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Byungsik Hong (Korea University) For the CMS Collaboration Dihadron Correlations and Flow from CMS 10 December 20111HIM2011-12 Heavy-Ion Meeting (HIM2011-12)

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Presentation on theme: "Byungsik Hong (Korea University) For the CMS Collaboration Dihadron Correlations and Flow from CMS 10 December 20111HIM2011-12 Heavy-Ion Meeting (HIM2011-12)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Byungsik Hong (Korea University) For the CMS Collaboration Dihadron Correlations and Flow from CMS 10 December 20111HIM2011-12 Heavy-Ion Meeting (HIM2011-12) Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 10 December, 2011

2 Outline 1.Introduction –Physics motivation –LHC and the CMS detector 2.First experimental data from CMS –We concentrate only on the correlation and flow results in this presentation. –Correlations in pp at 7 TeV and PbPb at 2.76 TeV –Flow in PbPb at 2.76 TeV –Comparison to Hydro 3.Summary 10 December 20112HIM2011-12

3 Motivation  Correlation is a powerful tool to study –Hadron production mechanism –Jet-medium interactions in heavy-ion collisions –Bulk properties of the produced medium (sQGP)  Flow is a powerful tool to address –Equation-of-state –Viscosity of the medium –Fluctuations and initial conditions 10 December 2011HIM2011-123

4 10 December 2011HIM2011-124 p+p at (√s) max = 14 TeV Designed L of pp: 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Pb+Pb at (√s NN ) max = 5.5 TeV p+p at (√s) max = 14 TeV Designed L of pp: 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Pb+Pb at (√s NN ) max = 5.5 TeV

5 CMS Detector Superconducting Coil (3.8 T) CALORIMETERS ECAL 76k scintillating PbWO 4 crystals HCAL Plastic scintillator/ Brass sandwich Steel YOKE Pixels (66M Ch.) Silicon Microstrips (9.6M Ch.) 220 m 2 of silicon sensors TRACKER Cathode Strip Chambers Resistive Plate Chambers MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Drift Tube Chambers Resistive Plate Chambers 10 December 20115HIM2011-12 Weight: 12,500 tons Diameter: 15 m Length: 22 m HF Centrality in heavy-ion events for 2010 run Pixels (66M Ch.) Silicon microstrips (9.6M Ch.) 220 m 2 of silicon sensors TRACKER HF Centrality in heavy-ion events for 2010 run Very large coverage (|  | < 5.0)!

6 Summary of 2010 PbPb Run 10 December 2011HIM2011-126  A dedicated heavy-ion mode –Turn off zero suppression –Taking data at up to 220 Hz –12 MB event size  Triggering on minimum bias, jets, muons and photons –ALL rare probes written to tape –~half of minimum bias written  Recorded luminosity –PbPb @ √s NN = 2.76 TeV: 8.7  b -1  Reference pp data –pp @ √s = 2.76 TeV: 241 nb -1 –pp @ √s = 7 TeV: > 5 fb -1  Total volume of PbPb data –~0.89 PetaByte (Days since Nov. 1, 2010) Note: luminosities will be rescaled by few % after complete analysis of Van der Meer scans

7 Dihadron Correlation Technique 10 December 2011HIM2011-127 Event 1 Event 2 Same event pairsMixed event pairs 1: Trigger particle 2: Associated particle Associated hadron yield per trigger  =  assoc –  trig  =  assoc –  trig

8 High-Multiplicity pp Event 10 December 2011HIM2011-128

9 Ridge in High-Multiplicity pp 10 December 2011HIM2011-129 Striking “ridge-like” structure extending over  at  ~ 0 Intermediate p T : 1-3 GeV/c Minimum bias pp ( ~15) JHEP09, 091 (2010) 350K top multiplicity events out of 50 billion collisions High multiplicity pp (N  110)

10 p T Dependence in pp 10 December 2011HIM2011-1210 No ridge when correlating to high p T particles! 100 billion (1.78 pb -1 ) sampled minimum-bias events from high-multiplicity trigger 660K events

11 Differential Δφ Projection 10 December 2011HIM2011-1211 p T assoc p T trig CMS pp 7 TeV, N ≥ 110 2<|  |<4 CMS Preliminary

12 10 December 2011HIM2011-1212 p T trig CMS pp 7 TeV, N ≥ 110 Ridge region (2<|  |<4) p T trig Jet region (|  |<1) Differential Δφ Projection

13 Near-Side Yields for N ≥ 110 10 December 2011HIM2011-1213 |  |<1 Zero-Yield-At-Minimum (ZYAM) 2<|  |<4

14 Near-Side Yields for N ≥ 110 10 December 2011HIM2011-1214  Jet yield in pp monotonically increases with N  Ridge in pp turns on around N~50-60 (4XMB) smoothly |  |<1 2<|  |<4

15 PbPb Event 10 December 2011HIM2011-1215

16 Ridge in Heavy-Ion Collisions 10 December 2011HIM2011-1216 = 4 ~ 6 GeV/c = 2 ~ 4 GeV/c PbPb 0-5% most central arXiv:1105.2438 PYTHIA8 simulation

17 Differential Δφ Projection 10 December 2011HIM2011-1217 p T trig arXiv:1105.2438 Ridge region (2<|  |<4): Long-range correlations (0-5% most central PbPb) Jet region (|  |<1): Short-range correlations p T trig

18 Integrated Associated Yield 10 December 2011HIM2011-1218  Ridge-region yield: integration of the near-side enhancement  Jet-region yield: sum of the near-side short- & long-range yields  Ridge in PbPb diminishes at high p T ZYAM v 2 not subtracted: not significant in central collisions (0-5% most central PbPb) arXiv:1105.2438

19 PbPb vs. pp 10 December 2011HIM2011-1219 Ridge Region CMS pp 7 TeV, N ≥ 110 CMS PbPb 2.76 TeV, 0-5% |  | dependence Ridge Region x10 (X10)

20 Centrality Dependence in PbPb 10 December 2011HIM2011-1220 cos(2  ) PbPb at 2.76 TeV PbPb PbPb : 4 - 6 GeV/c : 2 - 4 GeV/c : 4 - 6 GeV/c : 2 - 4 GeV/c

21 v 2 -Subtracted Yields in PbPb 10 December 2011HIM2011-1221 PbPb PbPb Ridge region (2<|  |<4) Jet minus ridge region Jet region (|  |<1) Jet region (|  |<1) vs. RHIC Similar trend in centrality to RHIC results!

22 Possible Origin of Ridge 10 December 2011HIM2011-1222 The ridge & Mach-cone like emission may be induced by higher order flow terms! ~ V 3 cos(3Δ  ) ΔΔ ΔΔ Ridge ΔΔ ΔΔ Mach-cone like ~ V 2 cos(2Δ  ) ΔΔ ΔΔ V 2 + V 3 x y Triangular flow (v 3 ) from event-by-event fluctuation PRC81, 054905 (2010) Reaction plane x z y Elliptic flow (v 2 ) Reaction plane G. Qin, H. Peterson S. Bass, B. M ü ller

23 Fourier Decomposition 10 December 2011HIM2011-1223  Fourier analysis of long-range dihadron correlation − Short-range non-flow effects are excluded. − Complementary to standard flow analysis methods (EP, cumulants, LYZ) V3fV3f V1fV1f V2fV2f V4fV4f V5fV5f 2<|  |<4

24 Fourier Decomposition 10 December 2011HIM2011-1224 arXiv:1105.2438 n=2n=3n=4n=5 (0-5% most central PbPb) Ridge region (2<|  |<4): Long-range correlations Dotted lines: Sum of five terms(n=1~5) in the Fourier series ( )

25 v 2 from Long-Range Correlations 10 December 2011HIM2011-1225 70-80% 0-5% ZPC70, 665 (1996) PRC81, 054905 (2010)

26 v2fv2f v 2 {2} v 2 {4} v 2 from Long-Range Correlations 10 December 2011HIM2011-1226 ZPC70, 665 (1996) PRC81, 054905 (2010) 0-5% 70-80%

27 v 3 from Long-Range Correlations 10 December 2011HIM2011-1227 70-80% 0-5% ZPC70, 665 (1996) PRC81, 054905 (2010)

28 v 3 from Long-Range Correlations 10 December 2011HIM2011-1228 ZPC70, 665 (1996) PRC81, 054905 (2010) 0-5% v3fv3f v 3 {2} 70-80%

29 v f n vs. Centrality 10 December 2011HIM2011-1229  Powerful constraints on the viscosity of the medium  Sensitive to the initial conditions PbPb PbPb

30 More on v 2 10 December 2011HIM2011-1230 PHENIX > CMS at high p T for centrality > 30% CMS and ALICE agree in general except in most peripheral events

31 Systematics on v 2 10 December 2011HIM2011-1231 Smooth increase from RHIC to LHC by 15-20%

32 v 4 and v 6 10 December 2011HIM2011-1232

33 v5v5 10 December 2011HIM2011-1233 Alver et al., PRC82, 034913 (2010) Prediction for RHIC, 0-5% centrality

34 Full Harmonic Spectra 10 December 2011HIM2011-1234

35 Comparisons to Hydro 10 December 2011HIM2011-1235 For Glauber initial conditions

36 Initial Conditions & η/s 10 December 2011HIM2011-1236  Different initial conditions add another parameter space  Quantitative comparison requires further tuning  Yet to be determined which set of parameters works best

37 Summary 10 December 2011HIM2011-1237

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