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FCC Study Status & Summary of FCC Week 2015

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1 FCC Study Status & Summary of FCC Week 2015
Frank Zimmermann BE/ABP Group Meeting CERN, 21 May 2015 gratefully acknowledging input from Michael Benedikt & Johannes Gutleber Work supported by the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme projest EuCARD-2, Grant Agreement , and the HORIZON 2020 project EuroCirCol, Grant Agreement

2 FCC study – scope & goal Goal: Accelerator & Infrastructure
FCC-hh: 100 TeV pp collider as long-term goal - defines infrastructure needs FCC-ee: e+e- collider, potential intermediate step FCC-he: integration aspects of pe collisions key technologies infrastructure in Geneva region Physics & Experiments physics opportunities, detector concepts, data services Cost, implementation and governance models Conceptual Design Report by end of 2018 in time for next European Strategy Update Goal:

3 CERN Circular Colliders + FCC
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 20 years Constr. Physics LEP Design Proto Construction Physics LHC Design Construction Physics HL-LHC Design Future Collider Physics Construction Proto

4 Study time line towards CDR
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Study plan, scope definition Explore options “weak interaction” conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” FCC Week 2015: work towards baseline FCC Week 17 & Review Cost model, LHC results  study re-scoping? FCC Week 2016 Progress review Elaboration, consolidation FCC Week 2018  contents of CDR Report CDR ready

5 Key Parameters FCC-hh Parameter FCC-hh LHC Energy [TeV] 100 c.m.
Dipole field [T] 16 8.33 # IP 2 main, +2 4 Luminosity/IPmain [cm-2s-1] x 1034 1 x 1034 Stored energy/beam [GJ] 8.4 0.39 Synchrotron rad. [W/m/aperture] 28.4 0.17 Bunch spacing [ns] 25 (5) 25

6 FCC-hh Luminosity Goals
Two parameter sets for two operation phases: Phase 1 (baseline): 5 x 1034 cm-2s-1 (peak), 250 fb-1/year (averaged)  2500 fb-1 within 10 years (~HL LHC total luminosity) Phase 2 (ultimate): ~2.5 x 1035 cm-2s-1 (peak), 1000 fb-1/year (averaged)  15,000 fb-1 within 15 years  Yielding total luminosity O(20,000) fb-1 over ~25 years of operation OK for physics

7 fresh in arXiv

8 FCC-hh luminosity evolution 24 h
radiation damping: t~1 h for both phases: beam current 0.5 A unchanged! total synchrotron radiation power ~5 MW. phase 1: b*=1.1 m, DQtot=0.01, tta=5 h phase 2: b*=0.3 m, DQtot=0.03, tta=4 h

9 FCC-hh int. luminosity per day
phase 1: b*=1.1 m, DQtot=0.01, tta=5 h phase 2: b*=0.3 m, DQtot=0.03, tta=4 h

10 Key Parameters FCC-ee Parameter FCC-ee LEP2 Energy/beam [GeV]
45 120 175 105 Bunches/beam 51- 98 4 Beam current [mA] 1450 30 6.6 3 Luminosity/IP x 1034 cm-2s-1 5 - 11 0.0012 Energy loss/turn [GeV] 0.03 1.67 7.55 3.34 Synchrotron Power [MW] 100 22 RF Voltage [GV] 11 3.5 Dependency: crab-waist vs. baseline optics and 2 vs. 4 IPs

11 FCC-ee: Luminosity vs. Energy
Crab waist 4 IP Crab waist 2 IP Baseline 4 IP Baseline 2 IP H? with mono-chromatization

12 by* evolution over 40 years
b* [m] SuperKEKB FCC-ee SPEAR PEP, BEPC, LEP PETRA TRISTAN DORIS CESR-c, PEP-II BEPC-II CESR DAFNE KEKB 6 mm 1 mm 0.3 mm entering a new regime for ring colliders – SuperKEKB will pave the way towards b*≤1 mm

13 Geology Studies – Example 93 km
90 – 100 km fits geological situation well, better than a smaller ring size LHC suitable as potential injector

14 A key to New Physics

15 EuroCirCol EU Horizon 2020 Grant
EC contributes with funding to FCC-hh study Core aspects of hadron collider design: arc & IR optics design Feasibility study of key technologies: T magnet program, cryogenic beam vacuum system

16 Evaluation Results Science is excellent
15/15 Science is excellent Project is ambitious and shows innovation potential Objectives are clear and approach is credible Will have impact on other disciplines and industry Key element of European Strategy on Particle Physics Quotes Recognition of FCC Study by European Commission

17 16 Tesla EC Funded Scope Arc Design Lead: CEA A. Chancé Co-Lead: CERN
D. Schulte EIR Design Lead: JAI A. Seryi Co-Lead: CERN D. Schulte Cryo Beam Vacuum Lead: CELLS F. Perez Co-Lead: CERN P. Chiggiato High Field Magnet Lead: CERN L. Bottura Co-Lead: n.n. 16 Tesla

18 EuroCirCol Consortium + Associates
CERN IEIO TUT Finland CEA France CNRS KIT Germany TUD INFN Italy UT Netherlands ALBA Spain CIEMAT STFC United Kingdom UNILIV UOXF KEK Japan EPFL Switzerland UNIGE NHFML-FSU USA BNL FNAL LBNL Japan KEK Finland TUT France CEA, CNRS Italy INFN Germany KIT, TUD Switzerland EPFL, UNIGE Netherlands UT Spain ALBA, CIEMAT CERN United Kingdom STFC, UNILIV, UOXF Consortium Beneficiaries, signing the Grant Agreement

19 The FCC Collaboration A consortium of partners based on a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) Working together on a best effort basis Self governed Incremental & open to academia and industry Specific contributions detailed in Addendum

20 Collaboration Status 55 institutes 20 countries EC participation

21 55 FCC collaboration members & CERN as host institute,
status 28 April 2015 KEK, Japan KIAS, Korea King’s College London, UK KIT Karlsruhe, Germany Korea U Sejong, Korea MEPhI, Russia MIT, USA NBI, Denmark Northern Illinois U., USA NC PHEP Minsk, Belarus U. Liverpool, UK U Oxford, UK PSI, Switzerland Sapienza/Roma, Italy UC Santa Barbara, USA U Silesia, Poland TU Tampere, Finland U Twente, Netherlands Wroclaw UT, Poland ALBA/CELLS, Spain Ankara U., Turkey U Bern, Switzerland BINP, Russia CASE (SUNY/BNL), USA CBPF, Brazil CEA Grenoble, France CEA Saclay, France CIEMAT, Spain CNRS, France Cockcroft Institute, UK U Colima, Mexico CSIC/IFIC, Spain TU Darmstadt, Germany DESY, Germany TU Dresden, Germany Duke U, USA EPFL, Switzerland GWNU, Korea U Geneva, Switzerland Goethe U Frankfurt, Germany GSI, Germany Hellenic Open U, Greece HEPHY, Austria U Houston, USA IFJ PAN Krakow, Poland INFN, Italy INP Minsk, Belarus U Iowa, USA IPM, Iran UC Irvine, USA Istanbul Aydin U., Turkey JAI, UK JINR Dubna, Russia FZ Jülich, Germany KAIST, Korea

22 Study Coordination Group - evolving
M. Benedikt F. Zimmermann Study Lead A. Ball, (F. Gianotti,) J. Incandela, M. Mangano, W. Riegler Hadron Collider Physics & Experiments A. Blondel, J. Ellis, C. Grojean, P. Janot Lepton Collider Physics & Experiments M. Klein, O. Bruning ep Physics, Experiment, IP Integration B. Goddard Hadron Injectors D. Schulte, M. Syphers Hadron Collider Y. Papaphilippou Lepton Injectors F. Zimmermann, J. Wenninger, U. Wienands Lepton Collider L. Bottura, E. Jensen, L. Tavian Accelerator Technologies R&D JM. Jimenez Special Technologies P. Lebrun, P. Collier Infrastructures & Operation P. Lebrun, F. Sonnemann Costing & Planning

23 First FCC Week Conference Washington DC 23-27 March 2015

24 1st FCC Week Washington DC, March 2015

25 “head shots” from Bob Palmer (BNL)
FCC Week 2015 “head shots” from Bob Palmer (BNL)

26 340 128 Institutes 21 Countries FCC Week 2015 STATISTICS Registrants
FCC kickoff & FCC week 2015 – both had about 340 participants

27 a few highlights from the FCC week
US congressman Bill Foster: “don’t be shy to stand up for the unique nature of your field and don’t be afraid of big numbers!” special session devoted to US (LARP, SRF, high field magnets, particle physics strategy) industrial exhibition and “industry fast-track” session focused on Nb3Sn and HTS conductor development James Siegrist (DOE) pointed way for aligning the US high-field R&D effort with FCC goals; implementation plan to be composed in near future first US demonstrator magnet could be ready in 2016 Lenoid Rivkin was confirmed as FCC collaboration board chair until the end of 2018

28 Outlook till end 2015 freeze baselines, parameters and concepts
colliders, injectors and infrastructures series of (mini-)reviews in June and September/October: - geology, FCC-ee optics, FCC-hh injection energy put Nb3Sn/16 T magnet program on solid feet alignment with US DOE high-field magnet program define and launch selected technology R&D programmes e.g. cryo-beam vacuum system for FCC-hh reinforce physics and detector simulations pursue MDI ( e.g. FCC-ee SR effects) and experiment studies further enlarge global FCC collaboration

29 FCC Week Rome, April 2016

30 FCC study is counting on the help and support from the ABP group!

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