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Research, Evaluation and Accountability Test Coordinator’s Training Series Preparing Your School’s CELLA Test Materials For Return On October 2, 2006 By.

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Presentation on theme: "Research, Evaluation and Accountability Test Coordinator’s Training Series Preparing Your School’s CELLA Test Materials For Return On October 2, 2006 By."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research, Evaluation and Accountability Test Coordinator’s Training Series Preparing Your School’s CELLA Test Materials For Return On October 2, 2006 By 4:00 pm

2 Materials Handling “TO BE SCORED”

3 Preparing To Return Test Materials All materials must be returned to ETS Organize your boxes: white Assemble all the white boxes brown Gather the brown boxes brown Locate the return shipping labels for the brown boxes that were included in your shipment Organize your completed answer documents by grade Locate your header sheets and the Materials Control Form

4 Header Sheets Grade Level Header Sheets Complete a Header Sheet for each grade tested within your school -One grade header will need to be filled out for each grade -Do not create a grade header sheet if there were no students in a particular grade Each grade header must be placed with the bundle of completed answer documents from the matching grade -This header acts as a separator sheet To complete the grade header sheet, follow the directions on the reverse side of the header sheet Note: Follow these directions when returning Special Accommodations

5 School Name ONLY 4 9 9 1 0 4 Osceola Sunshine Elementary Your Town, Florida 3 1 5 9 S U NS H I N E E LE M Ben Testin

6 Header Sheets School Level Header Sheet Complete a school header sheet whitePlace in white Box #1 with the completed answer documents Only one school header sheet is needed Take the totals from each grade header and add them up for the total number and write it on the school header sheet Note: Follow these directions when returning Special Accommodations

7 School Name ONLY Sunshine Elementary Your Town, Florida Osceola S U NS H I N E E LE M 4 9 9 1 0 4 4 7 9 Ben Testin

8 Materials Control Form The form is located at the end of the 2006 Test Administration Manual Directions can be found on the reverse side of the form white boxWhen completed, make a copy for your records, FAX (407.870.4957) a copy to Nereida and place the original in the number one white box, before returning to the district Seal the box



11 White Boxes  White boxes  White boxes are to be used to return all of the completed answer documents (answer sheets and Level A test books) White Box #1  After completing each grade header sheet, use it to group the answer documents by grade, and then place the school header sheet and the MATERIALS CONTROL FORM in the White Box #1

12 Materials Handling “NOT TO BE SCORED”

13 Damaged Answer Documents If an answer document is damaged either from the initial packaging of the documents or through handling during test administration: For example: torn, folded, marked by a pen, etc. The School Coordinator needs to transcribe all the information from the damaged answer document onto a new document brown The damaged answer document must be returned to ETS marked with a large “X” and returned in the brown boxes with the used materials

14 Damaged Answer Documents Damaged Answer Documents (Continued) If due to a student’s illness: The School Coordinator should attempt to transcribe the student’s responses onto a new answer document If unable to transcribe, make-up date within the testing window should be arranged

15 Brown Boxes  Gather all of your unused answer documents, Brown Box Brown Box (answer sheets and Level A test books) place them in the first Brown Box, and place the school header sheet for unused materials in the same Brown Box Brown Boxes  All other materials should be repacked in the remaining Brown Boxes

16 Header Sheets Unused Material Header School: -Complete a SCHOOL HEADER SHEET that identifies all answer documents (answer sheets and Level A test books) that were not used for testing -The number of unused materials will not need to be counted -Only one of these headers is needed brown box -Place in the first brown box of the unused answer documents brown boxes -Use the same brown boxes in which the materials arrived

17 School Name ONLY 4 9 9 1 0 4 Sunshine Elementary Your Town, Florida Osceola S U NS H I N E E LE M Ben Testin

18 White and Brown Boxes  Seal each box brown box  Place one pre-addressed return-shipping label on the outside of each brown box  Count the total number of boxes white boxes brown boxes  Begin numbering with the white boxes and include all the brown boxes on the outside of each box near the label  List both the box number and the total number of boxes; for example, 1 of 10, 2 of 10, through 10 of 10  Return all boxes to the District Coordinator

19 Large Print or Braille brown Use the oversized brown boxes in which the materials were originally sent to you and apply the pre-addressed shipping labels that have been provided. When packing the box, place the unused material on the bottom and any used material on the top. 1.Complete a CELLA Header Sheet for each grade level tested. Group the answer documents by grade level under the appropriate header sheet. (See instructions on the back side of the Header Sheet) 2.Complete a CELLA Header Sheet with the total number of answer documents being returned for scoring. Place it in the box. Only one header sheet is required. (See instructions on the back side of the Header Sheet) 3.Seal the box and place a pre-addressed return shipping label on the outside of the box. ALL boxes are to be sent by courier or personally delivered to the District Warehouse by Monday October 2, 2006.

20 District Coordinator Box These MUST be returned by 4 p.m. on Monday, October 9, 2006. √Any unused return Labels √ Record of Invalidations √ Record of Attendance √ Test Administration Security Log

21 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Florida CELLA Measuring today the progress of English Language Learners to ensure their success tomorrow

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