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By Stephen Kennedy. One dark Autumn’s night, three children named Claire O’ Rourke, Saoirse Doyle and Stephen Hannan were walking in the woods. The moon.

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Presentation on theme: "By Stephen Kennedy. One dark Autumn’s night, three children named Claire O’ Rourke, Saoirse Doyle and Stephen Hannan were walking in the woods. The moon."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Stephen Kennedy

2 One dark Autumn’s night, three children named Claire O’ Rourke, Saoirse Doyle and Stephen Hannan were walking in the woods. The moon shone bright in the sky and the only thing to be heard was the crunching of colourful leaves and small branches.

3 . They came to a hesitation in the middle of the woods. It started to rain heavily and the sound of thunder was getting louder and louder. A stroke of lightning hit the sky and an old dilapidated house was now visible in the distance.

4 “Shelter, come on “shouted Stephen as he ran to the house with the others.

5 They ran until they finally arrived at the entrance. “Oh no. The door is bolted.” declared Stephen. They were getting wet so they ran to the back door and luckily the door wasn’t locked. They ran inside.

6 A gust of wind suddenly closed the door. A spooky, mysterious sound could be heard. It sounded like “Oooooooohhhhhh”. Then a white sheet came out of nowhere started to float around the room.

7 A few seconds later it changed direction and drew closer to them……… Meanwhile back in the community of Bodyke and Tuamgraney, Teresa Kelly, Joanne O’Rourke and Óg Doyle were worried about their children and thought they would be back home by now.

8 They met in the Cobblers Rest pub to organise a search party. Leah McNamara and Murielle Murphy took part in the search party because they knew the three friends. That night there was now sign of the children so the search ended for one night.

9 Back in the haunted house the trio chased the ghost with a stick. The ghost suddenly dropped to the ground as if it had fainted. They began to think about what had happened but they were too tired to think so they fell asleep.

10 “Its too heavy” said Claire. The three children tried with force and eventually it budged. They broke the window as planned and a sound like “Oooohhh” echoed through the house.

11 . They exited the house as quickly as they could. They all ran to the village as fast as they could. Suddenly Claire’s pocket started clattering. She checked her pocket.

12 The next morning the children woke up at eight o’clock. It was silent and not even a creak could be heard from the dilapidated house. They found a broken window in the old living room. They couldn’t escape through the hole in the door. They decided to break a window with a stone.

13 She found her mobile phone in her pocket. She turned it on and dialled her mothers number. Suddenly the ghost came chasing us and made creepy noises. Claire’s mother came to bring us all home.

14 . It was a dark morning and the sun was just rising. “DDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGG GGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Off went the alarm and it was all a dream. Stephen was puzzled. He got his coat and went to school.

15 He had gone to bed early and had forgotten to do his homework. He had planned to finish it at school. At break time he asked Lydia Keane did she know any information about a haunted house in Bodyke.

16 . Sadly she didn’t no any facts about the house. After school he did his homework and rang Claire and Saoirse. He asked them to meet him in the woods. They gathered together and played a game of hide and seek. A strong gust of wind blew the leaves around. It started to rain.

17 They ran to find shelter. A mysterious scream came from an ancient old house. They were very curious and entered the house…….. THE END

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