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Preview Warm Up California Standards Lesson Presentation.

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1 Preview Warm Up California Standards Lesson Presentation

2 1. Draw two points. Label one point A and the other point B.
Warm Up 1. Draw two points. Label one point A and the other point B. 2. Draw a line through points A and B. 3. Draw a ray with A as an endpoint and C as a point on the ray. 4. Name all the rays in your drawing. C AB, BA, and AC A B

3 Preparation for MG2.1 Identify angles as vertical, adjacent, complementary, or supplementary and provide descriptions of these terms. Also covered: Prep for MG2.3 California Standards

4 Vocabulary angle vertex acute angle right angle obtuse angle
straight angle

5 An angle is formed by two rays with a common endpoint, called the vertex. An angle can be named by its vertex or by its vertex and a point from each ray. The middle point in the name should always be the vertex. Angles are measured in degrees. Use the symbol ° to show degrees.

6 Additional Example 1: Measuring an Angle with a Protractor
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G H F Place the center point of the protractor on the vertex of the angle.

7 Additional Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G H F Place the protractor so that ray GH passes through the 0° mark.

8 Additional Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G H F Using the scale that starts with 0° along ray GH, read the measure where ray GF crosses.

9 Reading Math mFGH is read “the measure of angle FGH.”

10 Additional Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G H F The measure of FGH is 120°. Write this as mFGH = 120°.

11 Check It Out! Example 1 Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H Place the center point of the protractor on the vertex of the angle.

12 Check It Out! Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H Place the protractor so that ray HI passes through the 0° mark.

13 Check It Out! Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H Using the scale that starts with 0° along ray HI, read the measure where ray HG crosses.

14 Check It Out! Example 1 Continued
Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H The measure of GHI is 70°. Write this as mGHI = 70°.

15 Additional Example 2: Drawing an Angle with a Protractor
Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 80°. Draw a ray on a sheet of paper.

16 Additional Example 2 Continued
Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 80°. Place the center point of the protractor on the endpoint of the ray. Place the protractor so that the ray passes through the 0° mark.

17 Additional Example 2 Continued
Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 80°. Make a mark at 80° above the scale on the protractor. Use a straightedge to draw a ray from the endpoint of the first ray through the mark you made at 80°.

18 Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°.
Check It Out! Example 2 Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°. Draw a ray on a sheet of paper.

19 Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°.
Check It Out! Example 2 Continued Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°. Place the center point of the protractor on the endpoint of the ray. Place the protractor so that the ray passes through the 0° mark.

20 Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°.
Check It Out! Example 2 Continued Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 45°. Make a mark at 45° above the scale on the protractor. Use a straightedge to draw a ray from the endpoint of the first ray through the mark you made at 45°.

21 An acute angle measures less than 90°.
A right angle measures exactly 90°. Right angles are usually marked with a symbol. Reading Math

22 An obtuse angle measures more than 90° and less than 180°.
A straight angle measures exactly 180°.

23 Additional Example 3: Classifying Angles
Classify each angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight. A. B. The angle measures less than 90°, so it is an acute angle. The angle measures exactly 90°, so it is a right angle.

24 The angle measures less than 90°, so it is an acute angle.
Check It Out! Example 3 Classify each angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight. A. B. The angle measures less than 90°, so it is an acute angle. The angle measures exactly 180°, so it is a straight angle.

25 Additional Example 4: Application
A welder used this piece of metal on his project. Classify X, Y, and Z. X right The angle is marked as a right angle. Y obtuse The angle measures more than 90° and less than 180°. Z acute The angle measures less than 90°.

26 The angle measures more than 90° and less than 180°.
Check It Out! Example 4 A metal jeweler used this piece of metal on her project. Classify A, B, and D. A D B C A obtuse The angle measures more than 90° and less than 180°. B acute The angle measures less than 90°. D right The angle is marked as a right angle.

27 Lesson Quiz Use a protractor to draw an angle with the given measure. Tell what type of angle it is. 1. 140° 2. 20° 3. Draw a right angle. 4. Is the angle shown closer to 30° or 120°? Check student drawings; obtuse Check student drawings: acute 30°

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