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Modelling Class T07 Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour References: –Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems (Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14)

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling Class T07 Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour References: –Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems (Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling Class T07 Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour References: –Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems (Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14)

2 Modelação2 Program T01-T02 – Module 1 - Introduction to Systems Modeling T03-T06 – Module 2 - Conceptual Modeling – Domain T07-T11 – Module 3 - Conceptual Modeling – Behavior 1.Overview 2.Flow-Based Behavior 3.Message Based Behavior 4.Event Based Behavior 5.Revision T12-T15 – Module 4 - Ontology T16-T19 – Module 5 - Conceptual Modeling – Architecture T20-T21 – Module 6 - Conceptual Modeling – Methodologies T22-T23 – Module 7 - Ontology: Advanced T24-T25 - Conceptual Modeling – Global Revisions; Exercises, …

3 Behavior in UML 3Modelação

4 Behavior in SysML 4Modelação

5 Behavior in UML and SyML 5Modelação UMLSysML

6 Behavior – Use Case Diagrams 6Modelação

7 Use Case Diagrams Use cases describes an interaction between a system and an actor (an external entity). The description must be provided from the point of view of the actor! Therefore, a use case describes "who" can do or is affected by "what" with or from the system. Use cases are also useful to make the bridge between the requirements documenting and the modeling of the detailed systems’ behavior Modelação7

8 8 The use case template… NameUC-8: Search SummaryAll occurrences of a search term are replaced with replacement text. RationaleWhile editing a document, many users find that there is text somewhere in the file being edited that needs to be replaced, but searching for it manually by looking through the entire document is time- consuming and ineffective. The search-and-replace function allows the user to find it automatically and replace it with specified text. Sometimes this term is repeated in many places and needs to be replaced. Other times, only the first occurrence should be replaced. The user may also wish to simply find the location of that text without replacing it. UsersAll users PreconditionsA document is loaded and being edited. Basic Course of Events 1.The user indicates that the software is to perform a search-and-replace in the document. 2.The software responds by requesting the search term and the replacement text. 3.The user inputs the search term and replacement text and indicates that all occurrences are to be replaced. 4.The software replaces all occurrences of the search term with the replacement text. Alternative Paths 1.In step 3, the user indicates that only the first occurrence is to be replaced. In this case, the software finds the first occurrence of the search term in the document being edited and replaces it with the replacement text. The postcondition state is identical, except only the first occurrence is replaced, and the replacement text is highlighted. 2.In step 3, the user indicates that the software is only to search and not replace, and does not specify replacement text. In this case, the software highlights the first occurrence of the search term and the use case ends. 3.The user may decide to abort the search-and-replace operation at any time during steps 1, 2 or 3. In this case, the software returns to the precondition state. PostconditionsAll occurrences of the search term have been replaced with the replacement text. Not to forget: Use cases are instantiated in scenarios!!!

9 Use case diagram -«include» and «extend» Modelação9

10 SysMLUML Behavior in UML and SyML 10Modelação Flow-based behavior Event-based behavior Message-based behavior

11 Behavior – Activity Diagrams 11Modelação Flow-based behavior

12 Activity Diagrams (UML) An activity diagram is used to display the sequence of activities involving one or more entities of the system. They show an workflow detailing the decision paths. Activity diagrams are useful for business modeling where they are used for detailing the processes involved in business activities. Modelação12

13 Activity Diagrams (SysML) An example… Modelação13

14 Behavior – Interactions (messages)… 14Modelação Message-based behavior

15 Interactions (messages) Interactions represent exchanges of messages between objects… Modelação15 Pre-defined Interactions in SysML Predefined interactions in UML Call Return Send Create Destroy

16 Interactions (messages) Semantics of the graphic elements: Modelação16 Synchronous message Return to a synchronous message Asynchronous message Creation of a new object

17 Behavior – Sequence Diagrams 17Modelação

18 Sequence Diagrams (UML; SysML) A way to represent interactions between objects, among time… Stress the lifetime of the objects in a specific execution context. Modelação18

19 Behavior – Communication Diagrams 19Modelação

20 Communication Diagrams (UML) Show interactions but stressing the relations between the objects involved Relevant to stress collaboration patterns among the objects Modelação20

21 Behavior – Timing Diagrams 21Modelação

22 Timing Diagrams (UML) Stress state changes in objects over time… It can represent the same information as in the interactions diagrams and state machine diagrams, but now with detailed information about temporal restrictions and lengths… Modelação22

23 Behavior – Interaction Overview Diagrams 23Modelação

24 Interaction Overview Diagrams (UML) Interaction overview diagrams in UML are relevant to describe sequences of action. These diagrams combine elements of activity diagrams with sequence diagrams to show the sequences of action. The elements represented are references to other existing diagrams (activity or interaction in general…). Modelação24

25 Behavior – State Machine Diagrams 25Modelação Event-based behavior

26 State Machine Diagrams (UML; SysML) A state machine diagram models the behavior of a single object, specifying the sequence of events that object goes through during its lifetime in response to events. Modelação26

27 Please never forget that: “A model is the explicit interpretation of one’s understanding of a situation, or merely of one’s ideas about that situation. It can be expressed in mathematics, symbols or words, but it is essentially a description of entities, processes or attributes and the relationships between them. It may be prescriptive or illustrative, but above all, it must be useful” Brian Wilson. Systems: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications. John Wiley and Sons, 1990, 2 nd Edition, page 11 Modelação27

28 Modelação28

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