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Fasciola Hepatica.

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Presentation on theme: "Fasciola Hepatica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fasciola Hepatica

2 Taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes Class: Trematoda
Subclass: Digenea Order: Echinostomida Suborder: Echinostomata Family: Fasciolidae Genus: Fasciola Species: F. hepatica

3 Definition: Flatworms parasitic in liver and bile ducts of all domestic mammals and humans Flatworms also called Fluke Leaf shaped like: Length of 30 mm and width of 13mm. Diseases caused by the fluke is called fascioliasis

4 Hosts: Definitive host: All domestic and wild ruminants
Intermediate host: Snail

5 Location where found: Europe Northern Africa Cuba South America
and other countries (Freshwater and grass)

6 Fasclouisis Hepatic Cycle:

7 Internal Organization:

8 F. hepatica under the microspore:

9 Healthy and infected liver:

10 Diagnosis: Stool sample Duodenal Aspirate Biliary Aspirate

11 Treatments: Chemotherapy Carbon tetrachloride Hexachlorethane
Other drugs

12 Preventions: Three ways to prevent the disease: Snail control
Treatment of infected cattle Immediate reaction of management through predicting out breaks of disease


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