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Application of the EDG Testbed Bockjoo Kim*, Soo-Bong Kim Seoul National University (SNU) Kihyeon Cho, Youngdo Oh, Dongchul Son Center for High Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of the EDG Testbed Bockjoo Kim*, Soo-Bong Kim Seoul National University (SNU) Kihyeon Cho, Youngdo Oh, Dongchul Son Center for High Energy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Application of the EDG Testbed Bockjoo Kim*, Soo-Bong Kim Seoul National University (SNU) Kihyeon Cho, Youngdo Oh, Dongchul Son Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP) Kyungpook National University Jysoo Lee KISTI, Supercomputing Center International HEP DataGrid Workshop 9 Nov 2002

3 Outline LHC Computing Challenge European DataGrid European DataGrid (EDG) testbed in Korea The EDG testbed and tests The GDMP (Datamanagement) and tests Possible Immediate Application of the EDG Testbed Summary

4 LHC HEP computing, key parameters All LHC experiments at CERN:  10 Peta Bytes/yr data storage; disk: 2 P Byte Multi-experiment Tier 1:  3 Peta Byte/yr; disk: 0.5 P Byte Tier 0 & 1 at CERN:2 M SI 95 (PC today ~ 20SI95) Multi-experiment Tier 1:0.9 M SI 95 Networking Tier 0 --> Tier 1:622 Mbps (4 Gbps) (black fibre: 1 Tbps today)

5 Online Data Rate vs Size Level 1 Rate (Hz) 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 High No. Channels High Bandwidth (500 Gbit/s) High Data Archive (PetaByte) LHCB KLOE HERA-B CDF II CDF H1 ZEUS UA1 LEP NA49 ALICE Event Size (bytes) 10 4 10 5 10 6 ATLAS CMS 10 7 10 6 It doesn’t… Factor O(1000) Online data reduction via trigger selection “How can this data reach the end user?”

6 European DataGrid (EDG) WP1: workload WP2: data management WP3: grid monitoring services WP4: fabric management WP5: mass storage management WP6: Integration and testbed WP7: network services WP8: HEP application WP9: Earth Observation WP10:Biology WP11:Dissemination WP12:Management OS & Net services LHC VO common application layer Other apps ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Specific app layer Other apps GLOBUS 2.0 EDG middleware High level GRID middleware Basic Services (Globus) Concept of EDG To cope with the data challenges in LHC era Participants EC+(Korea+U.S.+Japan+China…) Operational at EC

7 The EDG Fabric and Testbed CE / WN (PC Cluster) RPMs repository Profile repository LCFG Server SE(GDMP) UI RB LCFG : EDG software + Profile + CE, WN, SE, RB, UI installation&conf UI : User Interface : Job submission interface for authorized users CE: Farms of commodity PCs  Globus Resource Access Management (GRAM) service+GSI RB : Resource Broker : Core of job scheduling SE : Any storage system: accessible via ftp, nfs, etc & GSI WN: Worker CPU hidden underneath CE ~ clusters Profiles An EDG Testbed Listens update All the machines are linux red hat

8 EDG Important Ingredients X.509 Authentication + Users certs on LDAP Grid Information Index Service (GIIS): not fully used. RB does the job Virtual Organization(VO) : CMS, Atlas, etc Virtual Users and Groups for VO LDAP services for VO, authentication list with edg schema Replica Catalog (RC) uses also LDAP server with edg schema Replica Management uses GDMP (grid data mirroring pkg.) VO Management Data Management Resource Locating Security

9 EDG Testbed in Korea The EDG testbeds are installed at KNU and at SNU The globus simple CA is managed at KNU and at SNU to sign certs In addition to the default VO ’ s in EDG, a cdf VO is constructed Authentication and VO LDAP server is running at SNU A replica catalog (RC) LDAP server is running at SNU See the Korean EDG testbed description web site at and EDG web CE VOuser SE VOuser WN VOuser 디스크 NF S GSIFTP MAP on disk With maximum security grid-security NF S GSIFTP NF S GSIFTP NF S GSIFTP 빅 팻 디스크 Big Fat Disk GDMP server (with new VO) GDMP client (with new VO) GDMP client (with new VO) SNU SKKU KNU UI Real user RB In operation In preparation...... LDAP Server SNU

10 Authorization and grid-mapfile o=testbed, dc=edg, dc=org CN=Franz Elmer ou=People CN=John Smith mkgridmap grid-mapfile VO Directory “Authorization Directory” CN=Mario Rossi o=xyz, dc=edg, dc=org CN=Franz ElmerCN=John Smith Authentication Certificate ou=Peopleou=tb1ou=Admin local usersban list X.509 certs by CA CA published on LDAP Check Auth. dir and VO

11 LDAP Services for Korean HEP DG There are also the CMS and the CDF RC More Info: Auth LDAP LDAP for RB job CDF VO LDAP CMS VO LDAP

12 How to Use the EDG Testbed Certificate should be obtained Account on a UI must exist UI Commands Basic Globus Commands grid-proxy-init  To Access Resource Broker globus-url-copy ………………. EDG Commands(python) dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output dg-job-get-logging-info dg-job-id-info dg-job-list-match dg-job-status dg-job-submit More Info:

13 An Illustration of Job Submission UI JDL Logging & Book-keeping ResourceBroker Output “sandbox” Input “sandbox” Job Submission Service StorageElement ComputeElement Brokerinfo Output “sandbox” Input “sandbox”InformationService Job Status LFN->PFN Data Management Services Author. &Authen. Job Submit Job Query Job Status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output dg-job-get-logging-info dg-job-id-info dg-job-list-match dg-job-status dg-job-submit

14 Job Submission - UI Job submission command Job Id

15 Job Submission - RB Initial job submissionphase Job execution phase

16 Job Submission - JSS JSS Server Log JSS parsed

17 Job Submission - CondorG CondorG just located the resource (CE)

18 Job Submission – the CE=QUEUE

19 RB wuftpd WN pbs mom Job Submission – RB ftp+WN

20 GDMP:Datamanagement More Info:

21 How to use GDMP and RC? 1. Setup environment, e.g., EDG_VO=cms 2. Subscribe to other site’s SE gdmp_host_subscribe –S $SE1 –P $P1 –r $SE2 –p $P2 3. Create file(s) on SE by hand or by JDL (The file should belong tothe group $EDG_VO) 4. On UI, register the file locally gdmp_register_local_file -R -p /flatfiles/SE00/cms/dummy –S $SE –P $P –V $EDG_VO 5. On UI, publish the file and register it on the RC gdmp_publish_catalogue -V cms -C -L log_ID 6. On UI, replicate file if necessary (gsiftp+ldapadd) gdmp_replicate_get –r $SE –p $P –V $EDG_VO More Info:

22 Data Management using GDMP SE Subscription File Creation on SE Check File on SE Register and Publish Check catalog on se2 LDAP :RC for se1 Replicate from se1 to se2 LDAP: RC for se1 and se2 Check catalog on se1

23 Example Application of EDG Currently running Experiment Existing Resources Matter of adding ques and hacking : examples exist Some works are in progress to include the existing node as a WN for different VO’s within a testbed site CE VOuser SE VOuser WN VOuser 디스크 NF S GSIFTP MAP on disk With maximum security grid-security NF S GSIFTP NF S GSIFTP NF S GSIFTP 빅 팻 디스크 Big Fat Disk GDMP server (with new VO) GDMP client (with new VO) GDMP client (with new VO) EDG testbed at SNU UI Real user RB Que CDF Softwar e Que K2K Softwar e

24 At the moment, the EDG testbed is operated at EC EDG testbeds are constructed and working at KNU and SNU in Korea For Data Management, an LDAP for RC is constructed and the GDMP is used within Korea. This is working. The testbed is also operational between KNU and SNU A possible HEP application for currently running experiments is illustrated and we are moving toward that direction The EDG testbed will be constructed for other institutions in Korea New VO will be tested extensively for a few months Hopefully, we would like to learn other testbeds and test crossgrid functionalities Summary

25 Network to the world Europe CERN TEIN APII-TransPac 현해 US FNAL 10Mbps 45Mbps by the end of 2002 2Gbps ( soon ) 한 - 일 : 8Mbps 한 - 미 : 45Mbps

26 File transfer test on the network  parallel ftp used.  KNU – SNU : ~50Mbps (155Mbps)  KNU – SKKU : ~50Mbps (155Mbps)  SKKU – SNU : ~50Mbps (155Mbps)  CHEP – KEK : ~7Mbps (8Mbps)  CHEP – Fermilab : ~17 Mbps (45 Mbps)  CHEP – CERN : ~8Mbps (10Mbps)  FERMILAB – CERN : ~2Gbps ( DataTAG project of iVDGL )

27 File transfer test on the network (KNU-SKKU,SNU) file size for one ftp= 30MB

28 File transfer test on the network US-CERN DataTAG link test KNU-US ftp test

29 Plans  Route to Europe  1 st TEIN : 45Mbps from next year  2 nd : via USA Korea  FERMILAB  CERN % We will use Fermilab ’ s storage as buffer.  3 rd : via Japan and USA Korea  KEK  Fermilab  CERN 2Gbps >1Gbps 2 Gbps Participation to iVDGL anables 2 nd and 3 rd route.  Contribution : 2003 CMS summer production We will provide significant CPU power and storage.

30 Future bandwidth requirement on the network  Korea – Japan – USA Connection  for experiments in Japan ~ 400Mbps by 2006 ~ 650Mbps after 2006  CDF experiment ~40Mbps by 2004 ~230Mbps after 2004  CMS experiment ~800Mbps ( 1PB/year )  Including other traftic and Japan ’ s, at least 2Gbps required.  Should evaluate to Lambda (10Gbps) connection to USA, Japan, Europe

31 Future bandwidth requirement on the network 622 Mbps +10 Gbps

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