shah

6 A 500 Who led the opposition to the shah Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Ayatollah Khomeini

7 B 100 What are the two main rivers that flow through the middle of Iraq Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Tigris and Euphrates

8 B 200 Who was the first Monarch of Iraq after WWI Push the Space Bar to check your answer. King Faisal I

9 B 300 Which Empire controlled Iraq prior to WWI Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The Ottoman Empire

10 B 400 Who is this man, and when did he take power Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Saddam Hussein, 1979

11 B 500 What was the name of the country Iraq invaded in 1990 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Kuwait

12 C 100 What was the Balfour Declaration Push the Space Bar to check your answer. England stated a goal of a national home for the Jewish people

13 C 200 When and where was oil first discovered in the Middle East Push the Space Bar to check your answer. 1908 Iraq

14 C 300 What was the name of the agreement in 1916 to split-up the Ottoman empire Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Sykes-Picot agreement

15 C 400 What are “Settlements” Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Israeli towns built on areas designated to the Palestinians

16 C 500 What does “PLO” stand for Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Palestinian Liberation Organization

17 D 100 A conservative Islamic religious leader Push the Space Bar to check your answer. ayatollah

18 D 200 Title given to the ruler of Iran until 1979 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Shah

19 D 300 The movement for re- establishing an independent Jewish state in the Middle East Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Zionism

20 D 400 What are “WMD’s” Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Weapons of Mass Destruction

21 D 500 “Coalition of the willing” What is this? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Countries supporting the USA to invade Iraq in 2003

22 E100 Who was the Leader of Turkey that emerged after World War I Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Mustafa Kamel

23 E 200 "Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.“ Who delivered this quote? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Yasser Arafat

24 E 300 What group of people make up 20% of Israeli’s population Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Arabs

25 E 400 Who are the 2 people pictured in the cartoon, and what does the image symbolize Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran, symbolizes Iranian “worshipping” the USA

26 E 500 In 1973 Arab nations invaded Israel, what was the name of the war? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Yom Kipper War

27 F 100 Who was the founder of the Zionist movement? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Theodore Herzl

28 F 200 Who is the current leader of the PLO? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Mahmoud Abbas

29 F 300 The Camp David Accords created peace between which countries? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Egypt and Israel

30 F 400 The Iranian revolution was unique because….? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. It was driven by the religious leaders rather than against them.

31 F 500 What is Hamas? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Radical Islamic group within the Palestinians controlling the Gaza strip

32 G 100 What happened to Neda during the 2008 Iranian presidential elections, and subsequent protests. Push the Space Bar to check your answer. She was shot dead in the streets

33 G 200 Which Egyptian leader was assassinated in 1981 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Anwar Sadat

34 G 300 What did the Hussein- McMahon correspondence indirectly grant Palestine? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Freedom to become an independent state

35 G 400 The WW2_______ immensely pressured Jews to immigrate back to Palestine. Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Holocaust

36 G 500 What happened at the 1972 Munich Olympic games? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. PLO terrorists captured and killed 11 Israeli athletes

37 H100 What event left the Palestinians without a homeland? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. the Arab-Israeli war of 1948

38 H 200 After the 1 st Gulf War in 1991, which internal group tried to overthrow the Iraq leader? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The Kurds

39 H 300 In 1980, Iraq attacked Iran, why? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. in retaliation for Khomeini’s attempts to provoke Shiites in Iraq to overthrow the Iraqi government.

40 H 400 Iran’s Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was even more determined than his father to make Iran into Push the Space Bar to check your answer. a modern Westernized nation

41 H 500 Who became the ruler or Iraq in 1979? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Saddam Hussein

42 FINAL JEOPARDY Push the Space Bar to check your answer. 1.Sunni and Shiite 2.Sunni = followers of a leader who understands Mohamed’s beliefs 3.Shiite = leader should be a blood line relative of Mohamed Muslim What are the two factions of the Muslim faith, and what is the difference between the two Muslim faiths

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