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Math, Science and Technology Gifted and Talented Mrs. Elaine Frederick.

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Presentation on theme: "Math, Science and Technology Gifted and Talented Mrs. Elaine Frederick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math, Science and Technology Gifted and Talented Mrs. Elaine Frederick

2 Class Meetings  Classes will meet biweekly.  Students will meet by grade level.  Classes will meet in the Technology Lab.

3 Goals and Objectives:  Students will understand that collaboration is an essential part of the scientific process and scientists do not work in a vacuum.  Students will understand that there is a scientific process consisting of developing a question, forming a hypothesis, performing investigations or experiments, gathering of data, and analysis or evaluation of data.

4 Continued  Students will understand that the scientific approach is not utilized only in the science laboratory but used to solve problems in any real life situation.  Students will understand that there are patterns all around them.  Students will understand that being correct is not a requirement and that there is value in being wrong.

5 Developing the Three Story Intellect  Enhance the cognitive levels of classroom interaction  Make sense out of the information gathered  Apply and evaluate actions in a novel situation

6 Wait Time  What is it?  Control wait time

7 Design Process  Identify the Need or Problem  Research the Need or Problem  Develop Possible Solution(s)  Select the Best Possible Solution  Construct a Prototype  Test and Evaluate the Solution(s)  Communicate the Solutions  Redesign

8 The 16 Habits of Mind identified by Costa and Kallick:  Persisting  Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision  Managing impulsivity  Gathering data through all senses  Listening with understanding and empathy  Creating, imagining, innovating  Thinking flexibly  Responding with wonderment and awe

9 Habits of Mind-continued  Thinking about thinking (metacognition)  Taking responsible risks  Striving for accuracy  Finding humor  Questioning and posing problems  Thinking interdependently  Applying past knowledge to new situations  Remaining open to continuous learning

10 Sites of Interest  ds.htm ds.htm  gt.html gt.html 

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