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Naval Sea Systems Command D A H L G R E N D I V I S I O N N A V A L S U R F A C E W A R F A R E C E N T E R U.S Navy Mine Countermeasures Laboratory, Circa.

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Presentation on theme: "Naval Sea Systems Command D A H L G R E N D I V I S I O N N A V A L S U R F A C E W A R F A R E C E N T E R U.S Navy Mine Countermeasures Laboratory, Circa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naval Sea Systems Command D A H L G R E N D I V I S I O N N A V A L S U R F A C E W A R F A R E C E N T E R U.S Navy Mine Countermeasures Laboratory, Circa 1945 Dr. David P. Skinner Executive Director Dr. David P. Skinner Executive Director CAPT A. A. (Fred) Shutt, USN Commanding Officer CAPT A. A. (Fred) Shutt, USN Commanding Officer Supporting Sea Mine Warfare…

2 Panama City, Florida

3 Industry Players in Mine Warfare Klein Associates Amrad Anteon Arete’ Associates ARINC Bluefin Robotics Boeing Dynamic Technology EDO Marine & Aircraft Systems Foster-Miller Hydroid Harris Jacobs Engineering Kaman Aerospace AgustaWestland Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman Presearch QinetiQ Raytheon RD Instruments SAIC Sikorsky Aircraft SODERN Thales Underwater Systems The Sigmon Group Titan Systems Tyco Ultra Electronics USIA Underwater Equipment Veridian Innovation New Technologies Production to the Fleet Cost Savings Through Multi-Mission Use

4 RMS H60 RHIB Common Launch & Recovery JUSC2 Mission Systems Test Bed Combat System Human Systems Integration Joint Gulf Coast Test Range Common Deck Handling w/ OMNI Demo Enabling Concepts for LCS Coastal Systems Station --- Shrimp Boil and Exhibits --- Hangar Doors Date: Wednesday, 7 May 2003 Time: 1745 Location: CSS Helicopter Hangar AMCM ICWS LMRSBPAUV REMUS SAHRV Crawlers HSV – Demonstrating Future MIW Concepts Mines HSV Experimentation CSS and Industry Exhibits Shrimp Boil & Serving Area CSS Helicopter Hangar Note: Station Access By Courtesy Bus Only

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