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Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 2 Basic Functions, Common Excel Errors, Cell Addressing 1 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 2 Basic Functions, Common Excel Errors, Cell Addressing 1 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 2 Basic Functions, Common Excel Errors, Cell Addressing 1 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

2 Common Excel Errors Unusual symbols Green triangles 2 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

3 Common Excel Errors Numbers that don’t add up correctly (Precision Vs. Formatting) 3 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

4 Functions How does a function work? Functions take arguments and return a result Algorithm  A step-by-step procedure for accomplishing some end task. Result  The value calculated by the function 4 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

5 Format or Syntax of a Function Syntax Specific format required to use a function its name and order of arguments Function Syntax is not case sensitive Format or syntax of a function =Function Name(arguments) Arguments – Argument variables are used by the function to calculate the result. Arguments appear in a specific order. 5 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

6 Examples of Syntax =SUM(number1, [number2], …) =SUM(A1:A4, A1:D4, A1, D3:D5,7, markup) * 3 A1:A4 - Range along a column A1:D4 - A two-dimensional range (Block) markup – Named Range Argument Required Argument Optional Many more arguments 6 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

7 Common Functions CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing 7

8 Round Function CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing 8 Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) number: Number to be rounded num_digits: Number of decimal places

9 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing 9

10 Type in Function or use the Function Wizard Function wizard: A short-cut to all the functions in excel (use fx toolbar button) that walks you through building a function 10 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

11 Blank Cells when using certain functions Blank Cells are ignored 11

12 Insert a row between 2 and 3 and add the order# 301 with the quantity of 1,000 12

13 Excel Error Messages #####- Numeric value too wide to display #DIV/0!- Divide by 0 or blank cell occurs #N/A- Data being referenced is not available #NAME?- Text in formula is not recognized #NUM!- Problem with a number in a formula or function #REF!- Cell reference is not valid #VALUE!- Wrong type of argument or operand in a formula 13 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

14 Copying Formulas with Relative cell referencing Automatically adjusts formula cell references when formula is copied. 14 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

15 Copying Formulas with Mixed cell referencing Keeps the column or the row reference in the formula the same when copying the formula (Signified by $) 15 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

16 Copying Formulas with Absolute cell referencing Keeps the column and the row reference in the formula the same when copying the formula (Signified by $ in front of column and row) 16 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

17 Hard Coding values Typing in the value in a formula or function instead of a cell reference What if service charge changes to 8%? 17 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

18 Named Ranges You can name a cell or a group of cells and use that name in your formulas. Treated as an absolute cell reference 18 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing

19 Copy the formula in cell A1 across to cell C1 and down to cell C4 19 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing Fill in the Grid

20 Copy the formula in cell A2 across to cell C2 and down to cell C4 ABC 1 2=A11+D4 3 4 20 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing Fill in the Grid

21 Copy the formula in cell A2 across to cell C2 and down to cell C4 ABC 1 2=A$11+$D4 3 4 21 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing Fill in the Grid

22 Copy the formula in cell A2 across to cell C2 and down to cell C4 ABC 1 2=$A$11+D$4 3 4 22 CSE 2111 Lecture 2-Basic Functions and Cell Addressing Fill in the Grid

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