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CS 3724 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Section 2 CRN 11500 MW 2:30-3:45 126 McB.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 3724 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Section 2 CRN 11500 MW 2:30-3:45 126 McB."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 3724 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Section 2 CRN 11500 MW 2:30-3:45 126 McB

2 Where Are We? About 1/4 through the Semester  Scenario-Based Design  Read Chapters 1-5  Lectures/exercises on:  Team Building  Users, (Front-End) Requirements Analysis, and Ethnography  What is Design?  Where Do Ideas Come From?  Representations  Formative Evaluations  Information Visualization

3 Are We Meeting the Goals of Course ?  OFFICIAL VERSION  Survey of concepts, theory, and practice.  Interdisciplinary underpinnings.  Evaluation of computer-based technology.  User-oriented perspective: human (cognitive, social) and technological (i/o, interactions styles, devices).  Design guidelines, evaluation methods, participatory design, communication between users and system developers.  STEVE HARRISON’S VERSION  Learn that HCI topic is both wide and deep.  Design involves asking good questions  Convince some of you that HCI is phat / cool  Convince the rest of you that HCI expertise is needed in most computer projects

4 wHaT qUeStIoNs CoMe Up wHaT kInD oF dEsIgN iS “iNfOrMaTiOn ViSuAlIzAtIoN”? ArE tHeRe OtHeR KiNdS oF hCi DeSiGn? WhAt OtHeR mEtHoDs ArE uSeFuL tO kNoW? AnD jUsT wHeRe Is ThE InTeRfAcE?

5 Today’s Agenda  CS 3724 so far  Kinds of HCI Design  UE: Activity, Information, and Interaction  Experience, Narrative, and Genre  User-Centered  Speculative  Methods  Metaphor  Periscope  Role-playing  Design Review

6 Today’s Agenda  CS 3724 so far  Kinds of HCI Design  UE: Activity, Information, and Interaction  Experience, Narrative, and Genre  User-Centered  Speculative  Methods  Metaphor  Periscope  Role-playing  Design Review

7 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative UE: Highest level of abstraction Functionality Activity Design Scenarios Methods: Wizard of Oz Metaphor Persicope

8 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative UE: –Middle level of abstraction –Information theory –Presentation –Info Visualization Methods: –Graphic design –CogPsych lab experiments –Sketches of screens

9 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative UE: –Lowest level of abstraction –I/O –ergonomics Methods: –Mental models –Performance optimization (e.g. Fitt’s Law) –CogPsych lab experiments

10 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative Not In UE Used in: –Theme park rides –Immersive games Gestalt –“look and feel” –Crosses all UE Levels Methods: –storyboard

11 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative Not In UE Used in: –Games –Interactive fiction Literary/cinematic –Crosses all UE Levels –Scenarios users live in Methods: –Role-playing

12 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative Not In UE Used in: –New media –Exhibit design How is meaning communicated? –Crosses all UE Levels –What genres are possible? Methods: –Deconstruction –Persicope –Recombinant construction

13 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative Not In UE Used in: –Most HCI Think like a user –Crosses all UE Levels –Like SBD, but develops standards no scenarios Methods: –GOMS –Storyboards –Participatory

14 Some Kinds of Design  Activity  Information  Interaction  Experience  Narrative  Genre  User-centered  Speculative Not In UE Used in: –Quickly done products Come up with something unlike anything else –Crosses all UE Levels Methods: –Analogies from totally unrelated areas

15 Today’s Agenda  CS 3724 so far  Kinds of HCI Design  UE: Activity, Information, and Interaction  Experience, Narrative, and Genre  User-Centered  Heroic  Methods  Metaphor  Periscope  Role-playing  Design Review

16 wHaT wErE aLl ThOsE mEtHoDs AgAiN?  WiZaRd Of Oz  MeTaPhoR  pErSiCoPe  GrApHiC dEsIgN  CoGpSyCh LaB eXpErImEnTs  MeNtAl MoDeLs  PeRfOrMaNcE oPtImIzAtIoN  rOlE-pLaYiNg  DeCoNsTrUcTiOn  ReComBiNaNt CoNsTrUcTiOn  GoMs  StOrYbOaRdS  pArTiCiPaToRy  AnAlOgIeS fRoM tOtAlLy UnReLaTeD ArEaS

17 Methods we already know:  Brainstorming  Delphi planning method  Hierarchical task analysis  Morphological box  Wizard of Oz  Metaphor  Persicope  Graphic Design  CogPsych Lab Experiments  Mental Models  Performance Optimization  Role-playing  Deconstruction  Recombinant Construction  GOMS  Storyboards  Participatory  Analogies From Totally Unrelated Areas  Concept Selection  Design Review

18 Methods we don’t have time to learn right now:  Brainstorming  Delphi planning method  Hierarchical task analysis  Morphological box  Wizard of Oz  Metaphor  Persicope  Graphic Design  CogPsych Lab Experiments  Mental Models  Performance Optimization  Role-playing  Deconstruction  Recombinant Construction  GOMS  Storyboards  Participatory  Analogies From Totally Unrelated Areas  Concept Selection  Design Review

19 Methods we need to learn soon:  Brainstorming  Delphi planning method  Hierarchical task analysis  Morphological box  Wizard of Oz  Metaphor  Persicope  Graphic Design  CogPsych Lab Experiments  Mental Models  Performance Optimization  Role-playing  Deconstruction  Recombinant Construction  GOMS  Storyboards  Participatory  Analogies From Totally Unrelated Areas  Concept Selection  Design Review

20 Methods we’ll learn this week:  Brainstorming  Delphi planning method  Hierarchical task analysis  Morphological Box  Wizard of Oz  Metaphor  Persicope  Graphic Design  CogPsych Lab Experiments  Mental Models  Performance Optimization  Role-playing  Deconstruction  Recombinant Construction  GOMS  Storyboards  Participatory  Analogies From Totally Unrelated Areas  Concept Selection  Design Review

21 Role Playing  Very much like Wizard of Oz  Ideation / validation  Method:  Start with scenario  Act out interaction  Improvise  Use props

22 Metaphor  Ideation  Method:  Generate (I.e. brainstorm) analogs  Re-describe activity in scenario using metaphor  Develop representations based on metaphor  Do not confuse metaphor with what is being represented!

23 Periscope  Ideation / Validation  Can be used with morphological box and/or brainstorming  Method:  Come up with “good” ideas  Figure out what category they are in  Then figure out other ideas in same category (space)  Are they also “good” ideas?

24 Design Review  Validation, Analysis, Teaming  Like “claims” in SBD  The compliment to brainstorming  Form of reflection  Method:  Give alternative courses of action  Golden Rule: focus on idea  Articulate the position you coming from (that is, are you speaking as an expert, pretending to be the user, someone with a particular model of how the system works, etc.)

25 Today’s Agenda  CS 3724 so far  Kinds of HCI Design  UE: Activity, Information, and Interaction  Experience, Narrative, and Genre  User-Centered  Speuclative  Methods  Metaphor  Periscope  Role-playing  Design Review

26 For Wednesday:  Team 7: Hall of Fame / Hall of Shame  HW 3 (Visualization)  Complete UE Chapter 5  Next Lecture: “Where is the interface” with more methods For Next Week:  Monday:  Team 8: Hall of Fame / Hall of Shame  Complete UE Chapter 6  Wednesday:  Team Report 2 Due  Mid Term

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