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ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa PRESENTATION TO RPF –

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Presentation on theme: "ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa PRESENTATION TO RPF –"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa ASPASA Aggregate & Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa PRESENTATION TO RPF – MAY 2007 “ASPASA ISHE 18001 AUDIT ” Presented by: Nico Pienaar Director – Aspasa


3 BACKGROUND Domestic production of industry: 2006 (Actual) 20072008200920102011 Tons In millions 106114118120 119

4 Background Product Type: Concrete stone (26mm – 9.5mm) + Sand (natural andConcrete stone (26mm – 9.5mm) + Sand (natural and crushed) and specialist Roadstone constitutes about 65% crushed) and specialist Roadstone constitutes about 65% of demand. of demand. Balance is made up of layer works (G1 – G9) and railwayBalance is made up of layer works (G1 – G9) and railway ballast. ballast. Specialist products such as cubicle single – size products forSpecialist products such as cubicle single – size products for asphalt mixes are difficult to manufacture and create the asphalt mixes are difficult to manufacture and create the wrong impression of supply shortage. wrong impression of supply shortage. ** No shortage of aggregates.

5 Background Aggregate and sand supply challenges, sensitivities and dependencies Poor industry regulation: Too many quarries & poor industry standards vs First World. industry standards vs First World. Diminishing suitable natural sand reserves. Diminishing suitable natural sand reserves. Poor industry knowledge: Inaccurate stats and limited Poor industry knowledge: Inaccurate stats and limited understanding of challenges facing the industry. understanding of challenges facing the industry. Historical neglect of crushing plants coupled with Historical neglect of crushing plants coupled with increased demand for finer products, resulting in poor increased demand for finer products, resulting in poor plant efficiencies. plant efficiencies.


7 I S H E 18001 AUDIT Promoting Health and Safety in the Quarrying Industry Aspasa 18001 audit is a totally new Health and Safety Audit program. Has been developed by Aspasa internally. Aspasa believes fatalities & injuries on quarries in SA are preventable. New ISHE 18001 includes: – Risk Management at quarries, including risk assessment. – Safety, health and welfare of persons at the quarries. – Aspects of the working environment. – Matters related to high risk tasks.

8 I S H E AUDIT Audit goes beyond the requirements of legislation. Pro-active approach to safety @ quarries. All Aspasa’s members will be expected to undergo the Aspasa ISHE 18001 Audit. This year a GAP Analysis system. Cost effective system – cheap audit for a quarry. Aspasa sponsors. Big and small operations will benefit from this system. Recognition requested from DME.

9 ISHE AUDIT There are specific questions. Measures compliance. Gives instant results. Gives an action list to the operation to work from. Increase the awareness to members of legislation. Is a positive drive to improve health and safety. Raises the standards in the industry. Ensures uniformity in the industry. Addresses issues such as Silicosis and NIHL. Document available on the Aspasa website under Health and Safety - ISHE 18001. See


11 Thank you for listening!!! Contact details for Aspasa Telephone: (011) 498-7265 Fax: (011) 498-7269 P O Box 61809, Marshalltown, 2107 Web:

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