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More Design Patterns Horstmann ch.10.1,10.4. Design patterns Structural design patterns –Adapter –Composite –Decorator –Proxy Behavioral design patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "More Design Patterns Horstmann ch.10.1,10.4. Design patterns Structural design patterns –Adapter –Composite –Decorator –Proxy Behavioral design patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Design Patterns Horstmann ch.10.1,10.4

2 Design patterns Structural design patterns –Adapter –Composite –Decorator –Proxy Behavioral design patterns –Iterator –Observer –Strategy –Template method –Visitor

3 Adapters Cable adapter: adapts plug to foreign wall outlet OO Programming; Want to adapt class to foreign interface type Example: Add CarIcon to container Problem: Containers take components, not icons Solution: Create an adapter that adapts Icon to Component

4 Adapter Have Icon Want Component

5 Adapter public class IconAdapter extends JComponent { private Icon icon; public IconAdapter(Icon i) { icon = i; } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { icon.paintIcon(this, g, 0, 0); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight()); } }

6 The ADAPTER Pattern Context You want to use an existing class (adaptee) without modifying it. The context in which you want to use the class requires target interface that is different from that of the adaptee. The target interface and the adaptee interface are conceptually related. Solution Define an adapter class that implements the target interface. The adapter class holds a reference to the adaptee. It translates target methods to adaptee methods. The client wraps the adaptee into an adapter class object.

7 The ADAPTER Pattern

8 Icon paintComponent() JComponent paintIcon() JFrame IconAdapter

9 The ADAPTER Pattern In stream library Input streams read bytes Readers read characters Non-ASCII encoding: multiple bytes per char is a stream What if you want to read characters? Adapt stream to reader InputStreamReader Reader r1 = new InputStreamReader(; Reader r2 = new InputStreamReader(,"ISO-8859-1");

10 The ADAPTER Pattern InputStream read() Reader read() InputStreamReader

11 QUIZ We have list, but we want stack. Can we make adapter? 1.No, it is not possible 2.Yes, it is possible, but UML diagram is wrong 3.Yes, it is possible and UML diagram is correct 4.I don’t know

12 Proxies Proxy: a person who is authorized to act on another persons behalf Example: Delay instantiation of object Expensive to load image Not necessary to load image that user doesn't look at Proxy defers loading until user clicks on tab

13 Image Loading Simple approach: load image files from web address JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); for (int i=100; i<200; i++) { URL url = new URL(""+i+”.jpg”); JLabel label = new JLabel( new ImageIcon(url) ); tabbedPane.add(i, label); } All 100 pictures are loaded before the first is displayed May be slow May overflow memory

14 Deferred Image Loading Simple image loading: JLabel label = new JLabel( new ImageIcon(url) ); Using proxy: JLabel label = new JLabel( new ImageProxy(url) ); paintIcon loads image if not previously loaded public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { if (image == null) image = new ImageIcon(url); image.paintIcon(c, g, x, y); } Picture is fetched only if/when needed

15 The PROXY Pattern Context A class (the real subject) provides a service that is specified by an interface type (the subject type) There is a need to modify the service in order to make it more versatile. Neither the client nor the real subject should be affected by the modification. Solution Define a proxy class that implements the subject interface type. The proxy holds a reference to the real subject, or otherwise knows how to locate it. The client uses a proxy object. Each proxy method invokes the same method on the real subject and provides the necessary modifications.

16 The PROXY Pattern

17 Icon ImageIconImageProxy paintIcon() JLabel

18 QUIZ We want to offer an undo-last-operation for queues without messing with the code of existing queue classes. Which pattern is appropriate? 1.Adapter 2.Proxy 3.Decorator 4.Composite 5.None of the above 6.I don’t know

19 QUIZ Which design pattern is used here? 1.Adapter 2.Composite 3.Decorator 4.Proxy 5.None of the above 6.I don’t know

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