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ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Trigonometric Fourier Series  Outline –Introduction –Visualization –Theoretical.

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Presentation on theme: "ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Trigonometric Fourier Series  Outline –Introduction –Visualization –Theoretical."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Trigonometric Fourier Series  Outline –Introduction –Visualization –Theoretical Concepts –Qualitative Analysis –Example –Class Exercise

2 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesIntroduction  What is Fourier Series? –Representation of a periodic function with a weighted, infinite sum of sinusoids.  Why Fourier Series? –Any arbitrary periodic signal, can be approximated by using some of the computed weights –These weights are generally easier to manipulate and analyze than the original signal

3 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Periodic Function  What is a periodic Function? –A function which remains unchanged when time-shifted by one period f(t) = f(t + T o ) for all values of t  What is T o ToToToTo ToToToTo

4 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties of a periodic function 1  A periodic function must be everlasting –From –∞ to ∞  Why?  Periodic or Aperiodic?

5 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties of a periodic function  You only need one period of the signal to generate the entire signal –Why?  A periodic signal cam be expressed as a sum of sinusoids of frequency F 0 = 1/T 0 and all its harmonics

6 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesVisualization Can you represent this simple function using sinusoids? Single sinusoid representation

7 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesVisualization To obtain the exact signal, an infinite number of sinusoids are requiredamplitude Fundamental frequency New amplitude 2 nd Harmonic amplitude 4 th Harmonic

8 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Theoretical Concepts (6) (6) Period Cosine terms Sine terms

9 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Theoretical Concepts (6) (6)

10 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series DC Offset What is the difference between these two functions?A012 -2 -A A012 -2 Average Value = 0 Average Value ?

11 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series DC Offset If the function has a DC value:

12 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Qualitative Analysis  Is it possible to have an idea of what your solution should be before actually computing it? For Sure

13 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – DC Value  If the function has no DC value, then a 0 = ?12 -A A DC?A012 -2 DC?

14 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Symmetry A A 0 π/2 π 3π/2 f(-t) = -f(t)  Even function  Odd function 0 -A A π/2 π 3π/2 f(-t) = f(t)

15 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Symmetry  Note that the integral over a period of an odd function is? If f(t) is even: Even OddX=Odd Even EvenX=Even

16 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Symmetry  Note that the integral over a period of an odd function is zero. If f(t) is odd: Odd EvenX=Odd Odd OddX=Even

17 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Symmetry  If the function has: –even symmetry: only the cosine and associated coefficients exist –odd symmetry: only the sine and associated coefficients exist –even and odd: both terms exist

18 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Symmetry  If the function is half-wave symmetric, then only odd harmonics exist Half wave symmetry: f(t-T 0 /2) = -f(t) 12 -A A

19 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Properties – Discontinuities  If the function has –Discontinuities: the coefficients will be proportional to 1/n –No discontinuities: the coefficients will be proportional to 1/n 2  Rationale:12 -A A A012 -2 Which is closer to a sinusoid? Which function has discontinuities?

20 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesExample  Without any calculations, predict the general form of the Fourier series of:12 -A A DC? No, a 0 = 0; Symmetry? Even, b n = 0; Half wave symmetry? Yes, only odd harmonics Discontinuities? No, falls of as 1/n 2 Prediction a n  1/n 2 for n = 1, 3, 5, …;

21 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesExample  Now perform the calculation zero for n even

22 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier SeriesExample  Now compare your calculated answer with your predicted form DC? No, a 0 = 0; Symmetry? Even, b n = 0; Half wave symmetry? Yes, only odd harmonics Discontinuities? No, falls of as 1/n 2

23 ES 240: Scientific and Engineering Computation. Introduction to Fourier Series Class exercise  Discuss the general form of the solution of the function below and write it down  Compute the Fourier series representation of the function  With your partners, compare your calculations with your predictions and comment on your solutionA012 -2

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