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Connect Your Website Application Programming Interfaces.

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2 Connect Your Website Application Programming Interfaces

3 Learning Objectives Define Application Programming Interfaces (API) List the tradeoffs of using APIs Outline a use case for your website and a sample API e.g. Google Checkout

4 Navigation Next slide Previous slide Next module Previous module Main menu

5 Quiz 1.What is an Application Programming Interface? new programming language interface design of a website connects websites to other services or data 2.Which of these websites can be connected with an Application Programming Interface? blog social networking site email site photo site map site credit card site

6 Good job! 1.What is an Application Programming Interface? new programming language interface design of a website connects websites to other services or data 2.Which of these websites can be connected with an Application Programming Interface? blog social networking site email site photo site map site credit card site

7 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

8 Introductory Case Study Website EchoSign Application Programming Interface (API) AppExchange




12 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

13 Application Programming Interfaces History and types Examples Tradeoffs

14 History Code libraries Embedded e.g. video games Software Development Kit (SDK) AJAX Types Open Closed

15 Examples

16 Tradeoffs Pros Share services Often free Standardized Cons Outsourcing

17 Quiz 1.Which of the following technologies is popular for APIs on the internet today SOAP Ruby AJAX 2.Which of the following is a reason to use an API outsourcing share services often free standardized always SCORM compliant

18 Good Job! 1.Which of the following technologies is popular for APIs on the internet today SOAP Ruby AJAX 2.Which of the following is a reason to use an API outsourcing share services often free standardized always SCORM compliant

19 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

20 Meet

21 Example: 1. Sponsored Goals = 33% Mylinia sell advertising space on our community’s most viewed goals 2. Keywords = 33% Mylinia sell keywords like Google, except we only specialize in passions and problems. 3. Referral Revenue = 33% Mylinia earn 5-8% every time someone buys a book, movie, or song from Amazon after finding it on their site. Revenue Distribution

22 Example: …How we grow the pie? Example: Mylinia expects to make $3.00 per user per year, but… ?

23 + Google Checkout Opportunity Mylinia users can sell inspirational content that they create so they can make money doing what they love.

24 + Google Checkout Opportunity Mylinia users can sell inspirational content that they create so they can make money doing what they love. The End Game + = +

25 Quiz users cannot currently… Get and give advice Set goals with friends Sell things they create 2.Which of the following are’s current revenue streams keywords paid-search referrals monthly subscription sponsored goals

26 users cannot currently… Get and give advice Set goals with friends Sell things they create 2.Which of the following are’s current revenue streams keywords paid-search referrals monthly subscription sponsored goals Great Job!

27 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

28 Google Checkout Why Use It? Getting Started Types of Integration Comparing Integration Review

29 What is Google Checkout

30 Why Use Google Checkout?

31 Types of Integration Buy Now Buttons

32 Types of Integration Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners

33 Types of Integration Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API Level One

34 Types of Integration Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API Level One API Level Two

35 Comparing the types of integration Buy Now Buttons –Very small inventory, only one item per transaction

36 Comparing the types of integration Buy Now Buttons –Very small inventory, only one item per transaction eCommerce Partners –Your site is hosted by an eCommerce partner

37 Comparing the types of integration Buy Now Buttons –Very small inventory, only one item per transaction eCommerce Partners –Your site is hosted by an eCommerce partner API Level I –Small business that can manually review each sale, quick implementation

38 Comparing the types of integration Buy Now Buttons –Very small inventory, only one item per transaction eCommerce Partners –Your site is hosted by an eCommerce partner API Level I –Small business that can manually review each sale, quick implementation API Level II –Large business that needs to handle transactions automatically, longer implementation time

39 Quick Review 1.You site only sells a special promotion t-shirt. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API: Level 1 2.Your site currently conducts 500,000 transactions per day. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons API: Level I API: Level 2

40 Great job! 1.You site only sells a special promotion t-shirt. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API: Level 1 2.Your site currently conducts 500,000 transactions per day. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons API: Level I API: Level 2

41 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

42 Google Checkout + Mylinia Picking Integration Level Using Checkout Evaluating the Benefits

43 Picking Integration Level ?

44 Buy Now Buttons

45 Picking Integration Level Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners

46 Picking Integration Level Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API: Level II

47 Picking Integration Level Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API: Level I API: Level II

48 Using Checkout


50 Evaluating the Benefits Quick

51 Evaluating the Benefits Quick Easy and efficient

52 Evaluating the Benefits Quick Easy and efficient Secure from Fraud

53 Evaluating the Benefits Quick Easy and efficient Secure from Fraud Globally recognized and trusted

54 Quick Review 1.Which of the following are benefits of using Google Checkout? Globally recognized and trusted Safe and secure Guaranteed Shipping Easy and Efficient 2.True or False. When purchasing an item of Mylinia through Google Checkout you are transferred to Google hosted site? True False

55 Good Job! 1.Which of the following are benefits of using Google Checkout? Globally recognized and trusted Safe and secure Guaranteed Shipping Easy and Efficient 2.True or False. When purchasing an item of Mylinia through Google Checkout you are transferred to Google hosted site? True False

56 Main Menu 1.Introductory Case StudyIntroductory Case Study 2.Application Programming InterfacesApplication Programming Interfaces 4.Google CheckoutGoogle Checkout + Google + Google Checkout 6.SummarySummary

57  Introductory Case Study Introductory Case Study  Application Programming Interfaces Application Programming Interfaces   Google Checkout Google Checkout  + Google Checkout + Google Checkout

58 Final Exam 1.What is an Application Programming Interface? new programming language interface design of a website connects websites to other services or data 2.Which of these websites can be connected with an Application Programming Interface? blog social networking site email site photo site map site credit card site

59 Final Exam 3.Which of the following technologies is popular for APIs on the internet today SOAP Ruby AJAX 4.Which of the following is a reason to use an API outsourcing share services often free standardized always SCORM compliant

60 Final Exam users cannot currently… Get and give advice Set goals with friends Sell things they create 6.Which of the following are’s current revenue streams keywords paid-search referrals monthly subscription sponsored goals

61 Final Exam 7.You site only sells a special promotion t-shirt. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons eCommerce Partners API: Level 1 8.Your site currently conducts 500,000 transactions per day. Which integration would work best? Buy Now Buttons API: Level I API: Level 2

62 Final Exam 9.Which of the following are benefits of using Google Checkout? Globally recognized and trusted Safe and secure Guaranteed Shipping Easy and Efficient 10.True or False. When purchasing an item of Mylinia through Google Checkout you are transferred to Google hosted site? True False

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