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Facebook Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.  WallPhotosFlairBoxesGuglielmoLogout View photos of Guglielmo (6) Send Guglielmo a message Poke message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.  WallPhotosFlairBoxesGuglielmoLogout View photos of Guglielmo (6) Send Guglielmo a message Poke message."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.  WallPhotosFlairBoxesGuglielmoLogout View photos of Guglielmo (6) Send Guglielmo a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Birthday: April 25, 1874 Political: Fascist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Bologna, Italy Friends Beatrice Charlie John Maria GioiaDegna Charlie Chaplin to Guglielmo Marconi You still alive? June 21, 1937 Guglielmo Marconi I feel I might be nearing the end of my very short life. June 19, 1937 Guglielmo Marconi First radio broadcast was launched today. I'm very glad my invention will improve many peoples lives. January 13, 1910 Guglielmo Marconi So I officially married Bezzi-Scali, the Countess of Rome :D June 15, 1927 Guglielmo Marconi The titanic sunk today. Let's all take a moment of silence to appreciate that I narrowly missed its voyage.. April 14, 1912 Guglielmo Marconi Who needs television. Not me. November 11, 1927

2 Personal Information facebook Guglielmo Marconi has invented the radio WallPhotosFlairBoxesGuglielmoLogout View photos of Guglielmo (6) Send Guglielmo a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Birthday: April 25, 1874 Political: Fascist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Bologna, Italy Photos Networks: Via Marconi Sex: Male Birthday: April 25, 1874 Hometown: Bologna, Italy Relationship Status: Married to Beatrice O’Brien Political Views: Fascist Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Inventing, Fathering. Interests: Radio's, Music. Favorite Music: Scott Joplin, George M, Cohan. Favorite Movies: Modern times, The Gold Rush, Favorite TV Shows: I don't like TV Favorite Books: Dracula, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums White House Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Phone Number: 011 39 051 3263 0691

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesGuglielmoLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Guglielmo 6 Photos JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 1 photo The Radio 3 photos Profile Pictures 2 photos Guglielmo has invented the radio.

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