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Welcome Back Staff Meeting August 2013. Thank You!!  Thank you for all your hard work with S.S. curriculum development this summer  Thank you to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back Staff Meeting August 2013. Thank You!!  Thank you for all your hard work with S.S. curriculum development this summer  Thank you to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back Staff Meeting August 2013

2 Thank You!!  Thank you for all your hard work with S.S. curriculum development this summer  Thank you to the summer reading camp teachers who helped extend the school year  Thank you for your flexibility as we put the final touches on this year’s schedule and as we make decisions about when to start switching for groups  Everyone’s room looks FANTASTIC!

3 What can I take away? Again no recess or lunch duty this year No milk charts to keep track of Any other things that seem like a waste of time or are redundant? Do you like scheduling your own MAP or would you prefer to have a schedule?

4 To Do  Please write/type the standard #’s on your lesson plans for reading, math, science, and s.s.  P.E. will need to include any health standards covered  Please put P.E./Health on your schedules  Please sign-up for school beacon and also reminders 101 text to 314-720-8825 in the msg. type @teacherrem  Please continue to log behavior in PowerSchool  I will retrain with grades 3-6 during recess

5 L to J  Everything same as last year  Here are your All Time Best notes for the bulletin board as well as personal bests stickies  Take some time to come up with a really good celebration that can be done publically so everyone can enjoy it

6 Homework  Respectful assignments  Consistency

7 Student Council  Consists of sixth grade students.  Students campaign during August. Their campaign should be based on one of the 8 keys that they feel is their strongest trait.  Present their campaign to students in the little gym (mornings before school)  Election to be held first of September

8 Student Recognition  Continue Pup of the Week  A.R. will be determined by student council so nothing formal here at first  I will also have students begin helping with announcements in the morning  I will announce any kind of pat on the back that you would like to give to students  Student recognitions will go on the website

9 NeSA Test Scores 2012 ReadMathSci Not/Met % 3rd 24/7633/67 4th 43/5736/64 5th 19/8110/9024/76 6th 27/7431/70 7th 48/5233/67 8th 37/6333/6744/56 11th 32/6958/4242/58 2013 ReadMathSci Not/Met % 3rd 10/9031/69 4th 25/7540/60 5th 20/8025/7554/46 6th 30/7025/75 7th 30/6922/79 8th 36/6445/5541/59 11th 60/4044/5640/60

10 Fidelity Checks  We will continue to video  We will be looking for opportunities for you to offer feedback to each other  I will be offering feedback  My goal is quality control  Instruction/feedback occurring any time students are in your room (even study hall)  Increased emphasis on what students are doing

11 Table of Specs and DOK  Information from Roxanne on her experiences using the Table of Specs and DOK  Using these tools to help with lesson planning  ndex.html

12 Field Trips  Mark down your top 3 choices for STUHR and turn those into me.  I will schedule the trips and then give you confirmation on date and time.  Be sure to turn in the field trip form in your binders to Sue Bombeck!! She will need to know for lunch purposes.  I would like all field trips scheduled ASAP

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