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Objectives ► Become familiar with the class String ► ► Learn how to use input and output dialog boxes in a program ► ► Learn how to tokenize the input.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives ► Become familiar with the class String ► ► Learn how to use input and output dialog boxes in a program ► ► Learn how to tokenize the input."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives ► Become familiar with the class String ► ► Learn how to use input and output dialog boxes in a program ► ► Learn how to tokenize the input stream ► Explore how to format the output of decimal numbers with the class DecimalFormat

2 Object and Reference Variables ► Declare a reference variable of a class type ► Use the operator new to:  Allocate memory space for data  Instantiate an object of that class type ► Store the address of the object in a reference variable

3 The Operator new ► Statement: Integer num; num = new Integer(78); ► Result:

4 Garbage Collection ► Change value of num: num = new Integer(50); ► Old memory space reclaimed

5 Using Predefined Classes and Methods in a Program ► Many predefined packages, classes, methods in Java ► Library: Collection of packages ► Package: Contains several classes ► Class: Contains several methods ► Method: Set of instructions

6 Using Predefined Classes and Methods in a Program ► To use a method you must know:  Name of class containing method (Math)  Name of package containing class (java.lang)  Name of method (pow), its parameters (int a, int b), and the function or purpose of the method (a^b) int i=2 j=4, k; k= Math.pow( i, j ); The value of k will be 2^4=16

7 Using Predefined Classes and Methods in a Program ► Example method call: import*; //imports package OR import //imports class Math.pow(2,3); //calls power method in //class Math or package java.lang Package java.lang is automatically imported ► (Dot). Operator: used to access the method in the class

8 The class String ► String variables are reference variables ► Given String name;  Equivalent Statements: name = new String("Lisa Johnson"); name = “Lisa Johnson”;

9 Commonly Used String Methods ► String(String str) ► char charAt(int index) ► int indexOf(char ch) ► int indexOf(String str, int pos) ► int compareTo(String str)

10 Commonly Used String Methods ► String concat(String str) ► boolean equals(String str) ► int length() ► String replace(char ToBeReplaced, char ReplacedWith) ► String toLowerCase() ► String toUpperCase()

11 What is tokenizing ► Consider the following string  “This is a test of string tokenizing” ► A token is a substring of this string that is selected as follows:  A particular delimeter or separation character is chosen, in this case choose whitespace (blank or tab)  Starting at the beginning of the string characters are added to the substring until a delimeter is encountered  The token is the substring (the delimeter is not added to the substring)

12 What is tokenizing ► The next token is selected as follows:  The next character in the string that is not a delimeter is located. This character is the first character of the next token.  Starting at this character, additional characters are added to the substring until a delimeter is encountered  The token is the substring (the delimeter is not added to the substring) ► For this example the second token would be “is” ► The pattern continues until all characters in the string have been processed.

13 Tokenizing a String ► class StringTokenizer  Contained in package java.util  Tokens usually delimited by whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, etc)  Contains methods: ► public StringTokenizer(String str, String delimits) ► public int countTokens() ► public boolean hasMoreTokens() ► public String nextToken(String delimits)

14 StringTokenizer tokenizer; String inputLine; String name; String number; inputLine = “Judy 3250”; tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(inputLine); name = tokenizer.nextToken(); num = Integer.parseInt( tokenizer.nextToken() );

15 Using Dialog Boxes for Input/Output ► Use a graphical user interface (GUI) ► class JOptionPane  Contained in package javax.swing  Contains methods: showInputDialog and showMessageDialog ► Syntax: str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(strExpression) ► Program must end with System.exit(0);

16 Parameters for the Method showMessageDialog

17 JOptionPane Options for the Parameter messageType

18 JOptionPane Example

19 Formatting the Output of Decimal Numbers ► Type float: defaults to 6 decimal places ► Type double: defaults to 15 decimal places

20 class Decimal Format ► Import package java.text ► Create DecimalFormat object and initialize ► Use method format ► Example: DecimalFormat twoDecimal = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); twoDecimal.format(56.379); ► Result: 56.38

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