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Nepheline Sludge as a Feedstock for building Materials Graduate Student: Alyona E. Kovyazina Institute of High Technology Physics, TPU Graduate Advisor:

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Presentation on theme: "Nepheline Sludge as a Feedstock for building Materials Graduate Student: Alyona E. Kovyazina Institute of High Technology Physics, TPU Graduate Advisor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nepheline Sludge as a Feedstock for building Materials Graduate Student: Alyona E. Kovyazina Institute of High Technology Physics, TPU Graduate Advisor: Vasiliy A. Lotov, Prof., Doctor Linguistic Advisor: Larisa V. Maletina, Ass. Prof., Ph.D.

2 Outline Nepheline Properties Aim Materials & Methods Results

3 Nepheline Properties 80-85% Belite Chemical composition is similar to portland cement Use as a filler in: Ceramic Binder Glass productions Nepheline sludge

4 Aim Aim – production of the durable crystalline matrix of material based on nepheline sludge

5 Main components: - nepheline sludge - quartz sand salt additives Raw materials Quartz sand Sodium sulfate Aluminum sulfate Ferrous sulfate (II)

6 Methods Medium-dry extrusion - ratio of main components – 70/30 - time of hardening – 14 days - moist conditions Casting - ratio of main components – 50/50, 60/40, 70/30 - time of hardening – 14 days - air conditions Hydrothermal treatment - ratio of main components – 50/50, 60/40, 70/30 - time of hydrothermal treatment – 3 hours - time of hardening – 1 day - air conditions

7 Compressive strength of samples, МPа Compressive strength, М P а Results

8 composition limit of compressive strength, MPa 50:5060:4070:30 Na 2 SO 4 additive2,113,154,72 Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 additive1,782,152,91 Compressive strength of casting samples, MPa composition limit of compressive strength, MPa 50:5060:4070:30 Na 2 SO 4 additive5,277,2310,61 Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 additive3,785,038,12 Compressive strength of samples after hydrothermal treatment, MPa

9 Further research Hardening condition Hydrothermal treatment Porous structure production

10 Thank you for your attention!

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