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Published byTeresa Preston Modified over 9 years ago
Extends Euclidean space algebra to higher dimensions
<0,0,1> Linear Algebra Extends Euclidean space algebra to higher dimensions Definitions Dot product of vectors A=<a1,a2,…an> and B=<b1,b2, …, bn> A B = a1*b1 + a2*b2 + … + an * bn The length of a vector <a1, a2, … , an> is (a12 + a22 + … + an2)½ A set of vectors are linearly independent if none of them can be expressed as a linear combination of the others A set of n vectors is a basis for an n-dimensional space if they are all linearly independent Vectors are orthogonal if their dot product = 0 (ex: <1/5½,2/5½ >, <-2/5½,1/5½ >) Two orthogonal vectors are orthonormal if their lengths are all unity <0,1,0> <1,0,0> Interpretation We can represent any vector by a linear combination of an orthogonal set <1/5½,2/5½ > • <4,7> = 18/5½ and <-2/5½,1/5½>• <4,7> = -1/5½ (18/5½)<1/5½,2/5½ > + (-1/5½)<-2/5½,1/5½> = <20/5, 35/5> = <4,7> Orthogonal vectors extends the concept of: “perpendicular”
Extend Linear Algebra to Calculus
Two functions, f(x) and g(x) and are orthogonal over the interval with weighting function w(x) if If, in addition, f(x) ≠ g(x) ≠ 0 and w(x) ≠ 0 = 0 , and = 0 the functions f(x) and g(x) are said to be orthornormal Interpretation: Sets of periodic functions are orthornormal
Fourier Decomposition
Fourier showed us that we can decompose any time domain signal into a (possibly infinite) series of waves described by a set of orthonormal functions Each wave has a well-defined frequency and can vary in amplitude
Fourier Series An infinite sum of sinusoids modeling a continuous signal is an example of a Fourier Series Each point on the Fourier number line represents a particular sinusoid Fourier transform: Decompose a signal into Fourier components, perform processing, and recombine the results to solve an original problem We use transforms to alter a problem that cannot be solved in one domain into another, where the solution is possible. Many DSP algorithms are able to compute useful results by analyzing a signals component frequencies
Fourier Square Wave Synthesis
Fourier Decomposition
Example: decompose a signal into 9 cosine and sine waves The decomposition models the signal’s phase and amplitude
The Fourier Transform Family
Fourier Series A possibly infinite decomposed weighted sum of sinusoidal functions that models a periodic signal Fourier Transform A linear operation that maps an arbitrary function with into a spectrum of its frequency components Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) A Fourier Transform applied to a discrete periodic series of measurements Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) A Fourier Transform applied to a an aperiodic discrete series of measurements Fast Fourier Transform: Fast way to calculate DFT
Orthonormal Sinusoids
Orthonormal Attenuating/Amplifying Sinusoids
Parameters Frequency of attenuation or amplification Speed of attenuation or amplification
Alternative Basis Functions
Choosing a Basis Function Set
Any orthonormal function set works, but all choices are not equal A good choice: Has desirable mathematical characteristics. Those with sharp edges fail Represents frequencies, amplitudes, phases. Pure sines and cosines fail Integral: Cos (πx/3) * cos (2 πx/3) cos (πx/3) and cos (2 πx/3)
Orthonormal Basis Sets (cont.)
The winners: Continuous version: e-j2πft = cos(2πft) – j sin(2πft) where t is point in time, f is a frequency, polar notation models both phase angle and magnitude Discrete version: e-j2πfn/N = cos(2πfn/N) – j sin(2π fn/N) where n is a signal measurement, f is one of the N orthonormal functions Note: The angular frequency, ωm, measured in radians per second is defined as follows: ωm = 2πfF0 = 2πf/T0 measures how fast a particular basis function oscillates with respect to the fundamental frequency, F0, having period, T0. For every one time F0 rotates about the unit circle, 2πfF0 rotates f times faster.
The Fourier Transform
The Fourier Algorithm Fourier analysis This Signal has
Signal: x(t) = sin(2π*1000t) sin(2*2000πt+3π/4) This Signal has Two component frequencies: 1Khz, and 2Khz The second signal has a 1350 phase difference from the first We measure the signal at N (8) measurements per cycle (fs=8kHz) Fourier analysis Multiply each measurement by the corresponding sin and cosine values of e-2πfn/N and sum the results The resulting frequency array will have non zero elements at indices X[1] and X[2] as we would expect The phase angles are relative to the cosine of f0 X[1] phase is -900 (-π/2) because sin(π/2) = cos(0) and cos(f0) leads by 900 X[2] phase is +45 (π/4) because cos(2*f0) trails by that amount Negative frequencies X[6] and X[7] equal -X[2] and -X[1] respectively
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
Second Example Comparisons with the first example
Same signal: x(t) = sin(2π*1000t) sin(2*2000πt+3π/4) Sampling starts three time units later (see above figure) Fourier results (We apply the same Fourier algorithm) The same frequency components have non zero magnitudes The cosine and sine sums are different, but the magnitudes are the same The phase of X[1] from -90 and +45; the third sample moves forward. The phase of X[2] goes from +45 to -45 because the third sample, because each sample is π /2 apart, and starting with the 3π/4, the third sample starts with 3 * (π /2) + 3π/4 = 9 π /4, π /2 ahead of the basis function
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
Example Results Notes The results are scaled by N/2 (4 + 2 + 2 +4 = 12
f First Example Second Example M ϕ Real Imag 1 4 -90 0.000 -4.000 +45 2.8284 2 1.414 -45 1.4142 3 5 6 -1.414 7 +90 4.000 Notes The results are scaled by N/2 ( = 12 The frequency domain is symmetrical about point N/2 X[0] = X[4] in this example, but not generally
DFT Properties The DFT is a linear transformation: c1DFT(x1[n])+c2DFT(x2[n]) = DFT(c1x[n] + c2x2[n]) The resulting magnitudes are amplified by N/2 (8/2 in this case). This means the 4 should be 1 and the 2 should be ½. A shift in the measurements correspond to a shift in the DFT phase calculations (as seen in the examples) The frequency domain is symmetric.
DFT Symmetry The resulting frequency domain is symmetric
X[n-k] = X[n+k] when k ≠N/2 and k ≠0, The upper frequencies represent negative frequencies (the extension of the signal if moving back in time) X[0] represents zero DC bias, a non oscillating constant X[N/2] represents the component fs/2 Negative Frequencies Positive Frequencies
DFT and its Inverse Definition: Continuous Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform: X(w) = ∫-∞, ∞ x(t)e-iwtdt Inverse: x(t) = (1/2π)∫ -∞, ∞ X(w)eiwtdw Discrete Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform: X[k] = ∑n=0,N-1 x[n] e-i2πkn/N Inverse: x[k] = (1/N)∑n=0,N-1 X[k] ei2 πkn/N Note: We can change the scale factor if we want the transform and its inverse to be completely symmetric Conclusion: We can use DFT to go back and forth between the time and frequency domains
DFT Correlation Algorithm
public double[] DFT( double[] time) { int N = time.length; double fourier[] = new double[2*N], real, imag; for (int k=0; k<N; k++) { for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { real = Math.cos(2*Math.PI*k*i/N); imag = -Math.sin(2*Math.PI*k*i/N); fourier[2*k] += time[i]*real; fourier[2*k+1]+= time[i]*imag; } } return fourier; } Complexity: O(N2) because of the double loop of N each Example: For 512 samples, loops times Evaluation: Too slow, but FFT is O(N lg N) Note: even indices = real part, odd indices = imaginary part
Relation to Speech For analysis we breakup signal into overlapping windows Why? Speech is quasi-periodic, not periodic Vocal musculature is always changing Within a small window of time, we assume constancy, and process as if the signal were periodic Typical Characteristics 10-30 ms length 1/3 to 1/2 overlap
DFT Issues Implementation difficulties
Impact: Algorithm runs too slow, especially for real time processing Solution: FFT algorithm Spectral Leakage: Occurs when a signal has frequencies that fall between those of the DFT basis functions Result: Magnitude leaks over the entire spectrum Solutions: Windowing and DFT padding Inadequate frequency resolution Impact: DFT magnitudes represent wide ranges of frequencies Solution: DFT zero padding Signal rough edges: Impact: Inaccuracies because windows don’t have smooth transistions Solution: Windowing
DFT Zero Padding Each frequency domain bin represents a range of frequencies Assume sampling rate fs = 16000, N = 512 Frequency domain 3, contains magnitudes for frequencies between 16000/512*3 (93.75) to 16000/512*4 (125) Each frequency bin models a range of frequencies Padding the time domain frame with zeroes adds high frequency components, but does not negatively impact the result, or impact the lower frequencies of the spectrum
DFT Zero Padding
FFT zero padding can increase SNR
Definition: SNR = 10log( Psignal/Pnoise Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons ( ) © Pearson Education, 2011.
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