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Immigration. Women Workers 18% of Labor Force Most domestic servants Paid less than men Mary Harris Jones “Mother Jones” Women’s Trade Union League WTUL.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration. Women Workers 18% of Labor Force Most domestic servants Paid less than men Mary Harris Jones “Mother Jones” Women’s Trade Union League WTUL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration

2 Women Workers 18% of Labor Force Most domestic servants Paid less than men Mary Harris Jones “Mother Jones” Women’s Trade Union League WTUL

3 Europeans Flood into America 1865 to 1914 “New Immigration” 25,000 Reasons why immigrants left – Famine, Poor European Economies, Oppertunities in US, Religious Persecution

4 Atlantic Voyage Most immigrants poor Steam Ships Steerage: Cheapest accommodations on a steam ship Dirty, nasty, cramped

5 Ellis Island and Angel Island Immigrants coming to America was processed at one of the two before being allowed into the country Ellis Island- immigrants coming from Europe Angel Island – Immigrants coming from Asia Many Experience Nativism

6 Chinese Exclusion Act Denis Kearny, Irish Immigrant himself No Chinese Immigrants for 10 years Chinese Immigrants living in US can’t become citizens Causes issues with Japan

7 Migration to the cities US cities grow after Civil War. Why? – Immigrants cant afford farms – Better paying jobs Cities forced to build upward not outward – Skyscrapers – Louis Sullivan designed many of them

8 Separation by Classes Lived in different sections of the city High Society Middle-Class Gentility – Doctors, lawyers, engineers, moved from city center and took advantage of commuter rails The Working Class – Tenements (apartment buildings_

9 Urban Issues Crime, Poverty, Pollution How the Other Half Lives Political Machines – gained and kept political power – Party Bosses: provided services but for a price George Plunkitt Tammany Hall – William “Boss” Tweed, NY, received prison sentence

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